Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Win the goumai master to make a move, the more you fight, the more fierce the gener

The depths of the zombie forbidden zone.

Madman Chu was absorbing the energy of Dao Ran. At this time, he sensed the terrifying wave from outside, and his eyes flashed slightly.

"It seems that the zombie exclusion zone is not monolithic."

He looked at Ying Goumai with a faint smile.

Hearing his words, the other party looked indifferent, "Let the fairy king laugh. No matter which race or force, there will always be some self-righteous black sheep. Human race should have a deep understanding of this."

"Oh, indeed."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

outside world.

The master of the minister and the master of the drought, the master of the Houqing, have already fought fiercely together, and the powerful corpse energy is overwhelming the sky over the restricted area.

The zombies were shocked.

"The master of the minister... is so strong!"

"His strength has actually been raised to this point!"

"Four Blood Pill, it is really scary."

Especially the monks of the generals and ministers, they were extremely excited when they looked at the generals and ministers who did not fall under the wind.

It feels like the rise of Jiang Chen's line is now.

"Haha, the master of the Houqing pulse, the master of the drought, the two of you are not in harmony? How come you only have this strength?!"

"It's too disappointing for me!"

The chief minister laughed, his tone was extremely arrogant.

He blasted out with a palm, and the drought and fire roared.

The Lord of Droughts and Vessels actually felt a little strenuous when resisting the real fire.

"He is obviously a general zombie, but the real fire of the drought is no less than me, the four blood treasure pill is so powerful!"

"It's not just a drought, his corpse energy and physical body are no less than a win hook, and his speed is no less than mine!"

The Master Hou Qing Mai said with an extremely solemn expression.

The current generals and ministers, the cultivation base is not a combination of Dao, but the two of them are united, and there is a feeling of being suppressed.

It's too abnormal.

"Hou Qing curse **** seal!" At this moment, the master of Hou Qing Mai pinched the mysterious mark, and a weird rune appeared in the air.

Strange forces spread out.

Locked by this power, the master of the minister's veins instantly appeared densely packed runes, and a treacherous force was eroding his body. This was the unique curse power of the Houqing line.

"Ha, break it for me!"

However, seeing the chief minister screamed softly, there was also a strange curse power spreading out of his body, and the curse mark on his body was suddenly shattered!

He sneered at Hou Qing's pulse master, "I will do the same with this cursing power, do you think it will be of any use to me?"

"Damn it!"

The main brow of the Houqing vein frowned, the power of the four blood treasure pill was too strong, and directly gave the general the power of the four vein zombie.

The abilities they have are also possessed by the ministers.

The abilities they don't have, the generals and ministers also have the power!

This is too bad for them!

"From now on, this zombie restricted zone should respect me!"

Jie Gao said the minister.

The zombies of the generals and ministers behind him, looking at the zombies of the other three veins around, showed their squalid fangs, revealing a cold light!

"Oh, do you want to seize power?!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a figure leaping into the air, and the coming person was dressed in Tsing Yi, and the majestic corpse Qi spread out with him as the center.

The coming person is the master of Yinggoumai.

"Winning Goumai, did you leave the Sealed Land?!"

The face of the main minister changed slightly.

But he knew that for so many years, Ying Goumai had been suppressing the Qi of Dao Ran, and had never left half a step.

Unexpectedly, it actually appeared now.

This is a bit unexpected.

"I see, it's Madman Chu. I'll just say why he came to the zombie exclusion zone. It turned out that he came to deal with the Qi of Dao Ran."

The chief minister said.

Someone can handle the qi of Daoran? !

This sounds incredible.

But this can explain why Madman Chu came to the Zombie Forbidden Zone, and why after he came, the master of Win Gouma could leave the sealed land.

"Ying Goumazhu, are you really going to fight me for an outsider?" Jiang Chenmaizhu said coldly.

He felt very unreasonable.

Even, still feel a wave of anger.

"I and you are both zombies, but now, you are going to deal with me for an outsider? Don't you think it is absurd?!"

Jiang Chenmai said loudly, his eyes were red, and his anger was overwhelming.

But the eyes of the three pulse masters were more indifferent than him.

"Jiangchen, this outsider in your mouth is dealing with the hidden worries that we have been unable to deal with for many years, and you, as the general, you are killing the rest of the zombies, just for your own personal interests! Absurd, It's you!" Dry Yunmai said coldly.

"Hmph, I'm all revolution!"

"Joke, for the sake of strength, to kill the same clan, it is called the revolution?! Commander, you are more shameless than I thought!"

"Stop talking nonsense, go ahead!"

Said the Hou Qing Mai Master.

His figure flashed, like a black electric light, taking the lead in attacking the ministers, and the powerful force swept out.

And the drought and the pulse master also urged the real fire.

Ying Goumai master stepped out and blasted out with a punch, but the seemingly unremarkable punch contained extremely violent corpse energy.

Coupled with Yinggou's unique physical power, the strength of this blow directly caused the starry sky in front of him to collapse.


The attack of the three major zombies is shocking!

The Tao is scrolling, and the corpse is full of energy.

No matter how strong the general minister was, he was still slightly inferior in the face of this force, and he was blasted back hundreds of feet by a single move.

Seeing the situation, the drought and dying veins will chase after the victory.

The horror is really hot, whizzing out.

But at this time.

However, the corpse energy in the main body of Jiang Chen's veins skyrocketed rapidly, and the terrifying power directly extinguished the real fire of the drought.

"He is stronger?!"

"how can that be?"

The three zombies felt incredible.

The Lord Jiang Chen couldn’t help laughing, "You didn’t expect it, UU Reading Four Blood Pills are still merging with me. In other words, I am still living now. Evolving!"

"I'm getting stronger and stronger, but you are constantly consuming. The result of this battle is already destined."

Jiang Chenmaizhu sneered.

Hearing this, the complexion of the three big zombies changed a little.

"The power of the Four Blood Pill is so terrifying!"

"It's really surprising."

Ying Goumai said with a solemn expression: "You two are responsible for containing him, and I will be the main attacker!"

Drought Yun Mai master, Hou Qing Mai master nodded.

After finalizing the strategy, the four zombies once again took action, and the force of terror continued to shake the entire restricted area.

This is definitely the biggest civil unrest in the history of the restricted zone!

All zombies know that the outcome of this battle will directly affect the future of the zombie exclusion zone.

Boom, boom!

The corpse energy fluctuated and spread out, vaguely raising the aura of the minister's vein master again, the three major vein masters actually felt that the zombie bloodline in their body was suppressed, and their face suddenly changed.

"Get out!"

Blasting out the minister's veins and palms, in the corpse qi, the power of the four zombies has been faintly integrated.

This palm directly sent the three major syndromes to Zhenfei out.

"Do you feel it?"

Looking at the three men of Ying Goumai, the chieftain said: "My bloodline is above you, and soon, I will become a more powerful living body than zombies!"

"Even I don't know how strong my power will be when I completely integrate the Four Blood Pill Queen!"

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