Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : The most Dao dyed energy, the power of the ministers, 4 blood treasures...

"This legend has been around for a long time, and I don't know whether it's true or not."

The female ghost shook her head and smiled.


Madman Chu didn't ask much.

Soon, there was news from the Lord of the Droughts, saying that the seal in the depths of the zombie forbidden zone had been almost unraveled.

You can go to absorb the breath of Taoism.

"There has been a reception for a working girl in the past few days, so I will leave first."

Madman Chu smiled.

The female ghost looked at his leaving back, and sighed faintly, "It's really a man who is incomprehensible. This heart is like a stone."

These days, she seduce each other if nothing.

The other party turned a blind eye.

Too angry.

Don’t you have enough charm?

The female Yun took out a mirror and looked at her beautiful figure and beautiful face, "It looks pretty."

at this time.

A dry man appeared next to the female man, and looked at the female man who had been scratching her head in front of the mirror, and she coughed twice.

The female ghost put away the mirror, "What's the matter?"

"Female ghost, please have the minister in line."

"Oh, what are they looking for me for?"

The female ghost was a little confused, and then frowned, "Is it because I want to discuss the marriage again? It's really annoying."

The Jiangchen line is in a weak position in the zombie exclusion zone.

They have always wanted to unite with Han Yan and strengthen their own strength, but the female Yan herself has never agreed.

"Fine, go see you for the last time."

The female ghost said indifferently.


the other side.

The depths of the zombie forbidden zone.

Madman Chu came here and saw a huge mountain, and under the mountain, there was a surging black air surrounding him.

And on the top of the mountain, sit still alone.

A body of corpse energy, powerful and powerful, suppressing the black energy at the bottom of the mountain.

"This person is the supreme of my penalty zone, the master of the winning line!"

The drought and the veins said lightly.

The Ying Goumai master on the mountain also noticed the arrival of Madman Chu, opened his eyes, and looked at him, "The fairy king is coming here, but it is a pity that I suppress this place and cannot get up to meet you. Please forgive me."

"It's okay."

Madman Chu looked at the Daoran Qi at the bottom of the mountain. The Daoran Qi here was the most he had seen these days. With his ability, it would take some time to completely seal him in his body.

And also need the assistance of the master and slave of Ying Goumai.

On this point, the other party has no objection.

"This tainted air is the source of the catastrophe. I suppressed it for a long time, and I don't care about this time. Let's start."

Ying Goumai said.

The Lord of Droughty Mai looked at him and decided to protect the law for the two of them.

Time goes by.

A few days passed, and just today, outside the seal, there was an embarrassed figure who came suddenly, but it was a female ghost.

At this time, she was dying, her face was pale, and the dry fire in her body was even more depleted, as if she had been drained.

Upon seeing the drought and the veins, his face changed.

"Female ghost, how did you become like this?"

"The master of the veins is the line of the generals, the line of the generals, and they privately collect the blood of the four-veined zombies, they are refining the four-blood treasure pill!"

The female Yun's aura was wilting, and she took the minister's line to refine the treasure pill, designed to take her blood and draw her real fire, and she managed to escape back alive under the cover of several drought elders who sacrificed their lives.

Hearing this, the main face of Droughty Maiden sank.

"They are so bold!"

The Four Blood Pill is a long-lived rumor in the zombie restricted zone.

It is said that the four veins of the zombies each have a part of the power of the wild beast king J. If they can be combined together, they can obtain the power of J, surpass the zombies, and become a prehistoric ancient god-level existence.

The Four Blood Pill is the way to integrate the power of the four zombies.

But to refine the Four-Blood Pill, a large number of zombies' essence and blood in the four veins are required, and it is not known whether the refinement can be successful.

So the Four Blood Pill has always been a taboo in the restricted area.

Unexpectedly, the generals dared to take risks and risked the forbidden area to refine this thing, which made the Lord of the Droughts and Veins angered.

boom! !

at this time.

In the depths of the zombie forbidden area, an incomparably terrifying aura rose to the sky accompanied by endless flames, shaking the entire forbidden area.

That is the direction of Jiang Chen's line.

"Haha, it succeeded! I finally succeeded!"

Jiang Chen's line.

In the endless flames, the ministerial master slowly walked out, and the aura on his body was full of destructive power.

Although he still doesn't have the same way.

But the strength in the body is not inferior at all.

All the zombies in the restricted area looked at the generals, their bodies trembling, and their blood pulse was agitated, seeming to be in fear.

"Is this the power of the Four-Blood Pill? It's not in vain that I have planned for many years and finally succeeded. Next..."

Looking into the depths of the forbidden area, where the seal of Daoran's Qi is, two ferocious fangs emerge from the corners of his mouth.

"Chu Kuangren, your precious blood can't be wasted. If you have your precious blood, plus the four-blood treasure pill, I will be even more powerful, even if I win the Goumai master, I will be able to defeat it! "

Jiang Chenmai master was heart-moving, as if he had already seen the scene of himself dominating the entire restricted area, stepped out one step, and swept towards the sealed ground.

"It's time for us to rejuvenate the line of ministers!"

"Yes, we have been squeezed by the other three pulses for so many years, and now we can finally exhale."

"Follow the pulse master and dominate the restricted area!"

The zombies of Jiang Chen's line seemed to have been beaten with blood, and they were extremely excited, and followed them to the seal land.

Wherever he went, there was a mess.

The entire restricted area is completely messed up.

And in the sealed land.

The Lord of the Drought Vessel sensed the approach of the Lord of the Subject Vessel, and the real fire of Drought Vessel circulated all over his body, and the scorching breath turned the area into red land.

But his eyes were extremely cold.


The majestic breath has already arrived.

The Lord of the Minister looked at the Lord of the Droughts indifferently, "Are you sure the Lord of the Drss of Drought will be my enemy?!"

"The master of the ministers, the Four Blood Pills are forbidden to be refined by the restricted area. You have violated the rules of the restricted area, and you are against the entire restricted area! You dare to hurt the female man, you are not guilty of it. Excuse me!"

"It's ridiculous! The power of the Four Blood Pill is so powerful, but you are afraid of a little sacrifice and list it as a taboo. With such a stupid and stale idea, it is no wonder that the zombie forbidden zone has not been able to go further for so many years. Only me, dare to do it. What you dare not do!"

"Only I am worthy to lead the entire restricted area to a more glorious future. The Lord of the Droughts and Veins is now surrendered to me. Since you are also a zombie, I can retain your position as the Lord of the Veins."

Jiang Chenmai said coldly.

Now he has unprecedented confidence.

In the past, when he faced the other three pulse masters, he was always weaker because of his cultivation, but now it is different.

He has risen!

He wants to find all the face he lost in front of the opponent before, and he wants the opponent to surrender to his feet!

"Hmph, the chief minister, you are inciting civil strife!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a man with an unknown breath coming slowly, and the other party was the master of the line of Houqing.

"This is not a civil strife, this is a revolution! And revolution is always accompanied by bloodshed, come on, let you see how strong I am after transformation!"

He waved his sleeves, his eyes turned red, and there was a terrifying corpse qi boiling all over his body.

Between raising his hands, the real fire circulated.

The four-blood treasure pill actually made him master the abilities of the other three-veined zombies!

The face of the master of the Houqing pulse, the master of the drought of the veins became particularly dignified.

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