Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : 0 The Flame God King provoked, the sky shadow shot, the 7 color fairy...

"Even if Hun Yuan was seriously injured before killing the other party, this person is still not to be underestimated. If you want to kill him, I'm afraid it is still not an easy task." said the figure in the colorful fairy hui.

The others also agree.

Then, they asked for some information about Madman Chu.

This meeting is just over.

Everyone left immediately.

After leaving the Tianyuan Temple.

Madman Chu wanted to go to the void battlefield.

But midway, he was stopped by a figure, and the opponent was filled with scorching and domineering coercion, and it was the King of Thousand Flames.

Madman Chu glanced at him, "Something?"

"Boy, you were very arrogant at the meeting just now."

Qianyan God King said coldly.

Madman Chu curled his lips, "Are you here to provoke God?"

"So what?"

The might of Qianyan God King became more domineering and tyrannical.

Some gods stopped to watch.

They all want to see how strong this famous moving universe, the Heavenly Sword that calls the wind and rains in this era, is really strong?

"I heard that Motianyin was defeated by the opponent."

"The strength of the King Thousand Flames is not much worse than that of Sky Yin, but his Divine Fire illusion is a bit tricky."

"Well, yes, can Heavenly Sword handle it?"


When everyone was discussing, God King Thousand Flames had already taken action.

"Let me, as a senior, teach you a lesson, so that you understand what is meant by the heavens, and there are people outside the world!"

The inside of the Qianyan God King roared, and he punched out a flame that was so hot that it rushed towards the Madman Chu.

The void was burnt and distorted by this flame.

at this time.

But seeing the long sword from the madman Chu's waist came out with a clang.

The dignified sword aura contains the emperor's aura!

A sword slashed through the waves of fire.

"Heaven is the highest and strongest heaven in the world!"

Madman Chu said indifferently.

Sword pressure vented out, shocking the starry sky!

"Imperial, domineering?! Tsk, it's no wonder he dares to be so arrogant, the emperor and hegemon are one, it's rare to see him in the ages."

"Tsk, really a monster!"

Everyone was amazed.

And Qianyan God King also showed a solemn meaning in his eyes.

He raised his hand to urge Dao Ze, and flames spewed out of his body, condensing into a single figure in the void.

They all looked exactly like him.

Even the breath is as tyrannical, making it impossible to distinguish his true body.

"Shenhuo phantom body!"

"go with!"

Shenhuo phantom body, this is the unique method of God King Thousand Flames.

The avatars can be constructed from the sacred fire in the body, and each avatar has its own strength, which is difficult to distinguish.

"Oh, how about the doppelganger?"

Madman Chu's sword waved out.

The powerful sword aura swept away the clones, but in the next instant, these clones reunited and formed, as if they were inexhaustible.

"Haha, Heavenly Sword, this clone was condensed with my sacred fire. As long as my deity is still there, they are immortal."

"No matter how strong you are, how many can you kill?"

The words of King Thousand Flames came from all directions.

Its orientation is difficult to distinguish.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed, and he wanted Xiao Ai to analyze the deity of God King Thousand Flames, but at this moment, the sky shadow behind him walked up.

"Master, can you give this person to the demon."

"Oh, are you interested?"

"Yes it is."

Tian Ying said lightly.


Madman Chu puts away his hands and has no way.

Seeing this scene, the Qianyan God King's face sank, "Let a follower deal with me, Heavenly Sword, you are too presumptuous!"

After speaking, all the magical fire phantoms roared towards the madman of Chu and nothing.

But the other side stood still, disapproving.

Not moving.

At this time.

A black blade of light shrouded in the sky, and purple magic flowers suddenly bloomed in the void, beautifully beautiful.

Wherever the magic flower goes, the meaning of death is overwhelming.

One by one Shenhuo phantom body, all shattered.

"Take a shot against the Lord of Demon, you are unforgivable!"

Between Tianying's hands, a huge black flower bloomed behind him, and endless malice surged in it.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help being surprised.

"This kind of power is unheard of."

"What a terrible malice."

The flower of evil blooms and turns into a long black blade.

Tianying shot again.

The darkness of the sword shrouded the world!

"The flower of evil, kill all evil!"

One by one Shenhuo phantom body shattered one after another under this knife light.

But then, the flames burned, the roads were intertwined, and the phantom bodies were condensed again, sweeping the power.

"I said, you can't kill these phantoms!"


Seeing Tianying evil charm smiled.

He focused on one of the Thousand Flame God Kings, with the inky black magic blade in his hand circulating this chilling monstrous malice.

I saw magic flowers blooming all around.

Between the heaven and the earth, fell into a treacherous silence.

"The flower is withered, and the person does not return, and there is no sound!"

At the moment when the blossoming magic flowers faded.

A boundless meaning of death enveloped, a beautiful and miserable knife light across the sky, locking on the King of Thousand Flames.

Bang, bang, bang...

Wherever the knife light went, each of the divine fire phantoms shattered.

And the blade of light slid across the Thousand Flame God King.

A burst of blood shot out, and an arm flew out.

The King of Thousand Flames looked at the hand breaking his arm, his face was gloomy, and his eyes were incredulous, "How did you find my deity?"

"Your malice is too obvious."

Tian Ying said lightly, with a touch of regret in his eyes.

The sword he had just aimed at the opponent's vitals, he didn't expect that the opponent would be able to hide in the last minute.

Only one arm was chopped...

How is this enough?

Tianying's eyes were cold, and the magic blade in his hand cut out again.

For him, the phantom created by the Shenhuo phantom body is nothing but a virtual body, and it cannot cause confusion to him. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm

He is a demon, and his perception of malice is too obvious.

These avatars of Shenhuo looked real, but in fact they were just puppets, without any emotions.

And even if the Qianyan God King hides it well, as long as he has a hint of malice towards Tianying, he can be keenly aware of it.

"Evil Flower, Heaven Demon Dance!"

The magic blade in Tianying's hand was waving.

The magic flower blooms in the flying of the knife!

King Thousand Flames was actually hard to fight for a while, plus he broke one arm, it would be difficult to recover for a while.

Actually fell into a disadvantage at this moment!

"Damn it, heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, and leave first!"

Thousand Flame God King thought to himself.

As soon as his figure flashed, he wanted to leave.

But seeing a flash of blood in Tianying's eyes, the blood pupil of the demon opened!

A huge **** enchantment enveloped this world.


The Qianyan God King, who was blocked by the enchantment, looked at Tian Ying with cold eyes, "This battle, count me down, I give up."

Tianying sneered.

"It's not enough to provoke the devil's lord. It's not enough to admit defeat. You need to pay for it with your life." Tian Ying said nothing, but the ultimate move came up again.

"What, you want to kill me!"

The face of the Qianyan God King changed.

At this time, an overbearing colorful palm print fell from the sky, smashing the blood-colored enchantment to pieces, and it was worthwhile to save the life of the Thousand Flame God King.

Madman Chu looked towards the direction where the colorful palm prints were emitting, it was the existence that was shrouded in colorful fairy radiance.

The breath of the other party gave him a rather familiar feeling.

"It turned out to be like this..."

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