Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : The last one of the Titan God Fruit, the Titan God Armor, turns against each other a

"This guy…"

Immortal Emperor Qianxi looked at Madman Chu, the Heavenly Sword in his eyes was full of resentment, but then looked at Yuanteng and Dark Ye.

This battle can no longer be fought.

Otherwise they will explain here.

"Leave!" Immortal Emperor Qianxi made a decisive decision, while the Great Black Demon and Immortal Emperor Longying both quickly retreated when they saw this.

"Want to go, is it so easy?"

Yuan Teng, the dark night two still want to chase down again.

But at this time.

Suddenly a power of gods and demons erupted in the distance, and a huge purple-golden wheel rolled from a distance, containing majestic power.


Yuan Teng and Dark Night struggled to block.


The entire continent was shaken.

"It's a powerful force. He belongs to the same line of gods and demons."

Dark night gave a cold snort.

They are not unfamiliar with the line of gods and demons. In the last cosmic war, the line of gods and demons destroyed a lot of good things for them.

far away.

The Zijin Wheel stood up in the air and snorted coldly, "If it weren't for the overall situation, I wouldn't be too lazy to save you guys."

He has no affection for Qianxi Immortal Emperor.

It's just that at the moment when the two universes are at war, any joint combat power is precious and cannot be easily lost.

Even Xian Ting Hedao is the same.

Not to mention that there is such an existence as the Great Black Demon.


Within the thirteenth continent.

The monks of Pangu universe have already retreated.

Looking at the messy battlefield, the Snow God King's face was extremely gloomy.

Looking at Yuanteng and Dark Ye, their eyes were even more icy, and they asked, "Why do you wait until now to take action!"

Old God Yuan Teng said: "I thought you could handle it."

"I can deal with the three powerful kings of the gods? You two are too overestimating me, don't you just want to swallow the **** fruit of the Titan? You two are really evil minds!"

Snow God Wang Qiao's face was cold.

She was pressing the urge to take a shot, she knew that she was not the opponent of Yuan Teng and Dark Ye at all.

"Huh, I'm too lazy to tell you more."

Dark night gave a cold snort.

Immediately, the two figures flashed, and swept towards the direction of the Titan Divine Tree.

The Snow God King stayed to comfort the army.

Madman Chu looked at Yuan Teng and Dark Ye in the distance, with smiles on his faces, "I hope you like this gift."


In the dark night, Yuan Teng and the two rushed back to the mountains.

Turn on the ban.

But when they came to the Titan God Tree, they were immediately stunned, their faces stiff, from unbelievable to pale and weak, and then surging with blood and anger, and finally almost lost their reason.

"In the end what happened!"

"Who is it, get out!"

The two roared.

The gods and immortal consciousness surged across hundreds of millions of miles.

Covered the entire thirteenth continent.

I saw that in front of them, the Titan God Tree was good before leaving, but now there was only a yellow and withered tree trunk.

Almost all of the Titans above are missing.

This made the two of them angry and almost vomiting blood.

For this sacred tree of Titans, they watered it day and night with the power of Titans, and they did not dare to neglect the slightest, but when they were about to succeed, someone harvested the fruits of their labor in one fell swoop.

How can they possibly accept this result? !

Angry, angry, angry!

The anger of the two Titan God Kings burned wildly, almost engulfing their sanity, and the God King and Immortal Consciousness swept every corner of the continent.

They swear if they let them find the thief.

Must cut the opponent a thousand knives!


No matter how they searched, they couldn't find any clues.

The Snow God King, who was calming his army, also noticed the immortal consciousness of Yuan Teng and the two people engulfing the sky of anger, and he was a little confused.

"What the **** are these two guys doing?"

Then, she asked the others to clean up the battlefield.

Her figure flickered and swept towards the direction of the sacred tree.

Madman Chu looked at her back and smiled, "Ha, it's another good show, God, how can I miss it?"

He is the director of this scene.

How can it be done without seeing it in person?


Under the sacred tree.

Yuan Teng and Dark Night's immortal knowledge swept across the entire continent, but they didn't find any clues, so they had no choice but to give up in the end.

But the anger is still there.

The more burned, the more prosperous.

"Hey, there is one more."

At this time, Yuan Teng saw that there was a Titan fruit on the sacred tree.

There is a mysterious brilliance flowing above.

The tempting fruity aroma is tangy.

"This is a fully mature Titan fruit!"

"This is impossible. In addition to the power of the Titans, who else can ripen the sacred tree of Titans? Could it be that the people of the Titans took the sacred fruit? He ripened the sacred tree first, and then took the sacred fruit?!"

The two of them were puzzled, but besides them, who else belonged to the Titans on the thirteenth continent?

Thinking of this, the two have different thoughts.

"Hmph, this thief is absolutely hateful. He took most of the Titan Divine Fruit, but only the last one is left. This shows that it is a trap. He wants us to kill each other because of this Divine Fruit."

Yuan Teng snorted coldly.

The analysis of the effect of this last divine fruit is very clear.

He looked towards the dark night and said, "You won't be fooled, will you?"

"Huh, this is natural."

Dark Ye snorted coldly, and then his gaze turned, "Although this thief is hateful, but this last divine fruit should always have a belonging. Watering the divine tree, I will give it the most."

After speaking, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards Shen Guo.

At this time, Yuan Teng stopped him.

"Dark night, you are not kind, right? You have contributed, don't I have it? This divine fruit should belong to me."

"Do you want to fight with me? Do you have this ability?"

Dark night's face became gloomy with a brush.

Dao circulates in his body.

With a mighty coercion, UU reading shrouded this world.

"Dark night, you are so presumptuous!"

Yuan Teng's face was also extremely ugly, a purple-black armor suddenly appeared on his body, with mysterious and brilliant light flowing on it.

"This is... the armor of the Titans! Okay, the treasures scattered by the Titans were in your hands, and you hid them so deep!"

"Hmph, facing a sinister villain like you, I naturally have to guard against it. With this armor, facing you, I also have the power to fight."

Yuan Teng coldly snorted, Titan God Armor, the treasure of the Titans, only the strongest of the Titans are qualified to use it.

In those days, the strongest member of the Titan clan, the Titan God Lord, fell in the void battlefield, and this treasure disappeared.

No one knows, this thing is in his hands.

He has been hiding and tucked away.

"Hmph, among the Titans today, the strongest is my dark night, this thing is also mine, hand it over!"

Dark night snorted coldly, then shot.

The two sides fought fiercely.

The force of horror shocked, and the entire mountain range was destroyed.

When the Snow God King arrived and saw the scene in front of him, he was immediately stunned, "What's the matter, how did they fight."

Then, she also saw the withered sacred tree of Titan.

Her face sank, "Sure enough, these two **** didn't keep a single one for me, asshole, I really don't want to be muddled?"

Then, she saw that there was still a Titan fruit on the tree.

Taking advantage of the fierce battle between the two.

Her figure flashed and swept towards the sacred tree.




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