Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Xuantian 9-star appeared strong, deep brain space, times have changed

"Woman, report your name!"

Luo Yunxiu looked at Quartz and said with cold eyes.

"Xuantian Nine Stars Lian Zhen!"

Quartz said lightly, and his figure flashed away, turning into a streamer.

"Want to go? No way!"

Luo Yunxiu still wanted to catch up, but at this moment, the light of Buddha intertwined and circulated on the ground suddenly, turning into water and air bursting out.

In the blink of an eye, the moisture gathered into a downpour.

A drop of rain contains a mighty force.

Luo Yunxiu was stopped by the heavy rain, and in the blink of an eye, the trace of quartz disappeared without a trace.

Only one voice reverberated.

"Nine Kings of Tianyuan, but so..."

Luo Yunxiu was stunned, his face was blue and white, and a fist blasted a mountain range next to him.

He snorted coldly: "Xuantian Nine Stars, are there nine existences like you? It seems that they were specifically fighting the Nine Kings."


On another battlefield.

The monks of the Pangu universe are being hunted down.

The head of the man had cold eyes, holding a pale golden long sword in his eyes, wherever the sword energy went, the earth was torn apart.

"It's Xuan Yuanfeng, one of the nine kings!"

"No, we are not his opponents."

"Damn it, leave now."

Xuan Yuanfeng looked at the cultivators who had fled, with a sneer on his face, and between his hands, thousands of sword auras swept out.

at this time.

In the void, a star map suddenly appeared.

From it, there are also thousands of cyan sword qi rushing out.

Sword Qi and Sword Qi converge!

The world seemed to be torn apart.

"Who is this breath?"

Xuan Yuanfeng was a little surprised.

In the star map, a man in a blue shirt is holding a long sword, and the sword aura surrounds his body, one person and one sword, blocking the pursuit of Tianyuan Universe.

"Xuantian nine stars, Lu Cun."

Ye Zhu said indifferently.

Raising his hand is another sword cut out.

The sword energy crossed, reflecting the vision of the fall of the gods and Buddhas.

It is Zhuxian Jianqi.

Xuan Yuanfeng struggled to block, backed half a step, his eyes drenched, and when he wanted to take a fight, he saw that Ye Zhu had already left the cultivator of Pangu Universe.

"A good swordsman, I look forward to fighting with you next time, Xuantian Jiuxing... It seems that there are new variables in this war."


In recent days, just when the confrontation between Pangu Universe and Tianyuan Universe fell into a disadvantage, a new turning point appeared.

Xuantian Jiuxing showed up strongly to turn the tide.

Starlight shines on the battlefield.

Someone saw a female bodhisattva holding a white jade bottle, and golden showers everywhere came to the world, saving all sentient beings.

There are swordsmen in Tsing Yi who cut off mountains and rivers with their sword aura, one person and one sword blocked the powerful attack of countless monks in Tianyuan Universe.

There is also a Divine Phoenix in this world, and the phoenix fire burns everything, and even masters like the Nine Kings can't avoid it. They are extremely powerful.

Others saw the flowers on the other shore blooming and reincarnation.


Within the boundaries of the Pangu universe.

The soul supreme was in the formation, and she saw her hand squeezing the mysterious technique, and a pair of purple eyes flowed in a strange light.

Immediately afterwards, with her as the center, purple runes flowed out around her, creating a whole new space in an instant.

This is a purple space, and the sky is full of stars, and the stars are flowing and gorgeous.

It is worth mentioning that the shape of the starry sky constructed by these stars is a bit strange, like a brain.

at this time.

Under the starlight, a group of figures projected out.

Each of these people is a monk from the Pangu universe.

"Is this the deep brain space of the soul forbidden area? It really is mysterious and extraordinary." Immortal Emperor Qianxi said lightly while looking at this space.

"Thanks to the soul supreme, this deep brain space method was used to project the spiritual thoughts I waited here."

"In this way, even if I'm scattered around, I can gather together to discuss wars, and I won't be afraid of delaying fighters."

Everyone looked at this deep brain space and was amazed.

