Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : The gods and demons have the first vein to hide the front, and annihilate the Wuzu

Between time and space, one year inside and one day outside.

Ten years, that is nearly three thousand six hundred years!

With their qualifications, for more than three thousand six hundred years, if the chance is enough, they can even break through the King of Gods, this is definitely a great chance!

"The way of time and space is unpredictable. I didn't expect Hun Yuan to have such a treasure in his hands!" Underworld was a little surprised.

"Since there is such a powerful tool for cultivation, why not let us practice for a while?" Luo Yunxiu said.

"This thing can only be used once, once for ten years. It is the limit between time and space." Shentian said lightly.

"That's it."

Even if it is Hunyuan, it is difficult to manipulate time at will.

This is one of the most mysterious avenues.

Pluto thought to himself.

"Okay, let's enter."

Shentian said lightly.

Everyone didn't hesitate, and went directly to practice between time and space.

After everyone entered, Shentian's face turned pale, and the aura on his body became even more wilting.

"Okay, no regrets!"

"What a madman Chu!"

Shentian took a deep breath, and there was an icy color in his eyes.

This time he went to fight with Pangu Universe without regrets, although he was temporarily sealed without regrets, so that he could no longer make further moves.

But the cost is also extremely high, not only suffered heavy losses, at least in these thousands of years can not use too much force.

The key is.

Of the three Hunyuan, one fell!


"Chu Madman, the enemy of the same robe, I have written it down!"

Shentian thought to himself.

Then, he found King Sikong and others.

"The no regrets of the Pangu universe have been sealed by us. Now is a great time for you to attack. Get ready."

Hearing these words, King Sikong's face was happy.



In the Pangu universe.

Madman Chu had gradually comprehended the Taoist method left by Taoist ancestors, and gradually comprehended the Taoist method. These two methods are indeed terrifying.

Especially the approach to Taoism.

This method can be used for oneself with the power of the universe.

Madman Chu tried it.

Although the power of this sect that can be borrowed from his current cultivation base is limited, it is enough to increase his combat power a lot.

"What I use in the Pangu universe is the power of the Pangu universe, which can only be used in the Pangu universe, and there is a portable universe in the sky sword."

"If he uses this approach to Taoism, he will be able to borrow more Dao power, and he can use it anytime, anywhere."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

These two methods are indeed very useful to him.

at this time.

Outside the imperial palace.

A figure came, and the man was dressed in white, who looked gentle and polite, but there was a faint tyrannical aura radiating from his body.

Madman Chu felt that if he was in the immortal world, he could still suppress the opponent, but if he was in the outside world, that was not necessarily true.

"you are…"

"One of the seven gods and demons, Cang Feng!"

The visitor smiled faintly.

Cang Feng...

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes slightly, "What's the matter with me?"

"It's about the Wuzu."

"Oh, mister?"


Cang Feng explained the purpose of this trip.

It turned out that the line of gods and demons had investigated the Wuzu long ago, and Zang Feng was the one who investigated this matter.

"After investigating for many years, I finally locked the place where the Wuzu is located. This time I asked for your help to kill them all at once."

Cang Feng said.

Hearing this, Madman Chu thought about it.

Mist tribe.

This is indeed a trouble.

"I can promise you to send troops, but I need to know how much combat power the Wuzu has." Chu Madman said.

"no problem…"

Zang Feng discussed with Madman Chu again.

Shortly after.

Madman Chu was ready to manpower.

A mighty, well-prepared army set off from the immortal realm to the place where the Wuzu was located, and one of the army attracted the attention of Zang Feng. It was a terrorist army composed entirely of Jinxian and even Da Luo. , There are about a thousand people in total.

The advance and retreat are consistent, and there is a mysterious Taoist rhyme in the circulation of breath.

"Good army!"

"This is the Five Elements God Shadow Army!"

Madman Chu said lightly.

The Five Elements Divine Shadow Army, this was an undead army he had drawn in his early years, and his cultivation base could rise as he improved.

And now, this army has been promoted to the extreme.

The five leaders of the Five Elements God Shadow Army are all in the extreme realm of Da Luo.

For the rest, the worst is also Golden Immortal Peak.

Da Luo is even more of a group.

Such a strong army is enough to be frightening!

In addition to the Five Elements Shadow Army, there are millions of Yin figurines, and the overall strength of this group of slaying troops is not much worse than the Five Elements Shadow Army.

"It seems that I have found the right person."

Cang Feng smiled faintly.

There was a look of relief in his eyes.

He was very happy that such an outstanding junior appeared in the line of gods and demons.


Within the Mist.

The Lord of the Mist has a solemn face, and tens of millions of troops stand in front of him, with the strong suffocation that shakes the world.

"Everyone, the time we have been waiting for for many years has come!"

"Now, at the time when the two universes are facing each other, the main force of the Pangu universe is on the battlefield of the void. The emptiness behind is a great time for my Wuzu to show off their skills and occupy this universe!"

The Lord of the Wuzu said loudly.

And every Wuzu's face also had a sense of excitement.

Over the years, in order to wait for time, they huddled in a secret world in the Pangu universe, never daring to appear.

And this time.

Their chance finally came.

"Panlian, you are our peerless killer, and you will be the main force then to invade the Pangu universe."

The fog family looked at a young man next to him.

The other party was wearing a black long-distance runner, with a mysterious green lotus mark on his forehead, and holding a black spear in his hand, UU reading revealed a strange and unknown aura.

Pan Lian smiled coldly, "This nature, I was made to bring destruction to this universe!"

at this time.

He suddenly sensed something and looked at the sky, with a sense of suspicion in his eyes, "Someone is coming?"

"How can it be?"

The Lord of the Wuzu couldn't believe it.

Can be followed immediately.

There was a loud roar from the sky!

The terrifying loud noise made a sensation in the entire sky!

A huge crack appeared.

The tyrannical coercion swept out, shaking the world!

I saw two figures walking out of the huge crack.

It is Madman Chu who still has a Tibetan front!

Behind them, there are countless troops!

"A person in the line of gods and demons!"

"Mad Chu, how did they find this place?"

After seeing Kuangren Chu and others appear, the Wuzu people suddenly became a little flustered, especially the mighty army of the other party, exuding the breath of the weather, which made people feel shocked.

"Don't panic!"

"Mr. Chu, they came just right, and they had the operation! They used their blood to compose this road of conquest!"

The Lord of the Wuzu said loudly.

Infected by his words, everyone's fighting spirit was mobilized one after another, looking at Chu Kuangren and others, eager to try.

"Oh, that's interesting."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He gently raised his hand, and his voice spread throughout the army, "Everyone, listen to my orders, and wipe out the Wuzu... on the spot!"

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