Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Daozu used his body to make up for the Dao, the road ahead is long, and the Daozu re

The Lord of Droughty Vessel retracted his power and watched the face of the woman who changed, and the other zombies were also secretly guarding.

I'm afraid that the other party suddenly goes crazy.

Only Madman Chu watched quietly, his expression indifferent.

just now.

He contacted Heavenly Sword Chu Madman.

Ask the other party to ask Xiao Ai to analyze the Four Blood Pill to see if she can save the female man. Although Xiao Ai did not see the Four Blood Pill in person, she can still parse out a general idea based on the information given by Madman Chu.

This treasure pill is indeed easy to drive people crazy, but it is caused by absorbing too much of the tyrannical yin of the treasure pill.

Zombies are the most yin things.

The blood of zombies is the yin in the yin.

The four-blood treasure pill refined with countless zombie blood, although there is drought and real fire to suppress the yin qi, but to a certain extent with the yin qi, it will still be swallowed up by the yin qi and become a slave of power.

For example, the generals and ministers who are incarnate as 犼.

However, the tyrannical yin energy contained in the four-blood treasure pill in the hands of Madman Chu had almost been absorbed by the master of the subject.

It's like, Jiang Chenmai master is a filter.

He filtered out the tyrannical Yin Qi in the Four-Blood Pill, although most of the power contained in the remaining Four-Blood Pill was consumed.

But it is a Baodan with no side effects at all!


The female Yan's face gradually improved.

Not only that, but her vitality is also rising steadily.

Everyone was attentive.

But after a while, the breath of the female ghost gradually stabilized, and she did not have a tendency to go mad, and everyone was relieved.

"Girl, what do you think of it now?"

The Lord of Drought Yunmai asked.

"Very good, it's better than ever before." Female Yan couldn't help being extremely surprised as she sensed the power soaring in her body.

She looked at the Madman Chu, her eyes showed the meaning of worship, "Thank you, the fairy king, I know that you can't bear me."

Madman Chu's mouth twitched.

This woman is narcissistic.

But he didn't care too much, the Four Blood Pill had no effect on him, and it could change a favor for the female ghost.

"Thank you, the fairy king."

The Lord of Droughty Mai also expressed his gratitude.

He was very surprised.

This Four Blood Pill is a taboo of the zombie family, even they don't know the specific function and effect of the Four Blood Pill.

But the other party is sure to save the female ghost.

Could it be that his research on zombies is still higher than that of others?

"How can the fairy king be sure that the female ghost will not go crazy."

The Lord of Drought Yun still couldn't help asking.

Madman Chu explained briefly.

"In that case, the female ghost is a blessing in disguise, not only has her strength increased, but she has also mastered part of the power?!"

The Lord of Drought Yun Mai said in surprise.

"Yeah." Madman Chu nodded.

Numerous zombies immediately looked at the female ghost with envy, and some zombies in the general line nearby couldn't help feeling a little sad when they heard this.

The treasure pill that they worked so hard to refine, the pulse master actually became a tool man, filtering out the yin qi of the treasure pill for the other party.

Let the female ghost pick up a big bargain for nothing.

"Perhaps it is our own fault."

A zombie in the line of generals sighed with emotion.

After this battle, the position of the generals in the zombie restricted area is lower. Although the mastermind is the generals, they will naturally be implicated as the opponent's vassals.

As for how the Lord and the others will deal with the generals, this is not within the scope of the Madman Chu's consideration.

He came on this trip mainly to solve the qi of Daoran. Now that this matter has been completed, there is no need for him to stay here anymore.

After staying for a few days, he left the zombie restricted area under the reluctant gaze of the female Yan.

"The matter of Daoran's Qi, except for those Daoran's Qi that disappeared inexplicably, everything else is almost resolved."

"Next, do you want to go to the Void Battlefield?"

Madman Chu thought to himself.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something and looked at somewhere in the universe, with a look of uncertainty on his face.


In the universe.

Somewhere in the chaos, an old man in a purple Taoist robe walked out slowly, with mysterious Taoist rhyme flowing around him.

This person is the ancestor of Taoism.

And he looked at the void, and saw three figures fighting there, and terrifying power burst out.

Everywhere, even the deep void is easily broken!

All kinds of bright Taoism are intertwined.

Any kind of Tao has reached an extremely tyrannical level, which is hard to reach by ordinary harmony.

And these Daos are blending with each other, bursting out incomparably amazing power, this is a battle at the Hunyuan level!

"No regrets fellow Daoist is almost reaching the limit."

Dao Ancestor whispered.

Then, he looked at the starry sky and took a deep breath, "Then it's time to finish this thing."

"In the old days, I used your power to repel the invaders, but also caused you to be injured. I have not recovered yet."

"Now, let me supplement you again."

I saw him soaring into the sky, with billions of celestial glory blooming on his body, and countless ancient and mysterious runes surrounded him.

At this moment.

Dao Ancestor's burst of light not only illuminates the cold and dark universe, but also seems to illuminate the past and the future.

A wave of incomparable mystery, centered on him, spread out, and the powerhouses of the entire universe felt their hearts.

"It's Daozu!"

"What does he want to do?!"

Everyone was extremely surprised, and a series of immortal consciousness spied out.

And what they saw was the sacred and dazzling Taoist ancestor who was enveloped in the fairy radiance, surrounded by runes, and then, bursts of Taoist sounds came from the opponent, resounding across the universe.

Before everyone wants to understand what Daozu is doing, UU Reading www. saw a great qi machine emerge in the universe suddenly, coming from all directions, covering Dao Ancestor, and his figure gradually became nothingness.

These Dao Qi Machines are devouring Dao Ancestor?

Do not.


It is the ancestor of Dao who is merging into these great auras.

There are some strong people who have faintly guessed in their hearts.

Madman Chu also saw this scene.

In his mind, the previous conversations with Daozu appeared constantly, and he finally understood where the strange feeling came from.

It turned out that the other party was really telling the story.

At this time, Dao Ancestor's eyes seemed to have crossed countless stars, staring at Madman Chu, and smiled faintly, "Daoist, the next thing will trouble you, and the road ahead is long, forgive me for not being able to walk with you."

After speaking, his figure gradually disappeared.

When he disappeared completely, the entire universe was shaken, and some powerful people in the same way felt the changes in the universe.

The originally flawed avenue... is complete!

"Consummation, since the great catastrophe in the ancient times, the road that has always been flawed has finally been consummated!"

"The power of the avenue has been restored, and we no longer have to worry about it coming down to kill in order to restore its strength.

"It's Dao Zu, this must be Dao Zu done!"

"The Dao Ancestor disappeared, and the Dao was completed. He used his own strength to fill in the defects of the Dao!"

In the universe.

The Madman Chu stood in the air with mixed feelings in his heart, and then bowed in the direction of Dao Ancestor and saluted, "Respectfully send Dao Ancestor!"

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