Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Coming to the soul forbidden zone again, 1 person remembers 1 person learns

The Qi of Daoran was handed down in the ancient times, and was suppressed in various places by various powers.

As far as the Immortal Realm is concerned, there are two known seals of Daoran Qi, that is, the land of Lingshan, and the other is the Nether Blood Sea.

In the old days, the ancestors of the Styx placed a ban in the sea of ​​blood, causing the entire sea of ​​blood to drift in the space of the fairy world.

One of the entrances and exits, there is the Qi of Daoran.

Madman Chu went to the sea of ​​blood, following the method, and completely absorbed the Taoist energy contained in it.

In the end, he returned to the imperial palace to gain insight into this dye.

In the imperial palace.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged, the power of the Tao flowed through his body, and there were two dark beads looming in his body.

What's sealed in this is the Qi of Dao Ran.

After some comprehension, the Madman Chu felt a familiar power from this dyed air...the power of the great road!

"This black qi is a killing and robbery that the avenue lowered in order to restore its own strength. It contains the power of the avenue, but it is normal. No wonder it can infect the cultivator's way."

"Does it infect the Tao of the living beings, and then absorb their power to restore itself? The Tao is really ruthless."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

It's just that Dadao doesn't have any emotions, it's like a machine, and everything it does is to keep the machine running.

In fact, the avenue and the creatures are mutually complementary.

Dadao breeds everything.

And the power of all things can also promote the power of the Dao to some extent, but all of this is under the premise that it cannot be controlled by the Dao, otherwise it will attract the Dao to target.

For example, the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

The prerequisite for the peaceful coexistence of the avenue and all creatures is that the avenue can function normally. Once it is abnormal, it will be a catastrophe.

"If you want to completely eradicate the qi of Taoism, you must first repair the avenue, otherwise, even if all the qi of Taoism is absorbed, it will continue to breed after a while." Madman Chu thought to himself.

He thought of Dao Ancestor, the other party is the existence of Immortal Ancient Era, the pioneer of this immortal Dao, maybe he has any way to do it.

Thinking of this, Madman Chu planned to find the other party to find out.

However, before leaving the immortal world, he wanted to clear away the Taoist energy of the immortal world, who knows when these things will erupt.

After sealing the two Daoran Qi, Madman Chu felt that he had some kind of faint feeling towards Daoran Qi.

In addition to the control of the immortal world, he soon locked the third Daoran Qi seal land within the immortal world.

He is no stranger to this place.

It was actually in the soul forbidden zone!


Madman Chu is somewhat interested in this soul forbidden zone. After all, Madman Chu is only one step away from breaking through the chaos realm of the soul. It may be helpful to learn more about the soul.

As for the way of the soul, Tianyuan Universe is the first Pluto clan, and Pangu Universe is the soul forbidden zone.

This time I went to the soul forbidden area, in addition to absorbing the energy of Dao dye, perhaps it was able to understand some of the mysteries of the soul of the road.

He is connected with the madman of Tianjian Chu.

Enlightenment by oneself is equivalent to enlightenment by the other party.

Do what you want.


The soul is outside the restricted area.

Numerous prohibitions surround this, and outsiders are prohibited from entering. As the most dangerous place in the Pangu universe, even if the existence of Dzogchen Daluo enters here, it is estimated to be a life of nine deaths.

But to the Madman Chu, it is now flat on the ground.

In his opinion, the four-week ban is optional.


At this time, a big Luo in the soul forbidden zone discovered the existence of the Madman Chu, gave a cold shout, and rushed out suddenly.

The great Luowei pressure spread out and locked the Madman Chu.

Madman Chu glanced at him with an indifferent expression, but this look made him feel like an ice pit, cold all over his body!

"Yes, Madman Chu!"

This Ronaldo's face changed uncertainly.

what happened?

Why did the other party come to the soul forbidden zone? They did have grudges with Madman Chu. Is the other party here to destroy them?

If this is the case, they will definitely not be able to stop it.

"You should call me the fairy king!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

After the words fell, his body was slightly shaken, and an extremely terrifying power of the fairy king burst out, and the pressure of the fairy king swept through the entire soul forbidden area.

Everyone feels it.

In an instant, all the strong in the restricted area rushed out, looking at Madman Chu, his face changed, and his heart was a little bit apprehensive.

They were also afraid that Madman Chu was coming to trouble them.

"The Immortal King, I don't know what happened when I came here for this trip?" The Pulse Master of the Blue Ocean Line in the Soul Forbidden Zone took a deep breath and said.

"I need some spiritual practice, so I came to you to check the information, okay?"

Madman Chu asked lightly.

But the immortal king's coercion on him hasn't restrained in the slightest.

Some soul monks on the ground couldn't help trembling all over.

The Blue Ocean Vessel sighed helplessly.

What is it?

Madman Chu was asking them the right to choose, but it was out of their hands from the beginning to the end, and they had no ability to refuse.

"Since it is what the fairy king wants, I will wait for nature to cooperate fully."


Madman Chu was very satisfied with the other's attitude.

"Can the soul be there?"

Madman Chu suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Soul Supreme is on the battlefield of the void. Last time she and Lei Yinfo and others participated in the battle between you and the fairy court, and were sent to the battlefield of the void by the ancestor of Tao. You will not forget about this."

Lan Hai Mai said quietly.

"Oh, don't you tell me, I almost forgot."

Madman Chu said.

The people in the soul forbidden zone twitched their mouths when they heard this. They suspected that the other party had deliberately said this to disgust them The fairy king is so forgettable. "

Then, the Madman Chu came to the library in the soul forbidden area and began to comprehend the thousands of practices recorded here.

With his understanding, learning these practices is almost a matter of hand, not to mention, he doesn't need to master them thoroughly.

Just write it down.

As for the mastery, just leave it to the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu.

Several years passed.

In the past few years, he has almost read the hundreds of millions of books in the soul forbidden area, and the amount of work is amazing.

Far away in Tianyuan Universe.

The madman of Tianjian Chu rubbed his eyebrows, "This guy, he just remembers, but it's me who is studying and enlightening."

Fortunately, he has Heavenly Soul and Earth Soul here, as well as Xiao Ai, a right-hand man. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will really cause a headache.

That being said.

It still took him a lot of effort.

But the harvest is not small.

In the past, the Soul Chaos Realm was just a vague concept for him, but now, this concept is getting clearer and clearer.

There are also specific guidelines for practice.

In addition, he can enter and leave the universe chaos at any time, he is already 80 to 90% sure that he can break through the chaos of the soul within a thousand years.

If there are other assistance, this process will be shorter.

Except besides.

He also learned a lot of practices in the soul forbidden zone.

Among them, there is even an attack method that is not weaker than the soul purple **** clock, which greatly compensates for his tyrannical soul, but the shortcomings of lack of attack methods, so that he has one more hole card.

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