Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : What are you afraid of? Zixiao Ting awakens

"No regrets were sealed!"

"Oh my God, what should we do now?! He is the only Hunyuan in our Pangu Universe. Without him, how would we fight Tianyuan Universe? They still have two Hunyuan."

"Yeah, is it true that heaven is going to perish my Pangu universe?"

"how come…"

After learning that No Regret was sealed.

There was a faint panic in the hearts of many Hedao.

However, the sealed Wu regret saw this situation and couldn't help but sneered.

It is precisely because of this that he and Daozu will entrust the young Chu Madman with the important task of saving the Pangu universe.

The others are simply unreliable.


At this time, the same indifferent voice sounded.

The surging sword pressure was like a raging wave, pouring in all directions, and the crowds of Hedao felt this breath, they were all shocked by it.

Kuangren Chu coldly snorted, "What are you afraid of? With me, Pangu universe hasn't reached the end of the road."

After hearing this, everyone's emotions calmed down a bit.

However, they still did not hold much hope.

Madman Chu is very strong and good.

But now, it's just harmony.

"The three major elements of the Tianyuan Universe were all hit hard by me. To recover, it will take at least a few years for them to recover. Even if there are any treasures to help, they will not be able to do anything for at least a thousand years."

No regrets said lightly.

Hearing what he said, everyone was lost in thought.

"At least there are still a thousand years. In these thousand years, can we find a way to compete with Hunyuan?"

"Damn it! It's impossible to break through Hunyuan in a thousand years."

It was Madman Chu. After hearing that there was a thousand years, he was relieved and said with a light smile: "A thousand years... is enough!"

Thousands of years are enough for him to do a lot of things.


Madman Chu said lightly to the rest.

As if giving orders.

Everyone looked at each other. Although they were dissatisfied, Madman Chu's previous combat power had already surpassed them.

If you don't want to listen, you have to weigh your own abilities.

Everyone had to leave.

After everyone left.

Madman Chu took out the halberd, "Is this your weapon?"

"Yes, I used my last strength to send it out of the seal. This is the Half-Step Chaos Treasure, and I will give it to you."

No regrets said lightly.

A half-step chaos treasure says that if you give it away, you will give it away.

There is no one with this courage.

But now that he is sealed, this treasure can't be used, and if it is given to Madman Chu, it can still play its due value.

"I won't be polite."

Madman Chu accepted it, "The Dao Ancestor used his body to make up for the Dao, and the Pangu Universe Avenue has been restored. Do you know about this?"


"What do you think."

"The restoration of the avenue is a good thing. As far as the avenue is concerned, the avenues of the two universes are already equal, and the rest is our problem. I was sealed and the Hunyuan of the Tianyuan universe was also severely damaged. But the overall strength of Tianyuan Universe is stronger than ours..."

"They won't let the time when I was sealed, the day of full-scale war will not be far away." No regrets said slowly.

"For the battle between the two universes, Tianyuan Universe has a group of ancient Hedaos sleeping to this day. Is there a similar existence in our Pangu Universe?"

"Yes, they are sleeping in the Purple Heaven Court. The battle is approaching, and they will almost wake up if they want to... These guys are rebellious and may be a little troublesome, but I will let Nothingness and others help you."

There are seven gods and demons, in addition to no regrets, there are six others.

Except for nothingness, Beiming and Linghua.

There are still three people, Madman Chu hasn't seen them yet.

No regrets, one of the three is dealing with the Wuzu, one is in the Purple Heaven Court, and the other is in the void battlefield.

Speaking of it, Bei Ming is the weakest among the seven, and promotion to Hedao has also happened in recent years.

"Do you know a giant purple door."

"I heard Dao Zu said, but I have never met."

Madman Chu asked about the giant purple gate again.

But even without regrets, I don't know much.

After the two discussed some more things, Madman Chu left temporarily. He returned to the immortal world and began to refine the information left by Dao ancestors.


Pangu universe.

In a void, a towering purple palace stands tall.

A mysterious Taoist rhyme flows through it.

Inside the palace.

There are golden Buddha statues, purple crystal coffins, and mysterious light **** surrounding countless Dao laws. The sceneries are different...

And just today.

In this purple palace, a dazzling celestial splendor burst out!

The golden Buddha statue opened his eyes, the purple crystal coffin was lifted off the coffin board, and the mysterious light ball revealed the rhythm of life...

"After sleeping for so long, I finally regained consciousness."

The mysterious ball of light made a sound.

"Amitabha, the catastrophe is coming."

The Buddha's hands clasped together, and his face showed compassion.

On the contrary, the middle-aged man who stepped out of the purple coffin showed a sneer, and his tone was cold and murderous. "It will come sooner or later. I have already slept enough, so I can move my muscles and bones."

"I can perceive that in the Tianyuan Universe, those old undeads who have fought with us have also revived one by one."

Xuanmiao Light Ball said lightly.

at this time.

Outside the palace, a young man in a purple robe walked in slowly. Seeing this, several gangs showed solemn colors.


"Don't call me that. I was seriously injured in the battle on the Void Battlefield back then, so I came to this Zixiao Court to cultivate. By the way, I will look at you guys again. Now my injury is almost healed. Who likes this guardian? Who should go?" The young man waved his hand.

"After everyone wakes up, this guardian will be the same as if he didn't." The middle-aged man who walked out of the coffin snorted coldly.


Then, the purple-robed youth raised his hand, and several streamers flew out and injected them into the bodies of the several Hedaos present.

"This is what happened in the Pangu Universe in UU Reading www.uukā over the past few years. Get used to this era."

Said the purple robe youth.

Everyone began to digest the information in the body.

"My fairy court was expelled from the fairy world?!"

The roads around the mysterious ball of light showed violent fluctuations, which was obviously shocked by the news.

"Tao Ancestor used his body to make up for the Dao, without regrets being sealed?"

Then they saw something more shocking.

But these people quickly calmed down and watched the major events that have happened over the years.

They were surprised to find that most of these big things will have a figure, that is, Madman Chu.

"This person can actually disturb the situation. These major events are always accompanied by his figure, and he is often the center of the incident."

"The Madman of Chu...The lord of the immortal world, the king of gods and demons, and the emperor of humans, this name is really bluffing."

"Is he still the successor chosen by Daozu without regret? I really want to see it."

"It caused me Xian Ting to suffer such heavy damage, I will not spare this one!" Xuanmiao Guangqi was a little frustrated.

But the purple-robed youth heard his words and blasted out with a palm of his hand. Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the ball of light was shattered abruptly.

A man in a golden dress appeared.

It is the photosphere itself.

"Guardian, what do you mean?"

"If you want to hurt my gods and demons, I don't mind being here first and get rid of you!"

The purple-robed youth played with his fingers, looking frivolous, but his tone was full of cold killing intent, which made people shudder.

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