Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1006: : Re-entering the darkness, the image of the sun and the moon in the sky

"Noisy, who allows you to disturb Tianzhiqingxiu?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, in the general's mansion, a figure slowly walked out. He was dressed in white, with an indifferent expression.

Looking at Pluto, there was dissatisfaction in his eyes.

His breath is not very strong.

But there is a unique attraction, just standing there, can become the center of this world in an instant.

He is too unique.

Because he is a heavenly sword.

A sword of heaven above the sky!

"He is the Heavenly Sword?!"

Wuxian looked at Madman Chu, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes showed unprecedented fear.

As a strong man, Wuxian can clearly feel what a stormy sea hides under the other's calm appearance.

"Sure enough, it's extraordinary."

Wuxian looked at Madman Chu, his eyes were extremely jealous.

After seeing Madman Chu show up, the Underworld laughed, "Heavenly Sword, you have finally shown up, I have been waiting for you so hard!!"

After speaking, he passed the sky shadow without saying anything.

He raised his hand and attacked.

One shot is the most ferocious power of Dao!

The horror road is like rapid turbulence.

Shocked out in an instant, to crush everything!

Seeing this, Madman Chu raised his eyes indifferently, and then raised his hand lightly. The hand was white as jade, smooth and delicate.

Then everyone saw that a white light flashed by that hand.

The howling sword energy swept out.

Entrapped by Dao.

In just an instant, the power of Dao Ze urged by the Underworld God was completely destroyed, and the whole person flew upside down, blood vomiting wildly.

one move!

Set a verdict on top of one another!

Underworld looked at Madman Chu in disbelief.

"Your strength... the perfection of Tao?"

"No, you are approaching the Tao of Consummation!!"

The Way of Consummation, that is the standard configuration of multiple Hedao Realm.

And Pluto himself has practiced for thousands of years between time and space, and only with his previous life experience can he reach the pinnacle of Hedao.

Why can the other party be consummated?

Mingshen's face changed uncertainly.

I saw his figure flashed, and he came to the sky above Madman Chu, pinching the mysterious magic formula in his hand, causing the Dao in his body to roar.

In an instant, several incomparable runes flew out.

The runes were like big stars, rushing towards Chu Madman.

But when the other party saw this, he didn't take it seriously, and the white and jade-like palm raised it again with an understatement.

The sword gas whizzed out.

The runes shattered every inch.

Pluto flew out again.

But this is not over yet.

The madman of Chu's sword fingers condensed, the sword energy of the fingertips was flowing, and the emperor's energy was swallowed and turned into a majestic sword shadow.

Until this moment, he officially made a sword move.

Hum! !

There was a tremor in the void.

In the howling sword aura, the Underworld God's body was torn out a big hole, blood spurted out, and the whole person half-kneeled on the ground.


This is a crush without suspense!

The nine kings standing in the sky were silent.

They have been in retreat between time and space for so many years. They thought they could get closer to the Madman Chu, but now it seems...

It's getting farther and farther!

Originally, they could still see his back.

Now, even the back figure seemed to be blurred.

Even Luo Xue and Long Jingjing who thought they were familiar with Chu Mad people were incomparably amazed, feeling a little weird.

They thought that Underworld could not be the opponent of Heavenly Sword.

But the gap is so big that I still didn't expect it.

When Wuxian saw this scene, his pupils were trembling slightly, and now he understood what it means to be someone outside a person, there is a sky outside the sky.

What about Hunyuan?

Compared with Tianjian, what is his strength?

"Something's wrong."

"Pluto, as one of the oldest existences in the past, will not be so miserable even if it hasn't recovered to its peak?"

"Yes, is this Underworld so cruel?"

Everyone thought to himself.

The Underworld, who had been blasted back one after another, slowly stood up, looked at Madman Chu, and suddenly laughed, "I knew that I might be inferior to you in terms of cultivation, but do you think I am really the only one?"

"To deal with you, what I rely on the most is not the cultivation base!"

As the Underworld spoke, a strange force gradually spread out in his body, and everyone only felt a shock in their heads.

The brain is trembling, the soul is trembling...

"It's soul power!"

"Sure enough, Underworld God really has another hole card!"

"What a powerful soul power, this power far exceeds his cultivation realm, I am afraid it has reached the peak of freedom!"

"It can be said to be second only to Chaos."

Madman Chu's face showed a touch of playfulness.

Facing the power of the Underworld's soul that is constantly spreading out like a sea tide, he calmly said: "Let the sky appreciate your struggle."



In an instant, the power of the soul flooded the Madman Chu.

Pull him into a dark world.

In the darkness, countless treacherous whispers seemed to reverberate. If a normal monk fell into this place, I was afraid that his spirit would immediately become abnormal.

But Madman Chu didn't care.

He looked around, "Yes, compared to the last time, this time it's a lot better. It seems that you are recovering well."

"Mad Chu, I lost to you in this darkness last time. This time, I will use this trick to wash away my shame!"

The voice fell.

I saw a roar coming out in the darkness that was too thick to dissolve, and then, one by one, the evil spirits rushed out.

The madman of Chu condensed his sword fingers, and the power of the soul slashed out.

But it didn't work.

That sword shadow was actually swallowed by these evil spirits!

"Pleasant soul power."

In the darkness, the voice of the Underworld God came out again.

Just swallowing part of Madman Chu's soul power, he feels physically and mentally refreshed and extremely happy.

This makes him look forward to it.

If he completely swallowed Madman Chu, he would definitely be able to restore his peak posture, and even go further!

Thinking of this, the Underworld drove more evil spirits to bite towards Madman Chu, the number of them was like a frenzy of evil spirits.

"Blood Moon!"

at this time.

But he listened to the madman Chu indifferently.

Immediately afterwards, the soul power on his body exploded, condensing a strange blood moon in the boundless darkness.

Moonlight swayed like water.

A crowd of evil spirits is actually hard to get close.

"This is the soul practice method?!"

Underworld was a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Madman Chu would still practice this kind of practice.

But it's just a way to protect the soul.

The other party can keep a time, can it still keep a lifetime?

Not in a hurry.


Madman Chu gave another soft drink.

I saw a burst of extremely hot soul fire suddenly burst out of him, and these flames condensed at high altitude and turned into a big day!

The sun was shining all over, and the evil spirits screamed. Under the scorching sun, like snow meeting the scorching sun, they all collapsed!

The sun and moon on the soul of Madman Chu walked in the darkness like a supreme god, warding off all evils!

"Your soul power, I will accept it."

Madman Chu's eyes were calm and sharp, as if he had pierced the boundless darkness, and landed directly on the Underworld God.

Pluto has never felt astonished like this moment.

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