Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1001: :1. Take the lead, lead the snake out of the cave, and a big one comes

Deep brain space, after a lot of harmony.

Everyone is waiting for Madman Chu's action.

"I would like to see how Madman Chu would get back the conquered territories, and even capture the ten continents of Tianyuan?"

"Oh, ambition is not small, it depends on his ability."


Everyone is looking forward to it.

I am extremely looking forward to the next actions of Madman Chu.

Just today.

Madman Chu began to act.

He turned into a streamer and left the third continent of Pangu.

And with his actions, many monks in the Pangu universe also took actions accordingly, dispersing the battlefield.

The third continent, within a palace.

There is no one here, but the decoration is exceptionally magnificent.


A figure dressed in a golden and red gorgeous robe slowly walked into the palace. This was a beautiful woman with a delicate face.

The woman's cultivation base is not high, but she has a lot of extravagance.

It seems to be in the top position all year round.

She is Gu Linglong.

She went to a seat above the palace.

Gently raised his hand, and immediately after that, a series of jade orders soared into the air.

These are all jade orders for transmission.

"Xuantian Po Junxing, how are you preparing?"

Gu Linglong said lightly.

A jade order radiated, and there was a voice of absolute godlessness, "Back to the queen, everything is ready, just waiting for your order."

"Don't worry, just stand by."

She looked at the other jade orders, each jade order represented a supreme powerhouse, among them, there was no lack of Hedao-level existence.

But now, these people all obeyed her, Da Luo's dispatch.

This spread out, I'm afraid it will scare many people.

And this is the right that Madman Chu gave her.

After seeing you, you will see the king!

"Husband, I hope everything goes well for you."

Gu Linglong looked at the distance and murmured.


Tianyuan Universe, the ninth continent.


The madman of Heavenly Sword Chu walked out of the retreat rare.

Sky Shadow greeted him, "Master."

"Well, what happened to the Ninth Continent recently?"

"Back to the master, no for the time being, but An Zhixun. The demon seems to have contacted someone before seeing him." Tianying said.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, "It seems that the false information I deliberately released before has taken effect. I don't know who will be attracted to it?"

Thousand Flame God King?

Nine Kings?

The Dao King Clan?

Yuanteng of the Titans, dark night?

Madman Chu is very curious.

With a wave of his sleeves, a chess board appeared in front of him.

"Can you play chess?"

"Understand a little fur." ​​Tianying said.

"Two rounds."

"Master, please enlighten me."

The two sat down and started the game.

The black and the red are fighting on the chessboard, and in the eyes of Madman Chu.

Now this chessboard is no longer a chessboard, but the entire void battlefield. The two colors of black and red represent the two universes.

"The real chess game begins now."

"The first step... Take the lead!"

The corner of Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised.


The chess pieces are dispatched.

Another place.

After the madman Qinglian Chu left the third continent of Pangu, he swept towards the territory of Tianyuan Universe alone and came to a continent.


The people on this continent suddenly felt an unprecedented pressure from the sky, and looked at Madman Chu with horror.

"Who is this person?"

"What a strong breath!"

"It's a person from the Pangu universe."

"I recognize him, he is Madman Chu!"

As soon as Madman Chu came out, some people recalled it on the spot.

This master is not annoying.

When the Void Battlefield was first opened, the opponent had fought against the Heavenly Sword, and now this breath has achieved harmony!

Madman Chu stood in the air, gently raising his hand.

Daoyin roared in his body.

Press the palm lightly.

The power of Dao Ze surging out, turning into a shocking handprint!


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the defensive enchantment of this continent was collapsed by a blunt palm!

The entire continent was sinking, and the power of the majestic road spread out, and the monks fell one after another under this force.


A roar echoed in the sky.

I saw a **** king soaring into the sky, flowing the majestic immortal element all over his body, the power of the Taoist flowing, shaking the void with every move.

He stared at Madman Chu with cold eyes, "I have my Emperor Hong sitting here, who will allow you to come here presumptuously!"

Di Hong, the **** king of Tianyuan Temple.

Come from the family of emperors.

After seeing Madman Chu, his eyes were cold, and the emperor's air poured out from his hands up, turning into golden palm prints.

The Madman Chu raised his hand, and his sword aura screamed.

In an instant.

The emperor's palm print was easily cut in half by Jian Qi.

"So strong!"

Di Hong's pupils shrank slightly.

His cultivation base is already very close to the Supreme God King. With the palm just now, he urged with all his strength, and he didn't leave his hands halfway.

But this kind of power was easily crushed.

Madman Chu's strength is at least the pinnacle **** king, no, even more than that, it may be the standard for multiple **** kings, the way to perfection!

"With such strength, I am not an opponent."

"You must ask for help."

Di Hong thought to himself.

Then, he secretly sent out a message, then took out a golden armor, holding a big sword in his hand, and killing him.

Madman Chu saw this and didn't rush to kill him.

The sword finger condenses and fights with it.

And the message sent by Di Hong quickly reached the hands of the gods and kings, and in an instant, some people's eyes lit up.

"Is Madman Chu?! He has appeared!"

"It is said that who can kill this person, can obtain a condition for Hunyuan, whether it is the treasure or status, or even break Hunyuan's perception, these can all be at hand!"

"Yes, kill this person, you will have everything!"

"Haha, I can't miss this unique opportunity."

Some **** kings, and even the ancient **** kings, were a little unable to sit still.

But some people are more cautious.

"How many troops did Madman Chu bring with him this time?"

"He is alone."

"What? This is too crazy."

"Hey, he wants to conquer a continent with his own power, but with his strength, it is not a difficult task. Let Di Hong support it for a while, and we will quickly rush to help him."

The **** kings are dispatched.

Madman Chu is a sweet pastry in their eyes.

Represents a huge opportunity.


Tianyuan Universe, the ninth continent.

The Madman Tianjian Chu looked at the chessboard in front of him with a calm expression.

"The second step, UU reading leads the snake out of the hole!"


He seemed to sense something and looked at the sky not far away.

I saw a burst of colorful glow.

A powerful pressure flowed in and deterred the entire General Mansion.

Madman Chu smiled faintly: "It seems that it's not just a bunch of snakes that brought out there, but I also got one here."

Amidst the colorful glow, a man stepped forward with his head held high.

The man was dressed in colored imperial robes, a pair of icy eyes flashed with a faint color, his breath was ancient, his body was overbearing, and it was heart palpitating. He was actually the ancestor of the Tianyuan universe dragon clan... the colorful Tianlong!

Madman Chu saw the other party, his eyes narrowed slightly.

This snake is very big.

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