Soul Supreme smiled, and then said faintly: "This time everyone gathered together is not to discuss this deep brain space. The key lies in how the Pangu universe will behave in the future."

"The battle of Pangu universe is not optimistic now. Tianyuan universe suddenly appeared like Nine Kings. Although their strength is not very strong, they have unlimited potential."

"Yes, it's really tricky."

"I heard that Wushuang warlords showed up not long ago."

At this time, someone said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was silent for a while.

Unparalleled generals, this is an honorary title on the battlefield. In the last two cosmic battles, not many people were able to obtain this title, and every one of them was the top powerhouse.

"It's really tricky."

"There are only seven unparalleled fighters remaining in my Pangu universe. Four of them are coming. The remaining three are sleeping in the Demon Dark Forbidden Land due to the tragic battle that year."

"How is the action in the Demon Dark Forbidden Land?"

"It's still under detection, but there should be results soon. If the three can be awakened, it will be of great help to the battle."

"Tianyuan Universe, I'm afraid they won't sit and wait for death, you know, they also have unparalleled warriors sleeping in it."

Everyone was talking about the Wushuang warlord, and the matter of Demon Dark Forbidden Land was being discussed. At this time, Zijin Wheel said lightly: "Everyone, I think we should discuss another matter first."

"What's the matter?"

"It's time for the Pangu Universe to need a leader. Think about it. Now Pangu Universe is at a disadvantage. In addition to the lack of combat power, the most important thing is that everyone is a plate of scattered sand, fighting each other. This will be given by Tianyuan Universe. Destroy them one by one."

Hearing this, everyone showed a groaning expression.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi said lightly: "The Zijin Wheel is right."

Zijin Wheel glanced at each other unexpectedly.

Didn't sing against him?

There is tricky.

Then, Emperor Qianxi continued: "If you don't dislike it, I Xianting is willing to take on this important task."

Hearing what he said, the Zijin Wheel suddenly came across.

Good guys.

The opponent is here today to fight for the position of leader.

"Xianxi Immortal Emperor, don't put gold on your face, you Xianting wants to lead the Pangu Universe, it's still a long way away."

"If I'm not qualified, who do you want to lead?"

Emperor Qianxi snorted softly.

Then, as if thinking of something, his pupils shrank slightly.

"Why don't you let me try?"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Above the starry sky in the deep brain space, a starlight fell.

A white figure walked out of the stars.

It is Chu Madman.

Seeing him, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

"Mad Chu?"

"He will lead the entire Pangu universe?"

Among these people, some of them were ancient Hedao who had experienced the last cosmic Hearing that Kuangren Chu should be such a young junior to lead them, they couldn't help feeling a little bit in their heart.

I always feel that the other party has insufficient qualifications.

"It really is you." Immortal Emperor Qianxi was not surprised, and said coldly: "Why do you lead us?"

"Oh, just because I am the lord of the immortal world, the king of gods and demons, the contemporary emperor, the ghost emperor of the underworld, the lord of the blood sea... are these enough?"

A series of names of Madman Chu reported.

After listening, everyone was speechless.

None of these names is trivial.

Madman Chu continued to laugh and said, "I am always fair. Anyone who opposes or supports you can bring it forward."

"On behalf of the gods and demons, I support the fairy king to lead everyone."

Zijin Wheel stood up and said.

"I am in the middle of the moon, and I also support it."

"I, Yunlan Buddha, represents the Five Pure Lands of the Immortal Realm, and I support it."

"I win Goumai, on behalf of the zombie penalty zone, to express support."

"On behalf of Sanqingdaomen, I express my support."

"I unconditionally support the ghost emperor in the underworld."

"I Xing Wangu expressed support on behalf of Xing Tian Yi Mei."


"Oh, my soul supreme represents the soul forbidden zone, and also supports the immortal king." Soul supreme chuckled and actually supported it.

Voices of support sounded one by one.

Even the soul restricted area was on the side of Madman Chu.

Immortal Emperor Qian Xi, Da Hei Tian Mo, and other ancient harmony Dao were stunned. At this moment, they deeply felt that the times had changed.

The name of this era is called Madman Chu.


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