Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : The ambition of the soul forbidden zone, the soul is materialized, goodbye to Daozu

Pangu universe, soul forbidden zone.

Madman Chu spent several years, finally showing the hundreds of millions of books in the soul forbidden area, and sent his brain to Heavenly Sword Madman Chu. If other people accept such a large-scale mysterious method and memory in such a short period of time, The head must be exploded.

But Madman Chu didn't worry about this problem at all.

"Heavenly Sword, you are me, how can you let me down?"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.

Shortly after.

He walked out of the library in the soul forbidden area and walked towards the depths of the forbidden area, and his actions naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the forbidden area.

"What does he want to do?"

"That direction is...Is it, bad!"

Master Lan Haimai's expression changed, and he followed closely.


Madman Chu came to a cave deep in the restricted area, and countless mysterious runes circulated around the cave.

The Madman Chu, who has seen hundreds of millions of books in the library, can naturally see that these restrictions are the most powerful and powerful restrictions in the restricted area.

If you want to set up this kind of restriction, the worst cultivation base has to be a harmony.

In other words, there is at least one Hedao in this cave.

Madman Chu was not surprised at this point.

The soul forbidden zone is the top force in the Pangu universe. If there is only one Hedao, it is hard to believe.

There are several Hedao hidden in Xian Ting.

"The fairy king, why are you here?"

Lan Haimai rushed over and asked cautiously.

Madman Chu ignored her, but looked at the cave and said, "Since I'm here, won't you come out to pick you up?!"

With a flick of his sleeves, the majestic Immortal King's coercion flowed out!


The entire cave was shaken.

"It's the old man who has missed far to welcome it."

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw an old man with a thin face and bones slowly walking out of the cave, and bowing slightly to the Madman Chu.

"What's in the cave, is it fun?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The old man's face changed slightly, and then he pretended to be calm and said: "The old man doesn't know what the fairy king means."

"Oh, the soul is materialized, and the soul is dyed."

The words of Madman Chu shocked the old man's body, staring at Madman Chu with an incredible color in his eyes.

"Do I need to be more obvious?"

Madman Chu said again.

"You actually understand this!"

The essence of the soul is the highest goal that the restricted zone has been pursuing. No matter how strong the soul is, it is still just the soul.

Need to rely on the physical body to exist.

What the soul forbidden zone wants to achieve is to abandon the body and survive in this world in a pure soul state.

This is undoubtedly a very grand idea.

The soul forbidden zone has been pursuing for countless years, but unfortunately it still did not succeed, until they discovered the Qi of Daoran.

Their courage is so ridiculous that they actually want to extract the power of the Great Dao in the Qi of Daoran to realize the essence of their soul. The power of the Great Dao can be said to be the strongest and most mysterious power in the universe.

The soul forbidden zone has been studied for countless years.

"The soul in your body has been almost eroded by the Qi of Daoran, and this decadent body is about to come to an end."

Madman Chu looked at the skinny old man and said.

Through the hundreds of millions of books in the library, he learned about the substance of the soul and the experiment done by the other party.

The idea is very beautiful.

It's a pity that the reality is cruel.

Even if the soul forbidden area has been studied for countless years, there is no gain.

The divine king in front of him is experimenting with himself, trying to forcibly absorb the energy of Dao Ran for his own use, but he gradually leads to the end.

It was evident from the silence of the other party's expression without a word.

"A delusion to steal the power of the Dao, you can be arrogant."

Madman Chu snorted softly.

Then, he walked towards the skinny old man, circling in his own way, blocking the world in the blink of an eye.

"What?! You broke through Hedao!"

The complexion of Lan Haimai master changed.

The skinny old man was also on guard in an instant.

He discovered that the moment the madman Chu's Tao appeared, the Taoist energy in his body was actually agitated for it.

It seems to be in fear!

He has studied the Qi of Daoran for so many years and has never seen such an abnormality in the Qi of Daoran. What is going on?

"You better not resist."

Madman Chu said lightly.

His whole body turned into a chain to bind the old man.

The other party hesitated for a while, but he really didn't resist. The abnormality of Dao Ran's aura made him too curious.

He wanted to see what was going on.

Madman Chu caught the old man in front of him, and then there was a strong suction burst between his hands.

Swallowing the gods of the gods to display!

This method of seizing the Dao specifically used to deal with the Stars and Heavenly Dao, and then used to deal with the Qi of Dao Ran, has a certain miraculous effect.

Soon, a large amount of black energy gushed out from the old man, bound by Dao Ze, and sucked into his body one by one by Madman Chu.

The old man felt like he had moved away from a mountain that had been pressing on him, and he felt more relaxed than ever before.


At this time, inside the cave, black air was boiling.

That is the Daoran Qi in the cave, after sensing the arrival of Madman Chu, he wanted to leave, but was bound by the restriction in the cave.

"Open the ban and let me in."

Madman Chu said lightly.

After seeing his abilities, the old man no longer doubted.

The prohibition is turned on.

The power of Chu Kuang's humanity is surging.

After a while, the remaining Taoist energy was sealed into the body.

"Rather than studying the essence of the unreachable soul here, and wasting this body's fitness for cultivation, it is better to go to the void battlefield."

Madman Chu said lightly.

After speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at the back of him leaving, the old man's eyes were a little lonely.

The things that had been studied for a lifetime were taken away by the madman of Chu, but UU reading www.uukánshu. com, but he has no blame.

Because he knows that he can't control that thing.

Madman Chu did this, but he saved his life.

"I spent countless years researching something that I couldn't grasp, but it was easily handled by others, Immortal King, where exactly do you exist?"

The old man couldn't help sighing.

Then, he glanced at the cave behind him, and said to the Blue Ocean Vessel Master: "The soul forbidden area is left to you. Next, I'm going to the Void Battlefield. This old bone, it's time to move."

"Yes, ancestor."

Lan Haimai said respectfully.


After resolving several Daoran qi in the immortal world, Madman Chu left the immortal world and went to search for Dao ancestors.

Still at the ancient star where they met last time, Dao Ancestor sat cross-legged in the sky above the ancient star, surrounded by countless paths.

Dao Zu was a little surprised when he saw Madman Chu coming, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Congratulations, fellow Daoist."

"Oh, it's just a small breakthrough."

Madman Chu was not too proud of breaking through Hedao.

He said lightly: "Tao Ancestor, I came to you this time to ask you something about the Qi of Dao Ran."

Daozu's expression groaned for a while, and then he said lightly: "I probably already know what you are coming from."

As he said, he pointed a finger at Madman Chu.

A strand of immortal consciousness entered his body and turned into countless information, and part of the information was obscured.

Madman Chu is temporarily unable to know, as for the other part of the information, it is about the seal of Daoran's Qi.

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