Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: :0 Xixian Emperor wants to attack 13 continents, the show begins

Outside the thirteenth continent.

Madman Chu is observing that weird mountain range.

Tell him directly what secrets are definitely hidden in it, and he let Xiao Hobby analyze the mountain range.

After a while, he knew how to break these restrictions, but he didn't immediately take action.

Entering now will only be a surprise.

Moreover, if the three **** kings of the Titan clan were all there, once a fight started, even he would have to spend some effort.

"Heh, let's let you go this time first."

Madman Chu turned and left.

After returning to his residence, when he was thinking about dealing with the Snow God King like this, the message of the madman Qinglian Chu suddenly came in his mind.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

"Ha, it was really timely."


Within the defenses of the Pangu universe.

Several Hedao are starting a combat meeting, Qianxi Immortal Emperor, Yunzhongyue, Zijin Wheel, Dragon Shadow Immortal Emperor, Soul Supreme and others are all present.

Naturally, Madman Chu was also there.

These people are all in the realm of harmony.

"I think we must deal with the 13th continent first."

Qianxi Immortal Emperor said.

In front of him, there is a huge map.

And this map was produced by various intelligence about the Tianyuan universe collected by the intelligence forces of the Pangu universe.

There are indeed some fortifications of Tianyuan Universe.

Hearing that Emperor Qianxi said that he would deal with the thirteenth continent, Madman Chu's eyes flashed, he didn't speak, and looked at him quietly.

"This thirteenth continent is an extremely important part of the Tianyuan universe's fortifications. It contains countless fairy gold veins. As far as I know, many of the weapons of the Tianyuan universe monks came from here."

"As long as we take this place, it will not only damage the morale of Tianyuan Universe, but also add a lot of resources to us."

Emperor Qianxi smiled faintly.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

It seems to be thinking about the other party's proposal.

"The fairy king, what do you think?"

Someone asked Madman Chu.

But Madman Chu sat on the spot, and the old **** said: "I don't care, you can figure it out."

"Hmph, aren't you afraid of going to the frontline battlefield? I didn't expect that the famous Immortal King was actually a weak person."

Immortal Emperor Qianxi snorted coldly.

"The bereaved dog, where did you say this in the face?"

Madman Chu chuckles.

The four words mourning dog completely angered Immortal Emperor Qianxi, making him furious, and the evil current on his body turned away.

"Kuangren Chu, don't be too presumptuous!"

"Who is the presumptuous?"

Zijin Wheel said indifferently.

The flow of gods and demons turned around, suppressing the opponent.

The other party was helpless.

With the Zijin wheel, he didn't dare to be presumptuous at all, not to mention that Madman Chu's strength might not be inferior to him.

"Okay, please calm down your anger, everyone gathered together, not here to make noise." At this time, a Hedao spoke.

"I agree with Immortal Emperor Qianxi's opinion, but who will come forward to attack the thirteenth continent?" Soul Supreme said.

"Who proposed it, who will go."

Madman Chu said lightly on the side.

Hearing his words, everyone swiped and looked at Immortal Emperor Qianxi.

The other party showed a pensive color.

Judging from intelligence, the ruler of the thirteenth continent is a Snow God King, whose cultivation base is nothing but a great achievement in harmony.

It is more than enough to cope with his own cultivation base.

"Okay, I'll go if I go."

Immortal Emperor Qianxi snorted coldly.

"I will go with you."

Immortal Emperor Long Ying said lightly.

"Oh, just the two of you, don't send food, do you really think there is only one Snow God King on the thirteenth continent?"

Madman Chu chuckles.

"This is obtained from the intelligence department of my Xian Ting, can't you still have a more accurate source of intelligence than our intelligence department?"

Immortal Emperor Qianxi snorted coldly.

Although Xian Ting was expelled from the Immortal Realm, there were still many people left. These people were scattered all over the Void Battlefield, collecting all kinds of intelligence, and working silently for the rise of Xian Ting.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi didn't believe that Madman Chu had a more accurate source of intelligence than them, unless he was a high-level figure in Tianyuan Universe.

But is that possible?

"Since the Thirteenth Continent is an extremely important part of the Tianyuan Universe fortifications, its defense strength cannot be weak. For the sake of the Pangu Universe camp, I would like to remind you to bring more people."

Madman Chu said lightly.

He naturally knew what defense force the Thirteenth Continent had.

Three **** kings of the Titan tribe.

The two are still multiply together.

Only Qianxi Immortal Emperor and Longying Immortal Emperor passed by.

The same as the food delivery.

It's useless at all.

But he reminded that it was not a good intention, but because he needed Qianxi Immortal Emperor and others to help him hold the Snow God King.

This way he can handle things easily.

"Huh, are you so kind?"

"believe it or not."

"Xianxi Immortal Emperor, the Immortal King is also kind, so, I don't know who is willing to attack the thirteenth continent with him."

Soul Supreme asked.

"Why don't I go too."

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

I saw a man in black appearing at the meeting, and the other party was filled with terrifying pressure, revealing an ancient atmosphere.

"Oh, the **** demon, you are here too."

Zijin Wheel glanced at each other.

The **** demon...

Madman Chu's eyes showed a hint of thinking.

He had an impression.

It's not that I have seen each other, but I have seen it in some classics.

It is said that the opponent is the most terrifying magic repair in the Pangu universe since the immortal age. The strength is so strong that it can beat the top Hedao.

It seems that it is another existence of a multi-combination level.

"After sleeping for so long, I want to exercise my muscles and bones, Immortal Emperor Qianxi, don't mind fighting with me. UU Reading"

The **** demon looked at Emperor Qianxi and said.


Immortal Emperor Qianxi would not refuse such a strong support from the Great Black Demon.

Then, everyone discussed some specific matters.

In the end, it was decided to attack the thirteenth continent, headed by Emperor Qianxi, Emperor Longying, and Damo Heitian.

The rest are responsible for cutting off Tianyuan Universe's possible route back to the thirteenth continent, leaving the thirteenth continent alone and helpless.

Soon, everyone began to act.

the other side.

Within the thirteenth continent.

Madman Chu was drinking tea while the old **** was there.

Feng Qiyu curiously asked next to him: "President, didn't you mean to find Xianjin? But what are you doing these days?"

"Wait for a chance."

Madman Chu said mysteriously.

at this time.

A monk from Tianyuan Universe rushed in in a panic.

"It's not good, it's not good, General Feng, the monk of Pangu universe is here!" The monk said loudly.


Feng Qiyu's face changed.

Then, she quickly got up, "Open the big formation to resist, and send someone to notify the Snow God King!"

She got up and was about to go out to fend off the enemy, and then she looked at Madman Chu weirdly, "President, isn't this the chance you said?"

"Oh, who knows?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, neither admitting nor denying it.

Feng Qiyu didn't think so much, and quickly went out to defend the enemy.

"The show has begun."

Madman Chu looked at this scene with a playful smile.

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