Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : 1 person, 1 sword, blocking Hun Yuan, fighting every demon

A big bang resounded throughout the world and shook the universe.

Madman Chu's eyes condensed, and he looked at somewhere in the universe, only to see three figures rushing out in a void.

The three of them were scarred, and they looked like they were seriously injured and dying, and their breath also had a sense of malaise.

But it was this feeling of malaise that shocked everyone.

Even if it is Hedao, after perceiving the other's breath, there is a feeling of scalp tingling. This breath is definitely Hunyuan!

"Is it the Hunyuan of Tianyuan Universe?!"

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, judging from the opponent's current injury, the opponent was already badly injured.

Hun Yuan...

Was it hit by Wugui and was hit hard?

Madman Chu was a little bit ready to move.

The heyday of Hun Yuan, the horror of its combat power, is not something that Hun Yuan can resist, but the Hun Yuan that was hit hard...

Can he fight? !

The fall of Taoist ancestor made Madman Chu a little sad.

And now, he was looking for someone to vent some.

"Then... be presumptuous!"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.


A big bang shook the universe, and the three Hunyuan who escaped from the big bang were rushing back to the Tianyuan universe.

Although it was hit hard, Hunyuan is Hunyuan after all.

Its breath is sluggish and still terrifying.

The powerhouses of the Pangu universe were extremely jealous and did not dare to make a move.

"The existence of Hunyuan is not easy to deal with. Even if it is severely injured, it is not comparable to the realm of Hedao."

"Even if they only have one ten-thousandth of their strength left, they still have the power to crush the top heida."

"How about the situation without regret?"

"Don't act rashly."

The confluence of immortal knowledge, no one dares to take it easily.

Their immortal consciousness is exploring the source of the explosion, looking for the existence of no regrets, but the other party is the only Hunyuan in the Pangu universe.

If he falls, then the Pangu universe is really dangerous.

The three Hunyuan flew across the void at an extremely fast speed.

They came to the two-world passage.

"Finally arrived."

"Back to Tianyuan Universe, we will be truly safe."

"I didn't expect this no regrets to be so difficult, and at the last minute, this great avenue of the ancient universe was actually completed, it is really strange, otherwise, this no regrets will undoubtedly die!"

"No matter, this battle can be considered to have achieved the goal."

The three Hunyuan exchanged.

The two-way passage is close at hand.

But just when they are about to step in.

A white figure suddenly appeared and stopped in front of them.

The visitor is dressed in white, with a long sword hanging on his waist, and a bright fairy radiance is flowing on his body.

One person, one sword.

Block the three big players!

This scene stunned the fellows of Pangu Universe.

"Crazy, is he crazy?!"

"Kuangren Chu, what does he want to do? It's Hun Yuan, and there are three. What can he do?"

"He is going to die!"

A group of Hedao were all stunned by the shock.

Is there little harmony in the Pangu universe?

not much.

But there is no shortage.

Among them, there are the supreme in the restricted area, the fairy emperor in the fairy garden, and some ancient ones who have experienced the last space war.

These people are all famous, in their own era, they are peerless figures who dominate the universe!

But now.

In the face of the three badly wounded Hun Yuan, the only one who dared to stand up and stop them was only a young man who had just become a rapport for a few years.

this moment.

These Hedao deeply feel that they are old.

Without the indomitable spirit.

Before the two-way passage.

Kun Wu unsheathed from the waist of the madman Chu, the sword pointed at Hun Yuan, and the sword's edge turned, the sky filled the sky like a storm, sweeping across the starry sky, "My Pangu universe, how come you want to come, and leave if you want to leave!"

The three Hunyuan looked at each other.

Although the stunned Chu Kuangren dared to stop them, he didn't take it too seriously. After all, the other party was just a comrade.

And it seems that it hasn't been a few years since becoming Hedao.

"Chu madman, I didn't expect you to have become a co-dao, just so, let's end you here!" Feng Mo said coldly.

As a result of ten calamities, he naturally recognizes the madman of Chu.

He was surprised that the other party could break through Hedao so quickly.

This also strengthened his determination to kill the other party.

If this person does not die, I am afraid that it will be more troublesome than no regrets in the future!

"Today, I will use Kunwu in my hands to try Hunyuan!"

"If you can constrain your xinxing and develop secretly, then I might even avoid you by three points, but it's a pity that you are too arrogant!"

Feng Mo snorted coldly.

When he raised his hand, a ray of Hunyuan's power burst out.

Just a wisp.

But its power still destroys the world!

Madman Chu raised his sword to a gear, and the power of Dao poured out!


The powerful force blasted Madman Chu out.

A dozen stars were smashed one after another.

"Huh, stupid!"

Feng Mo coldly snorted.

The other two Hunyuan also sneered disdainfully.

But at this time.

A sword aura, earth-shaking slashed!

Wherever the sword gas went, the stars turned into ashes.

The endless meaning of killing and destruction has enveloped every demonic!


Feng Mo's face changed.

He urged the Hunyuan power in his body to block the sword energy.

Seeing Madman Chu walked out of the ruins of the starry sky, he didn't seem to have suffered much damage, which surprised everyone.

Even the Hunyuan who was hit hard.

Its power can't be blocked by ordinary Hedao!

"Do you only have this?"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The body of the Kunwu sword in his hand was illuminated by countless runes, and the dazzling sword light bloomed again!

This sword combines the power of Qinglian.


"Qinglian Jue, open the sky!"


Feng Mo was slashed by this sword, and the Hunyuan power in his body was shocked strongly. could not help but fly hundreds of feet.

"how so?!"

Feng Mo's face was extremely gloomy.

I was actually forced back by a Hedao and a Sword!

Shame, shame!

"Every demon!"

"Shoot together and kill him!"

Shentian, Fenghuang's faces were not very good-looking.

The three big hounds were intercepted by the same one?

What is this like?

"You leave first!" Feng Mo took a deep breath and gradually calmed down, "The other people in the Pangu universe don't know if they will do anything. I will take care of him, and you will go back first."

Fenghuang and Shentian looked at each other after hearing this.

"it is good!"

They didn't hesitate, their figures flashed, and they left quickly.

But Feng Mo stayed in place, looking at Madman Chu, his eyes were extremely cold, "I'll stop Hun Yuan, I will make you regret it!"

The hunyuan aura in his body flowed out.

Every strand has the power to kill the ordinary harmony!

He was angry.

"I have never regretted in my whole life!"

The madman of Chu shook his Kunwu sword tightly. As the fairy yuan flowed, his body flashed with brilliance, a gorgeous robe, a supreme crown, a seal of the fairy king, and the three treasures of the fairy king appeared!

Although not in the fairy world, these three treasures are still top treasures, and their power is no less than the ultimate treasure.

With the blessing of the Three Treasures, his breath is rising steadily.

But this is not over yet.

With a dragon chant, nine towering golden dragons appeared behind the madman Chu, it was the emperor's dragon spirit!


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