Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : You are very brave, distribute your troops, he killed Hun Yuan

The meeting of the kings begins.

Just when everyone was a little dissatisfied with God King Sagong's way of waiting for a while, a figure slowly walked in.

The man who came was Chu Madman.

There was a strong sword pressure on him, sweeping the entire hall.

After the **** kings who were shrouded in Xianhui sensed this breath, a strange color appeared in their eyes.

"An extraordinary breath!"

"Pretending to be a heaven, it seems that you are a heavenly sword."

"This kind of breath, are you provoking us?!"

The kings of the gods looked at the people coming with curiosity in their eyes.

But a few people showed hostility.

For example, the sky is overcast, his face becomes difficult to look after a brush, staring at Madman Chu, his eyes are cold and cold.

That hammer is still fresh in his memory.

There is also a figure shrouded in the black mist, also showing hostility to the Mad Chu, this is the ancient **** king of the Hades clan.

There is also the emperor family, the Luo king family...

Some ancient **** kings of the races that had more or less hatred against the Mad Chu Chu had some hostility towards him.

And behind Chu Kuangren, Tianying glanced over those people.

Although those **** kings hide well, Tian Ying is a demon who feeds on resentment and malice, and has a keen sense of hostility.

In the field, who has hatred for Chu Madman.

I can't hide it from him.

He took down the breath of these people one by one.

Anyone who is an enemy of the Lord of Demons, these people need to die!

There was a cold color in Tianying's eyes.

Madman Chu didn't notice the strangeness of Tianying, but just looked at the gods and kings in front of him, and let Xiao Ai begin to analyze.

Get as much information as possible.

"Interesting, Heavenly Sword, it's not as good as seeing, your arrogance is above my imagination." Qianyan God King said lightly.

As he said, the coercion vented out of him.

The aura of multiple harmony, rushing to the madman of Chu, is extremely domineering and arrogant, like a fire that will burn away all things and all souls!

Facing this coercive Madman of Chu, he stood with his hand in hand.

It's just that the sword pressure on his body is even more terrifying.

The two breaths collided frantically.

The whole hall was shaken.

"All the people present are the ancient **** kings who have experienced the last cosmic battle. You are a junior, how can He De come to participate in such a meeting?!" Another ancient **** king snorted coldly.

Suddenly, another majestic breath came out.

"Oh, Heavenly Sword, don't come here unharmed."

Yuan Teng looked at the Madman Chu and smiled faintly.

But the momentum on the body is unreserved, venting out.

There is also a cloudy sky.

He was killed by Madman Chu not long ago, and his heart was extremely annoyed. Now he saw the crowd oppress Madman Chu.

He couldn't help but want to mix it up.

The power of the four ancient gods pressed against the Madman Chu, if the ordinary supreme **** king, I am afraid it would shudder under this kind of pressure.

But Madman Chu stood in place, his expression indifferent.

The next moment.

An incomparable power of Dao rises to the sky!

Almost lifted the ceiling of this hall!

"This way..."

After several **** kings noticed the madman Chu's way, their expressions changed slightly, and they felt like they were being bounced back.

In terms of coercion, they can't compare to each other? !

"His Tao is extraordinary. It is a Tao and does not belong to this universe. No wonder we can't suppress him."

"Heaven Sword... As expected, it should not be underestimated."

The eyes of a few people gradually became serious.

Not only them.

The eyes of the other **** kings also showed different colors.

"Being rampant in front of the sky, you are very brave, then can you be brave and fight the sky?!"

Madman Chu's eyes were like electricity, and several people passed by and said.


The Thousand Flame God King snorted coldly, just when he was about to challenge.

God King Sagong quickly stepped out to complete the game, "Everyone, don't be impulsive, this time I'm here for a meeting, not for a competition."

"God Sagong, why let Tianjian participate in this meeting?"

Qianyan God King said coldly.

"This is what the hall master meant. If you have any questions, you can ask the hall master." God King Sagong said with a smile.

The Thousand Flame God King suddenly lost his temper.

To question Hun Yuan?

Give him ten courage, and he dare not do such a thing.

The crowd then allowed Madman Chu to participate in the meeting.

"Oh, let God down."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, the breath of the God King Thousand Flames fluctuated violently.

Obviously suppressing anger.

The **** Sagong was rather helpless, and secretly transmitted a voice to the madman Chu.

"Heaven Sword, these people are the mainstays of my Tianyuan Universe, can you please be more considerate?"

"Don't worry, the sky has its own feet."

The corner of King Sikong's mouth twitched.

Be self-contained...

You told me the same last time.

The results of it?

You smashed all the roads of the cloudy sky! !

He stopped talking and started the meeting.

This meeting mainly talked about the layout of the void battlefield and the plan for the powerful people in the Pangu universe.

Among them, the madman of Chu saw some messages about ancient harmony in the Pangu universe, and among them were the seven gods and demons.

"Heaven Sword, I hope you can sit in the Ninth Continent."

Sagong God King said.

The ninth continent.

This is part of the Tianyuan Universe Line of Defense.

Madman Chu nodded, and did not refuse, "Yes."

Anyway, sooner or later he will go to the Void Battlefield, this ninth continent can be used as his starting board for actions in the Void Battlefield.

The rest of the **** kings are also assigned to their respective places to guard.

Madman Chu secretly wrote down these things to himself.


This is a huge piece of information.

"In addition, when you are in the void battlefield, please pay attention to one person." Between the **** king Sagong raised his hand, an image appeared.

Madman Chu glanced.


That person is not himself, who else can he be?

"This person's name calls the madman of The lord said that if anyone can successfully kill this person, he can agree to a condition. Whether it is to break through the perception of Hunyuan or the ultimate treasure of the best, he can promise."

Hearing this, the emotions of many **** kings fluctuated.

Even Chu Madman was a little surprised.

This **** is really killing himself in order to kill himself.

"Who is this person? How important is the palace owner?"

"Hey, this person looks quite young."

"Ha, killing such a junior, isn't it pediatrics?"

Everyone laughed.

But the word that King Sikong took, caused them to explode.

"This person has killed Hun Yuan."


Deathly silence.

The breath of everyone fluctuated violently, and even the figure shrouded in colorful fairy radiance was shocked.

"Kill Hun Yuan? Did you make a mistake!"

"Pangu Universe, there is actually an existence that can kill Hun Yuan?"

"Hehe, is it possible that the Lord is asking us to die? How can we be the opponent of the opponent who can kill Hun Yuan?"

Everyone talked a lot.

But King Sikong waved his hand and said, "Everyone, be quiet, the former Palace Master and the other two Hun Yuan went to Pangu Universe, and they were sealed without regrets, but they were also severely injured because of this. This person was just taking advantage of Hun Yuan being severely injured. , This was the chance to kill the opponent..."

King Sikong explained.

Although everyone gradually calmed down, they couldn't help being frightened. After all, Chu Kuangren killed Hun Yuan.

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