Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : Snow God King, Yuan Teng and Dark Night, Titan God Tree

"The Thirteenth Continent is an important node of the Tianyuan line of defense. There are a large number of immortal gold veins here, which transport weapons to various places, and here, there are more than a dozen Da Luo extremes like me, and there are also three gods. They are Yuanteng, Dark Night, and Snow God King."

When talking about the Snow God King, Feng Qiyu's face was a bit unsightly, because the Snow God King was the enemy of her previous life.

Now he's sitting on the same continent as his enemy, don't think about it, the other party must have secretly used some kind of power arrangement.

"Perhaps it is because of the scruples of the Heavenly Sword, so the Snow God King hasn't attacked me yet." Feng Qiyu said with some rejoicing.

"Yuan Teng, Dark Night... These two people are what you said, are they the hidden ancient harmony?"

He was more interested in these two people than the Snow God King.


Feng Qiyu nodded, "Except for a few of us, the two people came to the thirteenth continent. The rest of them don't know."

"I know."

"Heh, I didn't expect the Heavenly Sword to come here."

At this time, a sweet laugh sounded.

I saw a snow-white shadow coming, and the temperature in the void dropped a lot because of her arrival, like a trapped ice.

Madman Chu glanced at each other, "Snow God King."


The Snow God King, one of the supreme kings of the Tianyuan Temple, is said to have part of the Titan family bloodline in this person, and Yuanteng and Dark Night in Feng Qiyu's mouth are also the ancient **** kings of the Titan family.

Three **** kings of the Titan tribe, gathered together on a continent.

This matter is a bit abnormal.

Madman Chu was a little concerned.

"Here I came here, I mainly wanted to find some immortal gold and refine a scabbard." Madman Chu said lightly.

He took out Wudao.

Because of the perennial influence of the Wudao sword scabbard, the scabbard is now covered with cracks.

The Snow God King glanced at it and said with a faint smile: "My thirteenth continent, if there is nothing else, there are many immortals and gold, and the heavenly sword can choose any."

"That's right."

Immediately afterwards, Madman Chu wandered around on the 13th Continent.

Look for suitable gold along the way.

Actually, I was investigating the fairy gold veins here.

In addition, he wanted to see if he could find some clues from these things and explore the reasons why the three great Titans gathered here.

On the way, the Snow God King and Feng Qiyu had been following him, and the two women looked at each other with coldness.

"I heard that Feng Qiyu is a friend of Tianjian?"

"She is a member of the Yuan Tian Hui, and the people in the Yuan Tian Hui, no one but Tian can judge them."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Basically, he was warning the Snow God King not to hurt Feng Qiyu.

The Snow God King heard the meaning in his words, and a strange color appeared in his eyes, "The Round Sky Club, an interesting organization. I don't know who the members of the Round Sky Club created by the Heavenly Sword are?"

She wants to get some information.

"When it's time for you to know, you know it naturally."

Madman Chu didn't say much.


What he found, came to a mountain range.

There are numerous prohibitions here.

It seems to be guarding something.

"Oh, these are... natural prohibitions?" Madman Chu's eyes lit up, "Is it hiding some peerless immortal gold?"

He raised his hand to break the prohibition.

But the Snow God King's expression changed, "Heaven Sword, stop!"

"what's happenin?"

"This place is where the immortal gold veins of the thirteenth continent meet. Once destroyed, the entire continent will be in shock." The Snow God King said quickly, stopping Madman Chu.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

He glanced at the prohibitions and found that in addition to some natural prohibitions, there were also a large number of artificial prohibitions.

"In that case, I won't move here that day."

He stopped and left.

The Snow God King breathed a sigh of relief.

After several days of investigation, the Madman Chu planned to stay on the 13th Continent for a few more days on the grounds that he had not found a suitable immortal gold.

The Snow God King did not refuse either.

This night.

The Snow God King's figure turned into a stream of light and swept away in the distance.

Madman Chu observed in secret and followed.

I found that the other party had come to the mountain range full of bans, pinched the mysterious technique, opened the ban, and walked into the mountain.

"Sure enough... there is a secret hidden in the mountains here."

"There are also Yuanteng and Darkye, the two ancient co-daos. They are also in the 13th Continent, but they have not appeared. Will they hide in this mountain range? What are they doing?"

Madman Chu thought to himself.


Inside the mountains.

A huge fairy tree stands.

Layers of fairy brilliance flowed above, brilliant and extraordinary, while fruit was bearing fruit on the tree, among which there was a path flowing.

The Snow God King came here.

Looking at the fairy tree, there was a frenzy in her eyes.

"How has the Titan God Tree grown?"

The Snow God King asked.

Under the tree, there are two people.

It is the other two ancient **** kings of the Titans here.

Yuan Teng still has dark night.

The two of them were sitting under the tree, and the Taoist inside the body was flowing, and a large amount of immortal power continued to pour into the immortal tree.

"You came just right, the Titan God Tree is almost mature, come and help us." Yuan Teng said.

"it is good."

When the Snow God King came under the tree, he also continuously injected the power of the fairy element into the Titan God Tree, and the fairy radiance on it became even more radiant.

"Once the sacred tree of Titans is fully mature, the sacred fruits of the titans on this will be of great help to our cultivation. At that time, the Snow God King, you will break through the multi-combination **** king, but it will be easy.

Yuan Teng smiled faintly.

There was a trace of desire in the Snow God King's beautiful eyes.

"Thank you two."

"Ha, yes, you and I are both members of the Titans, and you discovered the tree of the Titans." Yuan Teng said.

The sacred tree of Titans, this is a kind of sacred tree in the ancient legends of the Titans. The fruit of this sacred tree contains a lot of Taoist rhyme.

Even if it is taken in harmony, it has a huge effect.

It can be said to be one of the top genius treasures in the Tianyuan universe, and its value is more precious than the ultimate treasure.

When the Snow God King came to the void battlefield, he sensed it with the Titan bloodline in his body, and used the power of the Supreme God King of the Temple to occupy the thirteenth continent in advance.

However, this sacred tree of Titan is not yet fully mature and needs the power of Titan to ripen. It is very difficult for her to ripen in a short period of time with her strength, so Yuanteng and Darkye were found.

These two are the ancient **** kings of the Titans. With the help of these two people, they can ripen the tree of the Titans in a short period of time.

"By the way, what happened to the Heavenly Sword?"

"He said he came to find Xianjin, but he almost strayed into this place before, and I found an excuse to dismiss him," said the Snow God King.

"Heaven Sword... I just came here at this time, I always have some worries in my heart." Yuan Teng said.

"Hmph, what are you afraid of, even if it's a Heavenly Sword, but facing the three of us, can he still turn the sky upside down? Besides, this is the thirteenth continent, where we guard it."

The Dark Night God King said lightly, a deep Dark Night power surged through him, the strongest existence among the three present.

Others are afraid of Heavenly Sword, but he is not afraid!

"hope everything is fine…"

Yuan Teng murmured.

But when he heard that Heavenly Sword had come to the thirteenth continent, the anxiety in his heart was increasing day by day.

It's like a bomb, I don't know when it will explode.

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