Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Killing the chief of the generals, even if it is poison, it will be as sweet as a s

In an instant, the chief of the ministers became the king of wild beasts!

In ancient legends, this beast king was beheaded by Nuwa and Fuxi together. One can imagine how powerful it is.

Even if it is only a weakened version, it should not be underestimated.


With a roar, Yan actually raised his hand to grab a few zombies, then stuffed it into his mouth, chewed a few times, and swallowed it into his stomach.

He was eating zombies! !

Madman Chu also noticed that after dozens of zombies were eaten, J's power actually increased slightly.

Although it's just a little bit, it's really getting stronger.

"Zombies are transformed by Jian's power. He eats zombies to supplement his own power!" Madman Chu judged.

But the rest of the zombies are not clear.

They only know that this 犼 is the master of the subject, and now, the other party is killing the enemy and us!

"Crazy, you are crazy!"

"Oh my God, what is going on?!"

The scene was in a mess.

The zombies are avoiding Yan.

However, some slightly weaker zombies were suppressed in front of the power of Jian so that they could not move, and could only be reduced to rations.

In the end, this Yan focused on the three zombies of Ying Goumai.

Here they are the strongest.

If it can be swallowed, the increase to him will be extremely huge.

"not good!"

The expressions of the three people of Droughty Maiden changed.

Yan rushed towards them strongly, but at this moment, he suddenly let out a horrible howl and turned to look at Madman Chu.

I saw that the other party was pinning his tail to the ground with a sword!


Yan roared, turned and rushed towards Madman Chu.

But Madman Chu didn't retreat and couldn't avoid it. He directly blasted his chin with a punch, and the terrifying power directly caused the opponent's body to fly.

But he could not fly, his tail was nailed to the ground by the Kunwu sword, and soon fell from midair.

He also failed to fall to the ground smoothly, because Madman Chu kicked over again and slammed his opponent's stomach. This kick directly caused Yan to circle the Kunwu Sword on the spot.

Many zombies looked confused.

This is 犼!

The ancestor of all zombies!

But now, he was hung up and beaten by Madman Chu!

This makes them feel incredible.


After a dozen or so laps, Yan fell to the ground. He looked at Madman Chu and began to show fear. He stretched out his hand to grab the Kunwu sword pinned to his tail, trying to get rid of the shackles. .

At this moment, Madman Chu raised his hand.

Kunwu Sword shook and flew back to his hand automatically.

The yelled out of the shackles, the blood-colored eyes were once again filled with tyrannical intentions, and he rushed towards the Chu madman with monstrous evil spirits all over his body.

"No matter how powerful it is, it is no more than a beast that has lost its mind."

Madman Chu stood in place.

Holding the Kunwu sword in his hand, the Dao in his body roared, and thousands of Dao swept out, meeting on top of his sword.

On the sword body of Kunwu sword, countless runes were lit up one by one.

"Qinglian Jue, open the sky!"

Madman Chu drank indifferently.

Cut out with one sword.

A bluish-white sword light spewed out suddenly!

No one can describe how stunning and magnificent this sword is.

This sword seemed to be cut out of the chaos, traversing the ancient and modern, cutting off the years, making the world tremble.

The huge J seemed insignificant in front of this sword.

The huge body was split into two in an instant, but the terrifying sword light did not diminish, almost cutting the entire restricted area in half!

This strength caused Ying Goumai and the others to take a bite of the cold zone.

This is too scary! !

"What kind of sword art is this?!"

Droughty Maid swallowed his saliva and said.

"Who will tell me later that Madman Chu is only powerful in the immortal world, I must tear his mouth!"

There was also a deep sense of horror in the eyes of the Master Hou Qing Mai.

This sword.

Able to kill the 犼 that transforms the minister's veins.

In the same way, they can be killed easily!

too strong!

Madman Chu slowly condensed his breath, Kunwu went into the sheath, and seeing the damage caused by his sword, he was fairly satisfied.

"The power of Qinglian Art really didn't disappoint me."

The Qinglian Art is a set of exercises he created over the years, which he derived from his own way and the power of Qinglian.

This technique is the same as the Witness of the Sky of the Heavenly Sword. It has not yet been completely completed, and it can be gradually improved as he grows.

"Huh, that's..."

After beheading the general minister.

I saw the other party's huge body gradually shrinking.

In the end, he returned to the appearance of the chief minister, but it was also in the state of being dismembered, but a light red bead fell out of the opponent's body, and he raised his hand and took it over.

"Is this the Four Blood Pill?"

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

However, the power of this treasure pill was not as strong as he expected, and it was obviously caused by the absorption of most of the generals.

This thing is of no use to him.

"It seems there is a reason why the Four-Blood Pill is listed as a taboo. This thing does allow zombies to gain the power of 犼, but at the same time, it will also make zombies lose their sanity when they are transformed into 犼."

The Master of Droughty Mai looked at the Four-Blood Pill Dao in the hands of Madman Chu.

"Mai Master, it's not good! Nvyan's strength is fading quickly, she is going to die soon!" At this time, a drought rushed up and said.

Hearing the words, the face of Droughty Maiden changed.

He quickly found the female ghost.

In order to refine the four-blood treasure pill, the main minister forcibly absorbed a large amount of blood and real fire from the female ghost's body.

The female ghost now is dying.

"Female ghost, I will save you!"

Droughty Maid said that he continuously injected real fire into the female Yun's body, but unfortunately, the effect was very little.

Madman Chu walked up and looked at the paperless female ghost in front of him, her expression indifferent, revealing the color of thought.

"Heh, I'm really sorry to let you see my embarrassed appearance." The female Yan looked at Madman Chu and laughed at herself.

Madman Chu seemed to be thinking about something, but did not reply.

Seeing this, the female ghost showed a touch of sadness in her eyes.

I'm going to die.

Does the other party still refuse to give himself any gentleness?

Madman Chu...

You are really a man with a hard heart.

The female ghost thought to herself.

"Take it."

Madman Chu took out the Four Blood Pill and handed it to Female Yan.

Looking at Baodan in front of him, the face of the zombies present changed.

"No, the immortal king, the appearance of the chief minister, everyone hasn't seen it, what if the female ghost is also crazy?"

"Yeah, this is too risky."

Madman Chu ignored the zombies.

Just watched the female ghost quietly.

The other party glanced at the Four-Blood Pill in his hand, then smiled, took it, swallowed it in without hesitation, and then smiled: "You gave me poison, even if it was poison."

The master who is struggling to cure her drought can't help but feel angry and helpless

At this time, I didn't forget to hook up with others.

Female ghost, you really belong to you!


The host of the Drought Yun Mai felt a sudden burst of power in the female Yun's body, and the blood and real fire of the other party were recovering on their own. Not only that, but there was also an inexplicable force in it.

That is the power of Jian!

The Four Blood Pill is working!

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