Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1005: : 3 big hedao shots, the Titan tribe **** king infighting

On the thirteenth continent.

A huge circular gas mask covered this place, and countless mysterious runes flowed through it, giving it a feeling of solidity.

This is the defensive formation of the thirteenth continent.

And in the sky above the great formation, the Qianxi Emperor, the Dragon Shadow Emperor and the Great Black Sky Demon came together together, behind them there were tens of thousands of true celestial gold celestial beings, and countless ordinary celestial beings.

At this time, they were launching a fierce attack on this huge defensive formation, and the entire continent was in turmoil.

"This tortoise shell is really hard."

Immortal Emperor Qianxi had been attacking frantically for most of the day, but there was still no big formation that broke, and his eyebrows frowned slightly.

"It's up to us to do it."

The Great Black Sky Demon said coldly.

Then, I saw a gleam of light flowing in his eyes.

Between raising his hands, the power of Dao Ze is boiling.

A huge black palm print was suddenly pressed down like a dome of sky, and the entire sky was buzzing and trembling.

Next to him, Emperor Qianxi and Emperor Longying glanced at each other.

"Since the **** demon has taken action, we can't watch it here." Qianxi Immortal Emperor said.

Then, there was a roar of Dao sounds in his body, and two completely different Dao paths flowed out, condensed into a huge spear.


The spear shot out!

The void was easily pierced through.

the other side.

Emperor Longying also urged power.

A dragon shadow soared out into the sky, roaring ferociously.

The three united, three tyrannical forces blasted together on the 13th Continent's defensive formation.

Suddenly, the enchantment of the big formation clicked and cracks appeared.


Emperor Qianxi gave a cold voice.

Everyone suddenly rushed in from the crack.

But at this time.

A cold wind swept out, and everything withered everywhere.

The monks were frozen into ice sculptures.

I saw a woman walk out, and the person here was the Snow God King.

She looked at the invaders with cold eyes, but her heart palpitations secretly, except for the Dragon Shadow Immortal Emperor who was confident to deal with it.

The other two were actually in the multi-compassion state.

It's simply not something she can contend with.

"Heh, as expected, there is only one master of harmony, that Madman Chu is really nonsense, and what he said is not that simple."

Emperor Qianxi snorted softly.

Then he blasted out with a palm, and the terrifying power erupted.

The Snow God King also shot immediately.

She took out a treasure, it was a piece of ice armor, which could bless her power, and this was able to withstand the blow of Emperor Qianxi.

But it was still being blown out, blood vomiting wildly.

too strong.

The power of multiple harmony is not something she can resist.

"With the power of the treasure, you can block the next time, but can it block the next two or three times?" Immortal Emperor Qianxi said indifferently.

He raised his hand to condense the Tao into a spear and shoot away!

This blow pierced her **** armor and pierced her shoulder.

"No, if this continues, I will die?!"

The Snow God King's face was horrified.

She quickly urged a jade slip to call Yuanteng and the two **** kings Dark Ye, but these two people were actually indifferent!

Mountains, inside the tree of Titan God.

In the dark night, Yuan Teng sat on the floor.

In front of them, there was a huge light curtain, and on the light curtain it was the battle between the Snow God King and the Qianxi Immortal Emperor.

Seeing that the Snow God King was in danger, the two of them looked indifferent, and they didn't even want to go out to help.

"I'm worrying about how to solve the Snow God King and divide the part of the Titan Divine Fruit that belongs to her. It just so happens that the people from the Pangu Universe are here. God really helped me." The Night God King said lightly.

"A bastard, also wants to share the Titan Fruit with us? Really irresponsible." Yuan Teng couldn't help but chuckle.

The Titans have always attached importance to blood inheritance.

In the Snow God King's body, there is only part of the Titan bloodline. In the eyes of the pure Titans, the other party is a bastard.

A sinner who has defiled the noble blood of the Titans.

Even if the opponent is the Supreme God King.

On the surface, they would share the divine fruit with the Snow God King, but in fact they were all thinking about how to kick the opponent out.

The attack of Pangu Universe and others came just right.

"The strength of these people is a combination of two daos and a fusion of three daos. As for the other, it is not enough to be afraid of the Dacheng God King. When they solve the Snow God King, we will take action to solve them, and then Come back to carve up the Titan Fruit."

The Dark Night God King estimated the strength of both sides and thought.

His abacus clinked.

And the other side.

Madman Chu watched the Snow God King fall into the wind and was in danger, but Yuan Teng and the two of them were too late to rescue them, and their eyebrows frowned slightly.

"Yuan Teng, Dark Night, you are so cruel!"

"You just sit back and watch, wanting to swallow the divine fruit of the Titan, you are so mean!" At this time, the Snow God King roared loudly.

She also guessed Yuanteng's abacus.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi was a little surprised when he heard what the other party said, and at the same time he was on guard. Are there really other gods on the 13th continent? !

Inside the Titan Tree.

In the dark night, Yuan Teng's faces became cold.

"This bitch, actually exposed the sacred tree of Titan in this way?"

"It doesn't matter, if you expose it, you will be exposed. Anyway, no one knows where the sacred tree is when she dies, and the sacred fruit of the Titan is about to mature. When the time comes, we will leave here once we have a point."

"Yes, Not Bad…"


"Oh, this is infighting? And Titan Fruit..."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes.

After thinking about it, he suddenly guessed the matter and laughed a little, "This scene is really getting more and more exciting."

the other side.

Emperor Qianxi had once again brewed a killer move.

This time.

The Snow God King couldn't hide it.

Although she hated the people of Pangu Universe in her heart, she even hated Yuanteng who betrayed her and the Dark Night God King even more.

"If I can survive, I will do whatever it takes to ask you to pay for this!"

The Snow God King roared inwardly.

But she also knows how small the odds of surviving in the hands of multiple co-doers are by virtue of her own.

"go to hell!"

Emperor Qian Xi exploded with a spear in his hand.

The Snow God King condensed the Dao and shot an iceberg, but under the spear, the iceberg shattered every inch and turned into countless ice slag.

The spear is like a broken bamboo, stabbing at the Snow God King!

That's it!

There was a look of despair in the Snow God King's beautiful eyes.

at this time.

A hand stretched out from beside her and grabbed the spear.

In an instant, the spear was directly crushed by an extremely powerful force, and it turned into a Tao, and the fragments escaped.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi's face changed, and he was able to smash the spear condensed by the power of his Dao with his bare hands. This power is no small thing!

He looked at people coming.

He has black hair in white clothes and a black ancient sword on his waist.

He looks indifferent like ice, eyes like stars, unpredictable.

"This person is... Heavenly Sword?!"

Emperor Qianxi narrowed his eyes.

In the war between the two armies, intelligence work is indispensable.

As for some powerful people in Tianyuan Universe, Xian Ting's intelligence department has already gone through some investigations.

The heavenly sword is impressively in it.

"Tianyuan universe's strongest evildoer, Tianjian, shouldn't you be in the ninth continent? How come you are here?"

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