Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Gambling with 7-color Tianlong, 3 treasures, 4 embarrassed faces

"Heaven Sword is so Yaxing, he is actually playing chess."

Colorful Tianlong said lightly.

Madman Chu sat on the spot and didn't stand up to greet him. He just said indifferently: "Colorful Heavenly Dragon, how many games are you interested in?"

Qi Cai Tianlong glanced at the chessboard and said indifferently: "I don't know how to play chess, but I know a little about Go."


Madman Chu asked Tianying to fetch Go.

The two began to play against each other.

"What are you doing here?"

"Let me ask a few things. First, before I fell asleep, I never left my own blood. Where did the blood of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon in the Dragon Crystal come from?" The Colorful Heavenly Dragon fell and said indifferently.

"You should ask Dragon Crystal."

"I have asked, she only said that she had the chance to come, but I have investigated it, when she got my blood, it happened to be when she worshiped you as the master, I think this should have nothing to do with you."

Qi Cai Tianlong was a little angry.

Carrying your own blood, you actually recognize others as the master?

If it weren't for Dragon Crystal to be one of the nine kings, it was of great significance to Tianyuan Universe, he would have killed the opponent long ago.

"Apart from this question, are there any other questions?"

Madman Chu did not answer, and said lightly.

"Where does the dragon power come from?"

This is what Qi Cai Tianlong has always cared about.

After the Madman Chu last time, he felt jealous about the power of the candle dragon on the opponent, which was the dragon power above himself.

This makes him a little weird.

"Hmm...what else?"

Madman Chu still did not answer.

Colorful Tianlong narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You fought with Pluto, and Pluto is the best at soul power. Even if you win in the end, are you really unscathed? Or, now you are just... outside the power in the middle!"

汜豜汜. This statement came out.

The atmosphere on the scene suddenly became deadly.

In the air, there is a sense of coldness.

In the hands of Tianying, a demon flower emerged. He looked at the colorful Tianlong coldly, the power of the devil was flowing, and he could do it at any time.

"Do you want to try it?"

Madman Chu gave a chuckle, his eyes faint.

For some reason, the colorful Tianlong, who had come with a confident mind, felt an inexplicable chill in his heart when he met the madman Chu's eyes.

"Heaven Sword, why don't you answer my question head-on?"

"Well, how about a bet with heaven?"

"What bet?"

"You should have received the message, Pangu Universe Chu Madman single-handedly entered the Tianyuan Universe Defense Line and is fighting Di Hong, and many **** kings rushed to kill him because of Hun Yuan's promise, and bet on his life and death. "The Madman Chu smiled faintly.

He was so cruel that he could even use his life to bet.

"Interesting, Madman Chu...I haven't seen him, but looking at his behavior today, he is just a reckless man. Even if he is strong, he is only afraid of nine deaths under the siege of so many Hedao Kings."

"You bet him to die?"


"That day, I bet on his life. If he dies, God can answer all the questions you have just now. On the contrary, if he survives, I wonder if you can give the sky any reward?"

Colorful Tianlong waved his sleeves.

I saw several treasures, one by one.

They were a piece of fairy gold filled with colorful brilliance, a piece of dead wood the size of a baby's arm, on which a force of yin and yang flowed out, and at the end was a black bead full of resentment.

"These three treasures are the colorful dragon gold, the dead wood of yin and yang, and the evil spirit orb. You can pick one at will."

Colorful Dragon Gold, this is a top-notch immortal gold. Adding a little bit when refining a weapon can make it upgrade to a synthesizer.

Such a large piece of immortal gold is definitely of great help for the madman Chu's formation of refining the Ze Kingdom battle map.

Can quickly shorten the refining time.

The dead wood of yin and yang is used to understand the way of yin and yang.

Although Madman Chu does not focus on the path of yin and yang, he is now close to the realm of multi-combination. By then, he can use the path of yin and yang as the second path to integrate into his body.

As for the last one.

Beads with majestic resentment.

It's of no use to him.

But Tian Ying looked at the bead, her eyes straightened.

"You just asked the sky three questions, and for the same reason, if the madman is alive, these three treasures will all belong to the sky."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"Heaven Sword has such a big appetite."

"Are you betting?"

"Naturally, then as the sky said, Mad Chu lives, three treasures belong to you, Mad Chu dies, you answer all my questions."

Colorful Tianlong doesn't think he will lose.

With so many Hedao God Kings, it is more than enough to kill a Chu Madman.

The other party is not a Hunyuan.


Madman Chu smiled softly.

In his opinion, these three treasures are already in his bag.


The battle between Madman Chu and Di Hong continued.

Di Hong found that no matter how he attacked, the opponent could always disintegrate easily, that expression was extremely relaxed.

And the attack between the opponent's gestures made him resist with all his strength, and he would be hit hard if he didn't care about it.

"So strong!"

"It is said that Madman Chu and Heavenly Sword are the same level of evildoers. I thought it was a fake. I didn't expect it to be true!"

The bigger the Emperor Hong became, the more frightened.

He felt that the other party was playing around with himself.

It seems that he intends to save his own life.

Otherwise, he would have died for a long time.

What exactly does the other party want to do?

"Chu madman, I will meet you when I'm the overlord!"

At this time, a cold shout sounded.

In the high air, a purple red palm print filled with domineering aura fell from the sky, locking Madman Chu!

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. The palm print hadn't completely fallen down, and the surrounding void was already shaking frantically, showing that the palm was powerful.

The madman of Chu didn't retreat, his sword pointed towards the sky.

Jianying soared into the sky!

That palm print was shattered abruptly!

A strong man appeared in the void, UU reading body was surging with power, and the terrifying domineering aura spread from the opponent.

"My God King Molin is here too!"

With a cold drink.

God King Molin flew into the sky.

"My Pluto clan will not easily let go of this opportunity."

Wu Xuelong from the Hades clan also came.

"This guy is mine!"


An aura more powerful and terrifying than the Supreme God King spread out, and in the distance, a giant ape with a hideous face stepped into the air.

When everyone saw it, their pupils shrank slightly.

"It's a devil and ghost!"

"The terrifying beast from a long time ago!"

"This breath, the other party is the King of Multiple Hedao Gods!"

Everyone was amazed, but they didn't expect that among the awakened ancient gods and kings of the Tianyuan Universe, there was actually a demon and ghost ape.

"Huh, it's not certain who owns it."

A ball of fire burst into the sky.

The person who came was the King of Thousand Flames.

Another multi-combination.

With the appearance of kings of gods from all walks of life, the world was immediately shrouded by the power of the terrifying Dao, and the void was shattered one after another.

Everyone looked at Madman Chu with fiery eyes.

"Mad Chu, kill you, and you will get a promise from Hun Yuan. I blame you for your bad life. I can only ask you to die today!"

"Tsk tusk, it's so stupid that one dare to kill here alone, go to **** and repent."

Mi He Mi. Facing the siege of the gods and kings, the madman Chu smiled faintly, his gaze swept over a person, and he took them down one by one.

Then send the message to Gu Linglong.

He pulled out Kun Wu from his waist, raging with sword energy.

"The third step, be embarrassed on all sides!"

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