Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Daozu’s abnormality, the Qi of Daoran is missing

"After the Ancient Era, many great powers kept the remnant soul and waited for the opportunity to reincarnate, while some of the Taoist energy was combined with or suppressed or sealed by some new born after the Ancient Era..."

"About these sealed lands, I have passed it to you. Your Tao does not exist in this universe. It is the nemesis of these Taoist energy. Now you are in harmony. No one can deal with them except you."

"This matter has troubled fellow daoists."

"As for the other part of the information I left you, if everything goes well, it won't take long for you to be clear."

Dao Zu said lightly.

Kuangren Chu pondered for a while, and then asked, "If the cosmic avenue is not repaired, these dao-tainted auras will make a comeback. I want to ask if there is a remedy?"

"Friends of Taoism don't need to worry, just leave it to me."

Dao Ancestor smiled.

Madman Chu glanced at him deeply, and then asked, "One more thing, how about Wu Regret's battle with Tianyuan Universe?"

The battle between No Regrets and the three Hunyuans of Tianyuan Universe is still going on, and this process is even more unclear to outsiders.

The only thing that might know is probably Daozu.

"You don't need to worry about Daoists. No regrets. Daoists are extraordinary. Even in the face of the three major chaos, they have the power to protect themselves."

"Is it just self-protection?"

Chu Kuangren frowned slightly, but self-protection wasn't enough.

That's it.

The battle of Hunyuan is not something I can intervene now.

It is useless to think too much.

The big deal, if Pangu Universe is really unable to return to the sky, I will take other people directly into my portable universe.

When the time comes, see who can get him.

Of course, this is a last resort.

It's not yet time to admit defeat.

"I'm going to solve the qi of Daoran first."

Madman Chu said.

"Daoist, I have to work hard for you in the future." Dao Zu said, looking at Madman Chu with a trace of hope and a trace of guilt in his eyes.

Even a little distressed.

Madman Chu shuddered, "Don't look at me with that look."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Looking at his leaving back, Dao Zu sighed quietly, "It's embarrassing for him to carry such a big burden by a child."

"But now, Sanqing and other reincarnations have not yet grown up, and no regrets Daoist friends have been constrained by the three great Hunyuan, and I will also take on my mission. As for the ancient harmony, it is embarrassing to bear this task."

"You are the only fellow Taoist Chu..."


Madman Chu's figure turned into a stream of light, flying across the starry sky.

Thinking back to the conversation with Daozu just now, I always felt weird, as if the other party was telling him about the funeral.

It's really strange.

Could it be that something is going to happen to the other party?

its not right.

Although the opponent is a remnant soul, its power is still not to be underestimated, it can be said that it is second only to Hunyuan.

In the entire Pangu universe, who won him?

Is it from Tianyuan Universe?

But the three big players are all restrained by no regrets, and the madman of Tianjian Chu hasn't heard of any big moves recently.

But where does this lingering weirdness come from?

And what is the piece of information that the other party left for you?

Speaking of.

After the reincarnation of Samsara, the great powers of the ancient times such as Sanqing, Styx, Xiwangmu, and Nuwa have been reincarnated one after another.

Only Taoist ancestors still have not reincarnated.

Does the other party have any plans?

Madman Chu had too many thoughts in his mind.

She keeps cutting, and the rationale is still chaotic.

"These so-called great abilities are a mystery, and they are often only half-talked. Clouds cover the mist, and they always make people guess."

Madman Chu curled his lips and decided to ignore it.

According to the information given by the ancestor Dao, he went to some of the seals of Dao dyed energy and absorbed those Dao dyed energy one by one.

These Taoist energy, like some of the more important ones, were personally suppressed and guarded by some powerful people.

The weaker ones are just seals.

In an ancient star.

A strong man in harmony bowed slightly to the madman in Chu.

"There is Immortal King Lao to solve these Taoist anger."

This person's name calls Yunzhongyue, and he has been in harmony with Yunlan Buddha and seeing the **** buddha for an era. At the same time, like seeing the **** buddha, he has suppressed the qi of Taoism for countless years, and today is finally restored to freedom.

"You are polite, but you have worked hard, Fellow Daoist."

For these people, Madman Chu still has some admiration.

Not everyone can endure tens of thousands of years of loneliness for the sake of the universe's souls. Instead of being the Chu Madman himself, he asked himself if he couldn't do it.

These people are the real mainstays of the Pangu universe!

"Ha, if there are more rising stars like Immortal Kings in Pangu Universe, we old guys, why can't we sit back and relax?"

Yun Zhongyue laughed.

Then, he looked at the sky in the distance, "Well, I'm going to the Void Battlefield next, and I will meet the **** king of Tianyuan Universe. I heard that they have a rising star called Tianjian, which is very powerful. , I will kill this threat."

Madman Chu heard this, with a smile on his face a little embarrassed, "That person is indeed quite powerful. He is the only enemy I have seen in my life. If it is possible, I would like to spend a while with him and defeat him with my own hands."

"It looks like an extraordinary person to be so praised by the fairy king!"

After Yun Zhongyue finished speaking, the figure disappeared in a flash.

Madman Chu smiled helplessly.

"It seems that I am a bit dangerous. The people of Pangu Universe can't wait to get rid of me, and the people of Tianyuan Universe also want to kill me?"

"Am I an enemy of the two universes?"

That being said.

This scene has reached this stage, and can only continue, just see, who can have the last laugh on this stage!

Madman Chu swept towards the next sealed land of Daoran Qi.

It's just that this time he rushed to the air.

The seal of Daoran's Qi has been destroyed, and the Daoran's Qi inside has also disappeared. UU reading www.

"Has the seal been broken?"


Madman Chu narrowed his eyes, and under careful observation, he found that the seal did not break through from the inside to the outside, but from the outside.

In other words, someone broke the seal!

"This seal is set by the Dao Realm, and most people in the universe who can break it know the danger of Dao Ran's Qi. Who would do that?"

Madman Chu thought.

His fairy knowledge surged, covering dozens of galaxies in a radius.

Did not see the trace of Daoran's Qi.

He moved down to a sealed land of Daoran Qi and found that any Daoran Qi that was guarded by someone was fine.

But for those who are not guarded, but sealed, a large part of the Taoist Qi has been artificially destroyed.

"Is it to select the unguarded Dao-Ren Chi, for fear of being discovered? But many Dao-Ran Chi seals have been destroyed, and I have not heard of anyone who has been infected by Dao-Ran Chi."

"Well... there is only one reason. Those people who have destroyed the seal of Daoran's Qi have collected the Daoran's Qi, and this has not caused the Daoran's Qi to affect others. What is their purpose?"

Madman Chu was lost in thought.

Dao dyed air contains the power of the great avenue, and there are not a few people who want to take risks and extract the power of the great avenue.

For example, the soul restricted area before.

At this moment, Madman Chu had no idea.

"Forget it, now there is the last seal, go and see." Madman Chu whispered.

This last seal is... Zombie Forbidden Zone!

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