Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : 30 continents, you are old, 1 bet

In the deep brain space.

Madman Chu received the support of most forces.

Those ancient Hedao people fell into silence when they saw this scene.

The Madman Chu looked at Emperor Qian Xi and others, and said indifferently: "Now it is the time when the two universes are at war. I don't want any uncertain factors inside. I will ask again, who is against and who supports?"

Hearing his words, everyone looked at each other.

Do they still have a chance to oppose it?

It's not easy to provoke just the seven gods and demons, let alone the fact that Madman Chu has gathered so many forces around him.

"Okay, what a fairy king."

"It seems that I underestimated your prestige."

Emperor Qianxi said lightly.

He stared at each other, filled with fear.

At this moment, he deeply understood that if Xian Ting wanted to return to the top of the Pangu universe, the existence of Madman Chu had to be erased!

But now, the other party has become a trend.

And it's the general trend!

He wants to deal with each other, almost impossible.

But he did not give up this idea.


Only wait for the moment when the other party reveals the flaw.

"Mad Chu, we can listen to your arrangements, but if you want to lead us, you have to show some ability."

Emperor Qianxi said again.

"Yeah, if you don't show your ability, why should we believe that you are qualified to lead us?"

"Yes, this is a war, not a battle. Your personal strength is indeed very strong, but on the battlefield, your personal strength is far from enough, strategic layout, offensive and defensive transformation, do you also have these?"

Everyone questioned.

Madman Chu stretched out a finger, "One month, as long as one month, you can see my ability clearly."

"What do you mean?"

"In a month, I will take back all the occupied territories of the Pangu Universe, along with ten continents heavily guarded by the Tianyuan Universe." Chu Madman said in a shocking voice.

Hearing what he said, everyone was shocked.

Immediately afterwards, Immortal Emperor Qianxi couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Madman Chu, you are too arrogant, do you know how many territories our Pangu universe has occupied in the past ten years? Thirty continents!"

"Moreover, they are all heavily guarded strategic locations. Now you are going to get it back in a month, and you have to capture ten additional continents in the Tianyuan Universe. Don't you think your words are too ridiculous?"

Some people looked at Madman Chu with contempt.

I thought that the other party could have any amazing skills.

It turned out to be the ability to speak big words.

"Do the **** kings of the Yuan Universe of the day eat dry food? Can they conquer their continent casually?"

"Yeah, so funny..."

Madman Chu looked at the crowd in front of him and couldn't help but shook his head, "It seems that you are more useless than I thought. In ten years, people have taken away 30 continents. Are you proud?!"

"You are old, really old."

"The long sleep has left you with little courage. No wonder Dao Ancestor entrusted the Pangu universe to me."

"Forget it, I don't count on you, one month, if I can do what I said, from now on, you will be driven by me!"

Madman Chu finished speaking slowly.

And the faces of the crowds were extremely gloomy.

First, he was ridiculed.

Then he made a bet with them.

Does he really conclude that he can win?

"Okay, I promised."

Immortal Emperor Qianxi gave a cold snort, then rolled his eyes, "If you can't do it, what should you do?"

Hearing this, Madman Chu was silent for a moment.

Seeing him like this, Immortal Emperor Qianxi sneered: "Why, is it possible that you have a guilty conscience and are afraid, so you dare not gamble?"


Madman Chu suddenly screamed, shocking the other party.

"Find out, I'm saving you now! What you dare not do, I dare! What you can't do, I can!"

"This is not a bet of personal grievances, but a major event that concerns the survival of the entire universe. What should I do if I can't do it? Should I kneel down and apologize, or commit suicide?!"

"You better pray that I can do it, because if I can't finish it, then you just wait to finish playing together."

Madman Chu's tone was cold, and he was rarely angry.

Behind him, Zijin Wheel, Yun Zhongyue, Yun Lanfo and others also looked at Immortal Emperor Qianxi, with an icy color in their eyes.

Zijin Wheel said unceremoniously: "Why, Immortal Emperor Qianxi, you really hope that the Immortal King will fail, do you hope Tianyuan Universe will win?"

The others looked at Immortal Emperor Qian Xi, also a little dissatisfied.

Immortal Emperor Qianxi knew that he was a little angry at this moment.

"Naturally not, then I wish the fairy king a victory."

He said with his hands.

"If you can do what you just said, why don't you let me drive this old bone?"

"Mad Chu, let us see what you can do."

"I will wait and see."

Although these Harmony Hearts are somewhat responsive to the Chu Madman leading them, if they can really lead the Pangu Universe to victory.

They can also listen to the arrangements of Madman Chu.

After all, there is still a certain overall view.

After speaking, these people left the deep brain space one by one.

"The soul is supreme, I didn't expect that you would support me."

Madman Chu looked at Soul Supreme Dao.

He has had a lot of grievances with the soul forbidden zone.

The other party smiled faintly, "I just chose the option that is most beneficial to the Pangu universe."

"Your choice is wise."

"The fairy king, what should we do next? It is not easy to retrieve all the conquered territories within a month."

Yun Zhongyue said.

Soul Supreme is also very curious, what would Madman Chu do?

"This, I have my own arrangements. When the time comes, you can just listen to my order. UU Reading" Chu Madman smiled faintly.

He had participated in the high-level meeting of Tianyuan Universe.

He didn't say that the deployment of the fortifications of Tianyuan Universe was clear, but he also knew the general idea. With this, it is not impossible to regain the occupied territory, even one step closer.

After leaving the deep brain space.

Madman Chu opened his eyes, a purple token in his hand exuded a faint brilliance, this was a tool to enter the deep brain space.

Then, he took out another piece of jade order.

Contacted Absolute Wushen.

"Godless, what happened?"

"King, everything is ready."

"Well, I will start to act in three days, when you do what you plan to do."


Madman Chu took the jade order and walked out of the room.

I saw where he was, but a huge palace.

This palace is located on the third continent of Pangu territory.

This place is one of the most important continents of the Pangu universe in the void battlefield, providing various strategic resources for the frontline.

If it has fallen here too.

All the fortifications of the Pangu universe on the void battlefield were almost gone, and it was not far from being attacked into the universe.


At this time, a beautiful shadow came.

It's Gu Linglong.

The opponent came to the battlefield of the void a few years ago.

In the past few years, Madman Chu has been in retreat, and she has been guarding it all the time.

"Husband, do you want to start acting."

Gu Linglong asked.


Madman Chu nodded, "You will be troubled here at that time."

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