Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1002: : Heavenly Sword is just the top seller, so he decided to deal with 6 eyes

Inside the blood red enchantment.

The Celestial God King faced the Killing Star in front of him, his face was extremely dignified, and the power of Dao in his body flowed out with great momentum.

But in the face of the more terrifying demon's power, his power had no effect at all and was easily disintegrated.

Looking at Tianying, the Heavenly King God's eyes were solemn.

"Who sent you here? Heavenly Sword?"

Tianying did not reply.

But he shot, even more ruthlessly.

The magic blade danced in his hand.

The sharp knife energy swept out, stirring everywhere.

But a few blinks.

The Celestial God King was hit by the knife shadow dozens of times, bloodstains were cut on his body, and the Dao inside his body was violently shaken.

"Devil's blood pupil!"

at this time.

There was a stream of blood in Tianying's eyes.

I saw that the power of the devil on his body was soaring in an instant, and he slashed it across the neck of the Heavenly Extreme God King in an instant.

"Heaven Sword, Heaven Sword is a traitor!"

The last moment.

The Celestial God King looked at the sword spirit patriarch and said.

Immediately, a blood mist burst out, and the head of the heavenly king was thrown high, and the Dao in his body was completely torn apart.

Seeing this, the sword spirit patriarch was shocked. Bxwx.Co 汜

He sat slumped on the ground, still not sure what happened.

Why is Tianji God King dying? Sacrifice as

Why does he say that Heavenly Sword is a traitor?

But Tianying looked at him, her expression indifferent as ice, and didn't say anything. Between raising her hands, Dao surging out.

The patriarch of the sword spirit was no more than Daluo, and Daluo would be the ultimate if he died.

In front of Tianying, there was no power to fight back at all.

It turned into blood mist and dissipated in an instant.

Then, Tianying's eyes flashed, and the **** enchantment dissipated.

"Kuang Chu, Madman Chu..."

"It turns out that this is the secret hidden by the master?"

Sky Shadow was a little surprised.

It's just that for him, what identity the Madman Chu is is not important at all, what is important is that he is the master of the demon.

"Fortunately, the master let the demon come to the sword and spirit clan. It seems that he has guessed that someone will investigate him. The master has a brilliant plan."

He waved the magic blade in his hand again.

After a while.

The entire sword spirit ancestral land was completely destroyed by him.

Even the corpses of the Celestial God King and the Sword Spirit Patriarch were destroyed.

After doing all this.

He carved a line on the ground.

The Heavenly Sword is only the top seller, so what is there to be afraid of!

With a guilty heart, Tianying looked in the direction of the void battlefield.

"Although it was for the purpose of concealing itself, the demon did indeed slander the owner, and he must ask the owner for punishment after returning."

Write this line of words.

It was to explain to everyone that those who killed the Celestial Divine King and the Sword Spirit Patriarch were those who were hostile to the Celestial Sword.

being targeted.

The prestige of Tianjian in Tianyuan Universe is indeed not low.

But in the same way, there are many people who hate him.

It is not impossible to do something that provokes the Heavenly Sword.

"go away."

The sky shadow flashed and disappeared.

And after he left, the sword spirit clan also rushed there.

Seeing the mess in this place and the line of words engraved on the earth, everyone was almost mad.

"Arrogant, arrogant! It's so arrogant!"

"How dare you provoke Tianjian? Who gave him the courage!"

"Quickly, find the patriarch and the Heavenly God King."

Everyone searched in the sword spirit ancestral land, but they did not find two people. It is estimated that these two people are more fortunate than fortune.

After all, the movement made by Tianying was too great.

God king will fall.

For a time.

The entire Tianyuan universe was shaken by it, and I didn't expect that at this juncture, someone would dare to provoke the Heavenly Sword, which was extremely rampant.

But this incident did not find the murderer.

There is no clue.

Inside the Tianyuan Temple.

God King Sagong also received the news of the death of the Heavenly King God.


"Coincidence? Or did someone do it deliberately?"

"The Tianji Divine King's investigation was conducted in secret, and no one besides me should know about it."

King Sikong frowned.

Although it seemed to be a coincidence, he found it weird.

"Heaven Sword, what is your origin?"

King Sagong whispered.

But as soon as the Heavenly King Divine King died, all the clues had been broken, and it would take a lot of time to find someone to investigate again.

Now, the main force of the Tianyuan Temple is all placed on the battlefield of the void.

"It's better to find Six Eyes again and see if the other party really can't tell the origin of the Heavenly Sword."

Soon, he found six eyes and explained his intentions.

Hearing the words, Liuyan was silent for a while.

"I will try my best." Six eyes solemnly said.


Within the sixth continent of Tianyuan.

A palace in the clouds.

A white-clothed man sat cross-legged, with mysterious Tao Yun flowing around his body. The man's eyes were closed tightly, and it seemed that he couldn't open his eyes easily.

This person is Liuyan. After receiving the request of King Sagong, he decided to try to deduce the fate of the Heavenly Sword.

"Ordinary means, it is already difficult to spy on the fate of the sky sword, and the only way now is to use the great destiny technique!"

"But this technique is mysterious and extraordinary. Even I have only mastered a little bit of fur. If you want to use it, you still need some tools."

He called some people and began to prepare some materials.

Do not know why.

There was a faint anxiety in Liuyan's heart.

This feeling is rare.

The last time he had this feeling was when he tried to probe into Hun Yuan's destiny trajectory, and wanted to find an opportunity to break through Hun Yuan.

At that time, he was discovered by Hun Yuan and was severely injured.

If it weren't for Hun Yuannian's hard work, I'm afraid there is no Six Eyes King in this world.

This time, he wanted to spy on the Heavenly Sword, and the bad feeling in his heart was stronger than the last time he spied Hun Yuan.

Is the other party more terrifying than Hun Yuan?

This is impossible. UU reading

For the sake of his own safety, he decided to make two-handed preparations to make sure that even if something goes wrong, he can keep himself.

And on the other side.

Tianyuan Ninth Continent.

Madman Chu is thinking about his next move.

Tianying had already summoned him.

God King Sagong did send someone to investigate him, and he almost came to reveal his identity.

Although the Heavenly Extreme God King was resolved, Sagong God King's investigation of himself, I'm afraid he wouldn't just let it go.

"What will he do next?"


A figure appeared in his mind.

Six eyes.

The opponent is a master of spying on the path of fate.

Last time, Pangu Universe lost two unparalleled fighters in the Demon Dark Forbidden Land, and they couldn't get rid of this person.


God King Sagong may also find the other party to spy on his own destiny, although his life is emptiness, he is not afraid of the other party's prying eyes.

But Chu Madman's fate is also nothingness.

If the other party goes to spy on the Madman Chu in the Pangu universe after spying on himself, will he find any tricks?

Although these years, the Pangu universe has been prepared for a long time, allowing some people who are good at destiny to pay attention to the actions of the other side at any time.

But the six-eye method is unpredictable, I'm afraid it's hard to prevent it.

"Six eyes...Although I haven't really met each other, this person may be more threatening to the Pangu universe than the colorful Tianlong and others."

"Okay, it's decided."

"Next, get rid of you..."

Madman Chu murmured while touching his chin. Mi He Mi

But it's definitely impossible to kill the other party honestly.

What should I do?

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