Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Good show, watch slowly, doubt each other



Seeing that the Snow God King actually took advantage of his fierce battle to grab the last remaining Titan Divine Fruit, Yuan Teng and the two immediately turned their guns.

The two slapped together.

The Snow God King's expression changed, and he quickly avoided.

"You two bastards, this Titan God Tree was the first I discovered, and I also came to you, but now you don't even give me a divine fruit, it's too much!"

The Snow God King was furious, with a pretty face.

But Yuan Teng and Dark Night were also angry.

"You bastard, you also want to distribute such fetishes with us?"

"Yes, you are not qualified at all."

Hearing this, the Snow God King became even more angry.

And Yuan Teng thought of something, "Only the three of us know about this place, and only the three of us can solve the restrictions here, Snow God King, honestly explain, did you take away the Titan Fruit?"

Dark Ye's face was instantly filled with killing intent.

"what are you guys saying?"

The Snow God King was a little puzzled.

Then, she smirked, "I understand, you wanted to use the Pangu clan to kill me, but failed. Now you have made up an excuse to kill me, right?"

"Stop talking nonsense, who else can you be?"

"Joke, I have been fighting fiercely with the people of Pangu Universe on the front line, will I still be cloned?!" The Snow God King was furious.

In her opinion, these two people just want to find excuses to kill themselves.

This was how he wrote and directed the scene in front of him.

"'s not impossible!"

Yuan Teng's face sank.

There are tens of thousands of practices in this world.

The method of avatar is not uncommon.

"Me? Doppelganger, funny, why don't you say that Dark Night Doppelganger came to take the divine fruit." The Snow God King sneered.

"It's also possible."

Yuan Teng looked at the dark night, his eyes getting worse.

"Hmph, I still suspect it's your clone."

Dark night sneered.

"Only the three of us know about this restriction. Only we can solve this restriction without making any movement. The Titan tree, and only the power of the Titan can ripen it. On the thirteenth continent, in addition to the three of us, there are Who can enter here quietly, and then ripen the sacred tree and take away all the sacred fruits of the Titans?!"

The more Yuan Teng thought about it, the more he felt that it was made by the Snow God King or Dark Ye, and he was deceived by them.

Dark night thinks so too.

The Snow God King still thinks that the two of them are writing and directing themselves, wanting to kill themselves, or there is really someone who betrayed secretly, so he calculated the two.

She must be innocent anyway.

The three kings confronted each other, and their hearts were extremely angry.

In the blink of an eye, they came together again.

"Hand over the divine fruit!"

"Huh, the thief shouts to catch the thief, brazenly!"

Madman Chu watched with relish.

"Good show, watch it slowly."

He stepped aside and found a place to sit down at random.

Almost got some melon seeds or something.


at this time.

The Snow God King was thrown back with a palm, his face instantly turned pale.

She is not the opponent of the two at all.

Fortunately, the two did not chase her again, but continued to fight. In their opinion, each other was the most likely.

The Snow God King's cultivation base is the weakest, and the one who was going to be kicked out of the game from the beginning has the least chance of planning all of this.

Only if they are each other is the most likely.

"Where is your clone, let him come out!"

"Hmph, it was you who let your clone come out, shameless, you claimed to be the strongest of the Titans, and did something like this."

All kinds of magical powers and immortals, the power of Taoism collides in the air.

The entire thirteenth continent was in turmoil.

According to the cultivation base, Dark Night has the strongest strength, integrating the four ways, but Yuanteng has the help of the Titan God Armor, and his strength has greatly increased.

Fighting each other inextricably.

Kuangren Chu watched from the side, thinking that it would be best for the two to die together. Of course, he also knew that this was unlikely.

This battle lasted three days and three nights.

The people on the 13th Continent were all dumbfounded.

"Why do these Titans love infighting so much?"

"Yeah, not long ago, the two of them were unsuccessful to the Snow God King. Why are they fighting now?"

"I don't understand."

"What are these high-level heads?"

"We are desperately working on the front line, but they are busy fighting each other all day long. Damn, have we seen us?"

Someone is watching the show.

Some people are very dissatisfied and indignant.

at this time.

Madman Chu yawned.

He has watched enough of this scene.

He glanced at the last sacred fruit on the sacred tree of Titan, and his figure flickered and swept towards it, and the two Yuanteng who were fighting fiercely saw the actions of Madman Chu and immediately took action to stop him.

This is the last Titan fruit.

They are bound to win it.


Madman Chu snorted, raising his hand and cutting out with a sword.

The terrifying sword shadow flew into the air and cut it down.

There was a boom.

Both of the attacks were directly cut off by him.

He took the last Titan Divine Fruit in his hand, and said indifferently: "For a Divine Fruit, you are really ugly."

The two looked at the divine fruit in his hand, with longing in their eyes.

Then, Yuan Teng thought of something and said loudly: "Heavenly Sword, the divine fruit here will not be taken away by you! After you came, the people of Pangu universe also came, and then the divine fruit disappeared. If you have nothing to do with this matter, I don't believe it very much."

Since Madman Chu came to the thirteenth continent, he had a vague premonition in his heart, and now something happened.

He suspected that it was the other party who was making trouble.

"Even I suspect that you are a spy of the Pangu universe!"

Yuan Teng continued.

But the Snow God King next to him couldn't help but sneer and said: "It's really getting more and more outrageous as you say it, and the Heavenly Sword is a spy in the Pangu universe? Why don't you say that he is the fairy king of the Pangu universe, UU Read Extremely stupid!"

"Don’t forget, Tianjian has been fighting with us before, and it has saved me. If he is really a spy in the Pangu universe, why should he save me? In addition, if he doesn’t take the initiative to contain a multiplicity, he can It’s not necessarily true if we keep here."

Yuan Teng was speechless at the words of the Snow God King.

Moreover, the Heavenly Sword is not a member of the Titan family, he should not be able to mature the Titan God Tree.

Then the three of them are the most suspicious.

Is it really just a coincidence that Heavenly Sword came here?

"Hmph, let's not talk about anything else, Heavenly Sword, first hand over the Titan Divine Fruit in your hand."

Dark Ye stared at the divine fruit in Madman Chu's hand and said.

"A divine fruit, how can it be divided into three people? God sees you fighting for it. If that's the case, then Tian doesn't mind being a good person today and accepting this thing for you. If this comes, you don’t have to Continue to fight for it."

Madman Chu smiled faintly, and put away the divine fruit.

Hearing what he said, several people were stunned. They had never seen anyone talk about Duobao so fresh and refined.

It seemed to be thinking of them.

"Heaven Sword, don't talk about rhetoric here, hand over the divine fruit, otherwise don't blame us for being rude to you!" Dark night snorted coldly.

"Come on, God wants to see how you can be blunt."

Madman Chu stood with his hand in his hand.

Sword pressure circulates, and Yuan Teng is facing the dark night strongly.


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