Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Hun Yuan summoned 9 kings, the heavenly sword is the future ruler, time and space...

In the Purple Xiao Court.

The purple-robed youth said astonishingly, he wanted to destroy the ancient harmony of Xianting.

Hearing what he said, the face of the ancient Xian Ting Hedao changed slightly, and as his breath flowed, he looked at the purple-robed youth with incomparable jealousy.

"Guardian, no, the gods and demons have a purple golden wheel. Looks like you are a madman protecting Ding Chu?" Ancient Hedao said with a gloomy expression.

"In a word, kill each other, come to me!"

Seeing that the situation was a bit tense, the other two joined together to make a round, which saved the two of them from a fight.

"The matter between Xian Ting and Madman Chu is temporarily set aside. The most important thing now is the war with Tianyuan Universe."

"Yeah, we still have to focus on the overall situation."

After some persuasion, Xianting Ancient Hedao stopped temporarily.

"Since you have awakened, you should go to the battlefield of the void as soon as possible. The two universes will go to full-scale war soon."

After speaking, Zijin Wheel turned and left.

The others looked at each other, and they were all ready to act.


the other side.

Within the fairy world.

Madman Chu had already refined some of the insights left by Dao Ancestor, and he was one step closer to the realm of He Dao.

Reached the realm of Dacheng.

The same realm as the madman of Tianjian Chu.

And his insights were all passed on to the madman of Heavenly Sword Chu one by one.

The other party has also benefited a lot.

Believe that it is not far from the peak of Hedao.

It is simply incredible to be able to reach the pinnacle of Hedao in such a short period of time.

"In addition to Daozu's insights, supplementing the Taoism, and entering the Taoism, I also want to comprehend as soon as possible, and then go to the void battlefield."

"The two universes are about to start a full-scale war, so sloppy."

Madman Chu whispered.

He had already asked Xuantian Jiuxing to go to the void battlefield first, but he still needed him to make overall plans.


the other side.

Tianyuan universe.

Madman Chu opened his eyes leisurely.

"Are these Dao Ancestor's perceptions? It's not bad as expected."

Just as the madman Qinglian Chu had expected, his realm at the moment was only half a step away from the peak of Hedao.

"Xuantian Jiuxing has gone to the Void Battlefield to make arrangements, and Yuantian Guild can't be too far behind." Madman Chu thought to himself.

However, just as he was about to summon the members of the Yuantian Society for a meeting, an indifferent voice came from the universe.

"Members of the Nine Kings, go to the Tianyuan Temple quickly!"

This voice is extremely magnificent.

In the blink of an eye, it spread to the entire Tianyuan universe, and it contained an irresistible strong will.

Everyone's complexion changed after perceiving this will.

"This kind of aura, is that the one who exists?!"


"He is summoning the Nine Kings, what is he going to do?"


Inside the Tianyuan Temple, a powerful will spread.

Immediately afterwards, the Nine Kings rushed to the Tianyuan Temple from all over the universe, and Madman Chu also received a message from Dragon Crystal and Luo Xue.

After all, he has five nine kings in his hands.

Madman Chu thought for a while, and let them go.

"This will is absolutely correct. It must be the Hunyuan of the Tianyuan Universe. After the Pangu Universe was severely damaged, he did not immediately retreat and heal his wounds after returning. Instead, did he summon the Nine Kings? What do you want to do?"

Madman Chu thought curiously, touching his chin.

And this time.

Inside the Tianyuan Temple.

The nine kings gathered in a magnificent palace.

They looked at each other and looked at the others. They were also seeing all the nine kings for the first time.

"Luo Xue?! You became one of the nine kings?!"

After Ming Shen saw Luo Xue, his eyes condensed, a little surprised.

"Why, do you have an opinion?"

Luo Xue raised her eyebrows and snorted softly.

"Huh, Tiannvyou, you and Tianjian made me so miserable in the past!" At this time, Luo Yunxiu saw Tiannvyou, and there was a cold color in his eyes, and he couldn't help but want to do it.

Tiannv You looked at Luo Yunxiu unexpectedly.

She found that the other party's aura was much stronger, although it was not yet a **** king, but it was not far behind.

Not only that, there is also an extremely ancient aura on the opponent's body, that kind of aura is... the Titans!

"So, was it saved by the Titans?"

The goddess You faintly smiled.


Luo Yunxiu snorted coldly, and then he wanted to make a move.

But at this time, Luo Xue, Ling Fei, Dragon Crystal, and Tian Xing Cai all walked to Tian Nu You's side.

The five people stood together, an incomparably bitter breath whistled out, rushing towards Luo Yunxiu madly.

In the presence of the five people, even if Luo Yunxiu's strength is strong, he can't help but shudder, "You..."

"Those who want to bully Yuantianhui, do you have the qualifications?"

Ling Fei said indifferently.

Round sky meeting?

What kind of power is this?

Luo Yunxiu was a little surprised, and the others were also thoughtful.

Did the Nine Kings form an alliance?

"These people are more or less related to the Heavenly Sword. The Heavenly Sword will be... the Heavenly Sword, and the Heavenly Sword calls itself the sky. Is the Lord behind the Heavenly Sword the Heavenly Sword?!"

"Damn, the Heavenly Sword actually mastered five nine kings!"

Xuan Yuanfeng, Lei Shen Tian had some guesses in their hearts.

It is said that the Nine Kings will rule the Tianyuan universe in the future, but now it seems that the Heavenly Sword will be the ruler of the universe's future!

Nine Kings, he has mastered five!

"Hmph, what kind of round sky meeting, in front of me, are all vulnerable!" Underworld God said with a cold snort.

He stepped out one step, and the breath of the **** king flowed out.

One person immediately suppressed five people.

But Luo Xue sneered, "In front of the Heavenly Sword, you are like a chicken dog. It's really a shame that you dare to say such a thing."

Hearing this, Underworld's face suddenly became very gloomy. UU reading

In the previous battle of Luowang Guxing, he was defeated horribly in the hands of Madman Chu. This has always been a thorn in his heart.

Now that Luo Xue, the woman he liked, said that he was extremely annoyed and extremely angry.

"Provoking the Underworld, this will only make you regret it!"

Underworld said coldly.

As the God King's breath flowed, Luo Xue locked down a few people.

But at this time.

A magnificent will descended on the palace, and all the bodies present were involuntarily shocked, kneeling on the ground!

Even Pluto is no exception.

"This kind of breath is really Hunyuan!"

Underworld's face changed slightly, and the Hunyuan realm, even if he had not been reborn, was absolutely unmatched.

"Is this will the founder of the Tianyuan Temple?"

Luo Xue and others were also shocked.

at this time.

The Tao is intertwined and converged.

A figure appeared in front of them. This person was an old man with white hair and white beard. His figure was not tall, but he was extremely stalwart.

"Nine Kings, you are here."

"I am the lord of the temple, God! I am looking for you today, mainly because the two universes are about to start a full-scale war. As the nine kings, you will be the main force to deal with the Pangu universe in the future, so I want to give you a great opportunity!" God Tian said lightly.

Then, as he raised his hand, a golden vortex appeared in front of everyone, "This is between time and space. Enter into it. One day inside and one year outside. You enter into it and practice hard. Ten years later, time and space will be there. Will disintegrate on its own."

"It's up to you to reach the point."

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