Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Yuan Tianhui is established, come to the extreme west again, and solve the qi of Tao

The arrival of Emperor Feitian made Shenluo Pirate's pupils shrink slightly.

But thinking that Madman Chu once suppressed the emperor family, although he was shocked, it seemed reasonable.

Di Feitian saw everyone present and was as shocked as Shenluo Pirates. He didn't expect Mad Man Chu to gather so many capable people.

Half of them are even nine kings.

He took a deep breath and walked to the last position to sit down.

He knew that behind Chu Kuangren was the unpredictable temple of destiny, and he was full of jealousy for the other party.

Coupled with the destiny, it is difficult for him to defy the Madman Chu.

"Everyone is here, so let's start the meeting."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"You should all be aware of the pattern of the Tianyuan universe. In order to cope with the changes in the future, Tian now wants to create an organization, and you are the veterans of this organization."

"I'm here to let you witness, and get to know each other by the way, so that you can take care of each other in the future."

Hearing this, Emperor Feitian just said indifferently: "Heavenly Sword, you can control me, but the ancient king of the emperor clan is about to return. My right to speak in the emperor clan will be much reduced. If you want to control the emperor clan through me, then only I'm afraid I will disappoint you."

Madman Chu didn't care too much when he heard this.

"Old kings, heh, if they don't go against the sky, heaven will not look for them, if not, heaven, don't mind making them regret returning in this era."

Di Feitian was silent for a moment when he heard the words. He didn't doubt the other party's words. There was the Temple of Destiny behind his back, holding a half-step Chaos Supreme Treasure Emperor's Hammer. In addition, Madman Chu was in a rapid growth period.

The future surpassing the ancient king is almost certain.

Then, everyone present got to know each other.

Di Feitian and Shen Luo Pirates counted silently, good fellows.

Five nine kings!

All are under the control of Madman Chu.

Nine kings dominate the future?

Both of them now only find this prediction a bit funny.

"Heavenly Sword, since you established this organization, you should always have a name." Shenluo Pirate asked curiously.

The others also looked at him.

Madman Chu thought about it. He didn't seem to have considered the name of the organization. He glanced at the round table in front of him, and his eyes lit up, "The so-called round sky place, call it the round sky meeting."

The others did not object to it.

"Heaven Sword claims to be the sky, this organization was created by you again, so it would be better to be called on behalf of the sky."


"Yuan Tianhui, then it's so decided."

At this point, under the leadership of the madman of Chu, Yuantian Society was established.

Including Chu Madman, ten veterans.

"Yuan Tianhui, and the Profound Sky Nine Stars of the Pangu Universe...This will be the key to my control of the two universes."

Madman Chu thought to himself.


In the Pangu universe.

Since the formation of Xuantian Jiuxing, Madman Chu has entered a state of retreat again, and his cultivation level has also successfully broken through to Hedao.

"It's not easy. After relying on the connection with the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu, I finally broke through to the realm of harmony."

"In addition, this body's unique green lotus power, excluding other hole cards, it is no longer weaker than the Heavenly Sword."

Madman Chu was very satisfied with his retreat this time.

After exit.

He patrolled the fairy world.

Almost all of the immortal world nowadays is under his control, and the people of the sky empire have also successively settled in the immortal world.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner.

this day.

Madman Chu came to the extreme west of the immortal world.

This is where Buddhism is.

And he came here on this trip only to take away one thing, that is the golden lotus, one of the four congenital lotuses!

The four lotus congenitals, he has refined the Karma Red Lotus, the black lotus that destroys the world, and the pure white lotus is in Yuzhi. It is the treasure left by the Queen Mother of the West. Yuzhi and him are friends, so he has no idea.

As for this merit, the Golden Lotus was used by Buddhism to suppress the Qi of Dao Ran, and this time, he came to solve the matter.

The Qi of Daoran, this is the source of the Great Tribulation in the Immortal Ancient Period, and the power that the Universe Dao deliberately lowered in order to restore itself.

These things stay in the Pangu universe, just like a time bomb. I don't know when it will explode.

In order to be able to fight Tianyuan Universe with peace of mind in the future, this time bomb must be dismantled as soon as possible.

The extreme west, in the glazed soil.

A golden lotus of great merit is suppressing the spirit of Lingshan Daoran.

And seeing the Xing Buddha and a group of Buddhist monks sitting on top of the golden lotus to suppress the Qi of Dao Ran, the Buddha's light is abundant, pure and holy and peaceful.

At this moment, Yun Lanfo walked in with Madman Chu.

The eminent monks were a little surprised.

"The fairy king is here, what do you do?"

"Resolve the road stained black!"

When this remark came out, everyone couldn't help but be a little surprised.

You know, this black qi has existed for many years, and for countless years, I don't know how many people want to solve it.

But no one succeeded.

Can Madman Chu do it?

Kuangren Chu didn't explain too much, and saw that he stepped forward, ignoring the Jinlian seal and directly entered Lingshan.

In an instant.

The Lingshan Middle Road was dyed with black qi as if they had sensed something, and they retreated one after another, and the Madman Chu looked like a scourge to them.

Daoran's Qi is rioting.

They crazily attacked the Jinlian seal.

But to no avail.

"Where do you want to go?"

Madman Chu gave a soft snort, and saw that suddenly there were Taoisms flying out of his body, interweaving in the void, forming a huge net of heaven and earth, covering all these Taoisms with black air.

"This is Dao Ze! The Immortal King has broken through the He Dao Realm!"

"Unexpectedly, he improved so fast."

People were a little surprised when they saw the **** buddha.

Immediately afterwards, they saw that those Taoist energy that was enveloped by the madman's Taoism were extremely restless.

It turned into some kind of hideous behemoth, madly impacting the Taoist rules, but all this was useless.

These Taoist energy has a great restraint and even corrosive effect on the Taoism practiced by the Pangu universe creatures.

But a pity.

Madman Chu's way does not exist in this universe.

He regards himself as his own way!

"Give me!"

Dao Ze's power flowed around, surrounded by all Dao dye energy and then quickly contracted, condensed into a black ball the size of a thumb.

This black ball was covered with the power of Madman Chu's Dao Ze, and then he was sucked into his body, and he actually used himself as a seal!

After the qi of Daoran disappeared, a large amount of aura grew in Lingshan, and the former Buddhist holy land of Lingshan gradually restored peace.

Seeing Xing Buddha, Yun Lan Buddha and others, they were extremely pleasantly surprised.

"Thanks to the fairy king!"

Seeing Xing Buddha bowed and saluted.

Not only did Lingshan return to normal, from now on, he would no longer have to suppress the Qi of Dao Ran, and he also regained his freedom.

"I have great use for this meritorious golden lotus. I want to take it away. I don't know what conditions you have?" Chu Madman said lightly.

"The fairy king is polite. This golden lotus was originally used to suppress the Qi of Dao Ran. Now that the Qi of Dao Ran has been removed, it will be given to the Immortal King."

Seeing the Buddha with a smile.

In fact, if Madman Chu wants to take it by force, there is no way to see the Xing Buddha and Yun Lan Buddha in this immortal world.

Simply push the boat smoothly and have a good relationship with the madman of Chu.

"Oh, then I'm not welcome."

Madman Chu took away the golden lotus, and then casually asked Yun Lanfo, "By the way, I don't know where the quartz is now?"

"Some time ago, she just went to the void battlefield."

"Oh, is it already in action?"

Madman Chu whispered.

Then, instead of staying in the extreme west for a long time, he went to the rest of the fairy world to continue to absorb the qi of Dao dye, using his own way as a seal, and block these qi of Dao dye in his body one by one.


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