Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1007: : Destroy the **** of darkness, sleepless seize the mark of the king, he is pretendin

Madman Chu had been to the soul forbidden area long ago.

There, he learned a lot of soul practice, and he no longer had a powerful soul but didn't know how to use it as before.

Now he, on the use of soul power, especially above Pluto, Pluto wants darkness to deal with him, it is his mistake.

But it was in the calculations of Madman Chu.

In the old days, he let go of the Underworld God, in order to wait for the other party's soul power to become stronger, absorb and refine in one fell swoop.

"According to the intelligence sent by Dragon Crystal, the Nine Kings can summon the incarnation of the Great Dao together, which is extremely powerful. This is a threat to the Pangu universe, so let's get rid of it first."

Madman Chu thought to himself.


If there is no such threat, he still wants to wait for a while, until the Underworld grows to a certain extent and absorbs refining.

"Impossible, how can you master such a profound soul practice? In Tianyuan Universe, no one can compare to me in terms of the use of soul power. I know all kinds of soul practice methods."

"Why haven't I seen your practice like this?"

Underworld said in disbelief.

But Madman Chu, in order to prevent him from lifting the darkness, the power of the soul surged again. Above his head, the fusion of the sun and the moon turned into an even more surging soul power.

Wherever this soul power went, thousands of evil spirits scattered one after another.

The whole darkness is turbulent.

Under this power, Pluto was the first to bear the brunt. A large amount of soul power escaped from his body and was absorbed by Madman Chu.

"not enough."

Madman Chu gently raised his hand, and the thousands of soul powers turned into thousands of swords and blades, swept out like a storm.

It is also a clever soul practice method.

Pluto was shocked.

Where did this guy get so many masterful soul practices that he hadn't seen before!

Pluto was shrouded by swords and blades, and his soul was hit hard again.

Another wave of soul power was absorbed by Madman Chu.

"Try this again."

At this moment, Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

A large number of purple runes flowed out and turned into a big clock.

Purple Soul Clock!


The sound of the bell seemed to come from eternity, shaking the soul.

Pluto was hit hard again.

At this time, most of his soul power was absorbed by Madman Chu.

One goes down and the other goes up.

He has no power to fight back in front of Madman Chu.

The thought of having practiced for thousands of years between time and space, just for a **** shame, but still so unbearable in front of the other party.

At this moment, his mentality is almost exploding.

"Asshole, asshole!"

Pluto knew that if he continued to stay in this darkness, there was only one way for the soul to disperse.

He exhausted his last strength to lift the darkness!

Outside the general's house.

Pluto unraveled the darkness, and fell to the ground with a pale face.

The big beads of sweat on his forehead kept dripping.

On the other hand, Madman Chu still had that calm and breezy appearance.

at this time.

Madman Chu's sword fingers condensed, and he slashed a sword towards the Underworld God, and the sword aura made the Underworld God feel terrified.

"Heaven Sword, no!"

At this time, a voice came.

But Madman Chu did not hesitate at all, the sword shadow fell, and the Underworld was torn in half by the sword Qi on the spot.

The Tao in the body gradually fell apart.

Underworld, fall!


A figure came, it was God King Sikong.

He looked at the fallen God of Underworld, annoyed, and then looked at Madman Chu, "Heaven Sword, you have done too much this time. The God of Underworld is the strongest among the nine kings, and the nine kings are us who conquer the Pangu universe. His top weapon, how could you just kill him like this?"

"He wants to kill me, why can't I kill him?"

Madman Chu sneered and asked.

The King Sagong choked on the spot. After coming over for a while, he continued: "I came here on this trip to stop the fight between the two of you. I didn't expect to be a step too late."

"Then next time, you have to hurry up."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Next time?

Next time?

The head of the **** Sagong was dizzy, and he wanted to cry without tears.

Madman Chu ignored the other party. He looked at the corpse of the Underworld God, and a mysterious rune rose into the sky. It was the mark of the king.

But just as he stretched out his hand to take it, someone quickly came to the King's Seal, took it away, and quickly disappeared.

Madman Chu showed a sneer when he saw this.

"Snatching things in front of the sky, stupid!"

As soon as the sword's fingers condensed, the prison of the sky came out.

The space around the person is blocked.

In the next instant, an extremely powerful force burst out of his body, shattering the surrounding space and escaping.

The madman Chu's eyes condensed slightly.

That power just now...

Is it the power of Hunyuan?

Did Hun Yuan take his things?

No, if you are a strong Hunyuan, there is no need to be so sneaky, just show up and grab it, why run away?

"Heaven Sword, don't chase it."

Just when Madman Chu wanted to figure it out, God King Sikong said again: "That's the apprentice of the palace master, his own."

Hun Yuan's apprentice?

No wonder that Hun Yuan's power is in his body, it seems that Hun Yuan has given him some life-saving means.

Madman Chu showed a little interest.

Immediately he chuckled, "He is still sneaking up and snatching the spoils of others. This is a narrow pattern."

King Sikong couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

He was also quite dissatisfied with sleepless actions.

Why are you stealing things from the Sky Sword?

Isn't this a grudge with the other party?


At this time, Dragon Crystal and others came up to say hello.

Madman Chu glanced at them, and they were all **** kings.

Several people chatted at random. Some of these people were assigned to other places to be stationed, while others were free to move.

After chatting for a few words, he turned around and returned to the general's mansion, leaving everyone looking at the corpse of the Underworld God sighing.

"Unexpectedly, Underworld God actually died."

"This is dead as soon as I leave the is too bad."

"It's not that the Underworld God is Taicai, but the Heavenly Sword is too terrifying, and even the Underworld God's soul supernatural powers can't hurt him at all."

"How do you know that Underworld can't hurt him? It's hard to see the battle of the soul. If you can't tell, the Heavenly Sword is narrowly defeated?"

"It's not impossible..."

Everyone talked a lot.

After the Madman Chu walked into the general's mansion, An Zhixun walked towards him.

"Congratulations to the general for eradicating the enemy."

He was smiling all over his face.

After seeing him, Madman Chu had thoughts in his eyes, then his face became pale with a brush, and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Tianying and An Zhixun were frightened.

"Master, how are you?"


Kuangren Chu paled and said: "The Underworld is indeed extraordinary. In a battle with his soul, although the sky has won, it is also a terrible victory. I am afraid that this injury will not be healed in a short time."

"What, it is so."

An Zhixun's eyes rolled, and his face was very anxious.

It seems that he is worried about the injury of Madman Chu.

"Military teacher, you can go down first. From now on, things on the 13th Continent will have to take care of you."

"This is natural." An Zhixun nodded, "Tianjian, rest a lot, and leave the rest of the 13 continents to me."

An Zhixun left.

After he left, Madman Chu's complexion gradually returned to normal.

With a wave of his sleeve, the blood on the ground disappeared.

His breath is extremely stable, where there is still the slightest bit of serious injury.

He just pretended to be.

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