Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : Fierce battle and every devil, a green lotus crushes the ages

In the stars.

The madman of Chu has one sword per man, blocking Hun Yuan and fighting every demonic!

The Feng Mo who stayed behind broke out with a terrifying power, even if it was severely injured, it still exists in the Hunyuan Realm!

But Madman Chu was naturally unwilling to show weakness in the face of such strength.

The Three Treasures of the Immortal King, the emperor's path and dragon spirit come out.

The powerful breath shook the starry sky.

The two looked at each other, both revealing cold killing intent.

Outside the two-world channel, start a fight!

"Madman Chu, see the power of Hun Yuan!"

A blood-red long blade suddenly appeared in Feng Mo's hand.

Cut out in one fell swoop.

I saw the power of the blood-colored Hunyuan whizzing out as a blade of light, and wherever it went, there seemed to be ghost shadows floating out.

Madman Chu still does not evade.

With Kun Wu in hand, he slashed out a sword under the blessing of the Three Treasures of the Immortal King and the Dragon Qi of Emperor Dao. The blue and white sword light suddenly slashed out.

One sword, one sword.

The two forces slammed together in the starry sky.

The starry sky uttered a terrifying roar.

I saw that the entire galaxy was almost blown to pieces, and countless stars were shrouded in the light of sword air and knife, and they turned into dust in the blink of an eye.

The crowd watched this battle with dignified eyes.

Some of them are also ready to move.

"The Madman Chu can fight the Tianyuan Universe's Hunyuan, which proves that the opponent's damage is extremely serious. If he doesn't take action at this time, when will he wait?"

"A junior dare to take action, let alone us?"

"Yes, shall we be cowards?"

Someone can't wait to act.

And some people are still watching.

The person on the opposite side is also a Hunyuan in the first place!

Who knows what kind of power will burst out.

In the starry sky, the fierce battle continued.

The blood-red Hunyuan's power reflected the blood-colored demon shadows whizzing out, while the blue-white sword aura swept the surroundings.

The more the demons get hit, the more heart palpitations get.

Madman Chu, really has the ability to fight himself? !

"Although I am a seriously injured body, the combat power that can be displayed is inexhaustible, but I am a Hun Yuan after all!"

"King Chu, why can he fight me? Why can he withstand the impact of Hun Yuan's power?!"

Feng Mo couldn't believe it.

You know, the ordinary Hedao is impacted by the power of Hun Yuan, and the body and the Tao in the body will collapse for most.

But the Madman Chu fought with him so far, but he is still unscathed.

This is really unusual.

How did the other party do it?

Do you want to retreat first?

"Haha, every devil, what are you afraid of!"

Madman Chu laughed loudly: "Your attack is hesitant!"

With a sword cut out, Feng Mo was forced to retreat again.

When he heard Madman Chu's words, he was immediately extremely angry, not only at Madman Chu, but also towards himself.

He is Hun Yuan.

Was actually forced to run away by a harmony? !

How does this work!

Does he want face?

"Every Devil's Blade, Ghost Way!"

Feng Mo let out a low roar, the blood-colored long blade in his hand was held high, and he slashed down suddenly, the blood-colored blade whizzing out.

Wherever they went, the ghosts, succubus and demon shadows shone out from the blood, roaring and biting towards Madman Chu.

This knife is not only full of killing, cutting and destruction.

It also contains a force that affects the mind.

Hunyuan is the fusion of Tao and Tao!

It's not surprising that Hun Yuan's attack contains a variety of Dao powers, but Madman Chu's face condensed when he faced the knife.

"Qinglian Jue, open the sky!"

Sword Shadow Hengkong, like the sword energy cut from the beginning of the ancient times, raging in all directions, completely tearing the **** shadows!

At this moment, Feng Mo dared to come to Madman Chu like lightning, with a **** long blade in his hand slashing on him!


The power of Hunyuan, vented out!


With a loud bang, Madman Chu was blasted out.

Feng Mo's face was cold.

With the knife just now, even if the multi-combined Dao was cut, it would definitely suffer severe damage. Did this knife kill Madman Chu?

In the dust of bursting stars...

A figure walked out.

It's a madman of Chu!

He is not dead!

"Sure enough, your physical body is unusual!" Although Feng Mo was a little shocked, there was a touch of meaning in his eyes.

"I see it."

Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

His physical body is naturally unusual.

You know, this is the body of Chaos Qinglian.

Even the complete Hunyuan may not be able to be broken, let alone Fengmo, the broken Hunyuan that has been hit harder than ever.

This is also an important reliance on which he has just come to stop the three Hunyuan!

"Mad Chu, I was wrong."

"No regrets is not the biggest obstacle to my Tianyuan Universe. Although he is powerful, we already know him, but you are different. You are still growing. No one knows where your limits are!"

"In my Tianyuan universe, there is only one person who can be compared with you, I am afraid that there is only one person with Heaven Sword. No matter how strong you are, you will eventually be defeated in the sky!"

Feng Mo said indifferently.

For the Heavenly Sword, it seems to be highly respected.

Madman Chu glanced at each other, with some pity in his eyes.

If the other party knew that the Heavenly Sword was him, would he go crazy?

"Huh, today's battle is over."

Feng Mo snorted coldly.

Turned around and swept towards the two-world channel.

Knowing that Madman Chu's body was unusual and his current self was difficult to destroy, he decisively chose to leave.

This is not escape!

It's a strategic retreat!

Feng Mo comforted himself so much.

"Want to go, no way!"

At this moment, one by one appeared in front of the two realms channel, and these people rushed over to help the madman Chu.

Every demon's eyes were cold, the **** long blade cut out in his hand, and the hideous demon shadows whizzed out immediately.

One by one, under this power, they were blown away.

Their Tao was also violently turbulent under this power.

"So strong!"

"Sure enough, even Hedao who has been hit hard cannot be underestimated. How did Mad Man Chu fight him for so long?"

"Damn, we can't stop him!"

The unity is a little bit depressed.

With so many of them, they are not as good as a madman of Chu? !

"If you want to leave, you have to ask me if I agree!"

at this time.

Madman Chu's indifferent voice sounded.

When he raised his hand, pieces of treasures appeared in the void. There were swords, tripods, bells, and axes...

It is an artifact of the ten directions!

The light of the artifact shines in the void, and the Madman Chu urges the ten square formation of the heaven and earth artifacts, and the powerful force immediately locks the monsters in place!

This power changed Feng Mo's face slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the artifact hovered, and the power of the big formation burst out!

"The ten-point artifact shook the sky!"

A column of colored light gushes towards the demon.

"Mad Chu, you can't stop me!"

Feng Mo gave a cold cry.

I saw him disregarding his injury and urging a stronger Hunyuan power.

Cut out in one fell swoop.

The **** knife light is mighty.


In the extreme collision, the beam of light shattered.

Shifang artifacts are scattered in all directions.

However, at the moment when the great formation was broken, Feng Mo felt a stronger force descending from the sky.

What caught your eye was a cyan sky.

Take a closer look.

It was actually a huge green lotus!

Qinglian swayed in the starry sky, and the petals were engraved with mysterious and incomparable Dao patterns, which contained extremely terrifying power of destruction!

"A green lotus crushes forever!"

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