Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1003: : Start to act, who is embarrassed on four sides, catching turtles in the urn

The third continent of Pangu.

Inside the palace.

Gu Linglong received a call from Chu Madman.

She said lightly: "Breaking the army star, the action has begun."

"it is good."

Call Yuling on the other side.

Jue Wushen showed a cold smile.

In the Pangu universe territory occupied by the Tianyuan universe, just today, a large number of monks appeared at some point.

These monks raged on the mainland, and the line of defense that Tianyuan Universe had originally constructed was completely destroyed by this group of people.

Within a continent.

A cultivator of the Tianyuan universe looked at the soldiers violently murdering in front of him with cold eyes, "I didn't expect you to be lurking here all the time."

The territory of the Pangu universe occupied by Tianyuan Universe has only been ten short years, and there is still time to investigate everyone in the future.

Among these people, a large part of them are the Pangu universe monks lurking in these occupied continents.

They are lurking, just to retake these territories one day, most of these people are monks on the star of Ziwei.

And a large part of the monks of the gods and demons.

These people all obeyed the dispatch of Absolute No God.

"Today, we are going to take everything back!" The monk lurking among the soldiers of the Tianyuan Universe shot directly.

Similar situations continued to take place in the occupied Pangu universe continents. At this time, the Tianyuan cultivators realized that they seemed to have occupied these continents, but the team had been eroded.


at this time.

Decrease bX*wX*.cO汜. Over a continent, there was a cold drink.

Immediately afterwards, a huge star map appeared in the sky, and a sword aura shot out from it, directly smashing the defensive enchantment of the mainland.

A large number of cultivators had been killed from outside the mainland. The cultivators who were still suppressing the Resistance Army were immediately caught off guard.

A general from Tianyuan Universe saw this scene with an extremely gloomy expression, "Okay, it's a good fit inside and outside!"

He said to a soldier: "Go and inform the general."

"The general is not here."

"No? Where did he go?"

This will make the head feel dizzy.

"I don't know, it seems that I am going to kill Madman Chu."

"Damn it, it happens at this time."

The general's expression suddenly shook, "No, these guys didn't know that the general was away, so they just shot it, right?"

"How did they know?"

I haven't waited for him to think about it.

A sword light has swallowed him.

Ye Zhu walked slowly, wherever he went, the sword aura raged, and the Tianyuan monks died under his sword, no one was his opponent.

Soon, the continent was occupied by Ye Zhu.

But this is not over yet.

He looked into the distance, "This is just the beginning."

Another battlefield.

A divine phoenix soared into the sky, and the phoenix fire was everywhere.

Everywhere, everything is turned into ashes, and the world is filthy.

The power of the divine phoenix shakes the world!

"Damn, where did these rebels come from?"

"So strong, this Divine Phoenix is ​​one of Xuantian's nine stars!"

The cultivators of the Tianyuan Universe were quickly defeated by the phoenix fire, and the continent was taken down without much effort.

Another continent.

A young girl in a gorgeous black robe walked barefoot on the ground, wherever he went, blossoming flowers bloomed.

A mysterious and mysterious force of reincarnation spread out.

The flowers on the other side bloom and rebirth.

One person captured an entire continent.

The girl raised her eyes and looked away, as if there was no emotion in her ruby ​​eyes, "Everything is as he expected..."


Tianyuan Ninth Continent.

Inside the General's Mansion.

Qi Cai Tianlong received the message, knowing that Madman Chu had been surrounded by many gods, and sneered, "He has been embarrassed on all sides."

Madman Chu's expression was indifferent, "Yes, embarrassed on all sides."

Can be followed immediately.

Colorful Tianlong received some messages.

His face changed slightly, "The previously occupied Pangu Universe Continent is now under attack and is falling at an extremely fast speed!"

It is not a madman who is embarrassed on all sides.

It's them!

"how so?"

"Wait, is this his plan?"

What did the colorful Tianlong think of, "This madman of Chu is using himself as a bait to draw out the various gods, and then let the people of the Pangu universe go and regain those occupied continents?!"

"This guy is so bold, but now he is in jail, I am afraid he will ruin himself too!"

Madman Chu picked up a chess piece and landed it on the chessboard.

"That's not necessarily true."


"What a madman of Chu, he is actually using his body as bait!"

King Thousand Flames looked at Madman Chu with a gloomy expression.

Obviously, they also received the emergency reports, and they also guessed the calculations of Madman Chu, and they were immediately very angry.

Think that a group of **** kings were calculated by a hairy boy?

Is it tolerable or unbearable!

"Even if your calculation is deeper, but now, facing our siege, you will undoubtedly die. This calculation, you have to take your own life! Thirty continents, for you Chu Madman, don't lose! "

"Yes, and with so many of us, killing you is just a breeze. As long as we kill you in the shortest time, we will be able to help back as quickly as possible, and all your calculations will be empty by then ("


The breath of the various gods erupted, locking the madman Chu.

Di Hong, who had fought against the Madman Chu for a day and night, took the lead and blasted out with a palm of his hand.

But I saw Kun Wu in the other hand suddenly swiping in the air.

Jian Qi is like a flood.

Sharp and unstoppable!

Its power is dozens of times more than before!

At this moment, Di Hong suddenly understood that before the other party, he had been acting with him all the time, just waiting for others to come.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Today, UU reads www.uukanshu. Com people have been attracted.

He doesn't need to act anymore.

But Di Hong understood it too late.

The sword qi shattered the imperial qi, tearing him in half in the blink of an eye.

The blood of the **** king splashed down on the earth.

Everyone was shocked by this sword.

The madman of Chu held Kun Wu, standing in the air, his sword aura, and said lightly: "The first step is to take the lead, the second step leads the snake out of the cave, the third step is embarrassed on all sides, do you know what the fourth step is?

Madman Chu's calm voice echoed.

Everyone couldn't help but feel an inexplicable chill in their hearts.

"The fourth step is for the organs to be exhausted! We will kill you here and smash all your delusions!"

Qianyan God King said coldly.

"Wrong, the fourth step is... catch a turtle in the urn!"

The words fall.

I saw ten beams of light rising into the sky all around.

In the beam of light, there are pieces of artifacts.

The artifact formed a huge enchantment, covering everyone, even the **** king felt a pressure.

"Called again... Close the door and hit the dog!"

Madman Chu urged a ten square array of heaven and earth artifacts, completely shrouded himself including a group of gods and kings, forming a closed space.

When Qianyan God King and others saw this, their expressions changed drastically.

"When did he plant this barrier?!"

"Quickly, kill him!"

Everyone no longer hesitated and shot together.

All kinds of magical powers and immortal methods, and the power of the Tao, turned into an endless torrent and blasted towards the Madman of Chu, majestic and majestic.

Mi He Mi. But seeing the other side as steady as Mount Tai, he waved his long sword in his hand.

"Qinglian Art, a sword opens the sky!"

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