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Chapter 1003: : Destiny Practice, Great Destiny Art, Records of Demon Dark Forbidden Land

Madman Chu decided to deal with Liuyan.

Lost in thought.


He seemed to have thought of something.

"This person is best at the way of destiny, but I am the ruler of destiny, why not deal with him with the way of destiny?"

Madman Chu's figure flashed and disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already in the Temple of Destiny.

"Greetingly welcome the Lord."

Temple Spirit said respectfully.


Madman Chu nodded slightly, and as soon as he arrived in this temple, he suddenly felt a terrifying power of fate circulating in his body, as if he was in charge of the fate of any creature at will.

Let a poor person get rich overnight.

Let the once wealthy people easily disperse their wealth.

Let the waste material of practice become evildoers.

Let the beggar be the emperor...

It seems that there is nothing you can't do, what you can't do, and all of this, you only need to gently fiddle with the line of fate.


This terrifying power of destiny can only be used by him in the Temple of Destiny, and he can only rely on himself when he leaves the Temple.

"Temple Spirit, I want to practice the way of destiny, is there any way of practicing this way in the temple of destiny."

"The Lord is joking, the Temple of Destiny controls destiny, so how can it be possible that there is no practice of the way of destiny?"

The words fall.

I saw thousands of characters circulating in the void.

These characters gather and transform into books floating in mid-air, each of which is about the practice of the way of destiny.

"The way to change fate..."

"Fate God Eye..."

"No life ends..."

"The Art of Destiny Judgment..."

"Fate Rebellion..."

Madman Chu's eyes swept across books of destiny.

I just feel that these methods are all mysterious and extraordinary, and some of them are beyond my understanding of the method of harmony.

Some even have a level of mystery that is higher than that of Taoism and Taoism.

The madman of Chu was amazed.

It seemed as if a brand new door had been opened.

"Hall Spirit, with my qualifications, is it possible to learn these laws of destiny in a short time?"

"How short?"

"Within ten years?" Madman Chu asked tentatively.

The temple spirit was silent for a while.

a long time.

He suffocated a sentence, "The lord is really humorous."

Madman Chu also knew that it was unrealistic. Destiny was one of the most mysterious avenues in the world, and there were very few people who could compare with it.

It's hard to get a quick comprehension.

"Someone wants to spy on my destiny. Among them, is there any practice that can make me fight back?"

"Hall Master does not need to worry, your fate is empty, no one in this world can spy on your fate." Temple Spirit said.

Then, he said again: "If the hall master teaches the other party, then I have a few exercises here that I can recommend."

At once, seven or eight books came to Chu Madman.

Madman Chu hit one of them at first glance.

"Great Destiny?"

Compared with other books, this book has golden brilliance.

It seems that the level is extraordinary.

"The hall master has a good vision, this great destiny technique is one of the 36 most advanced destiny practices in the destiny temple."

"Its level is Dadao level."

"If the Lord of the Palace has practiced this method to the extreme, he can surpass the Great Avenue of the Universe by the law of destiny." The Palace Spirit said slowly.

Madman Chu narrowed his eyes when he heard what he said.

On the avenue?


It seems that this temple spirit knows a lot.

There will be a chance to snoop in the future.

"With my aptitude and savvy, how long will it take to learn this great destiny technique?" Madman Chu asked.

"If the master is in this temple of destiny, with the destiny power of the temple, he can master this method in ten years."

Madman Chu thought about it, and decided to learn this great destiny technique.


Information about this method exploded in his mind.

Countless mysterious characters filled my mind.

There was a strange look on his face.

Because this great destiny technique is not created by humans, but a technique derived from the avenue of destiny.

And the one who mastered this technique was a race that called Six Eyes, was blessed by the Dao of Destiny, and was naturally able to use the power of destiny.

This kind of race is very rare.

Sometimes, one universe may not be able to give birth to several.

"Isn't it a coincidence?"

"I'm planning to deal with Six Eyes, so let me get this technique, then let's see who has the better destiny technique."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

Then, he began to practice this method.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. Time is hurried.

three years have past.

On this day, Madman Chu opened his eyes, a mysterious fate flashed in his eyes, and then disappeared deep in his eyes.

"Congratulations to the lord."

The Temple Spirit was a little surprised.

This great destiny technique, even if it is given to a Hunyuan to comprehend it, can't be comprehended without more than a million years of effort.

In his opinion, even if Madman Chu had the power of destiny, it would take at least ten years to achieve it.

But the other party, it only took three years.

Its appearance is above his imagination.

"The Great Destiny Spell is really mysterious."

Madman Chu exclaimed.

It can be said to be the most mysterious exercise he has ever seen.

He is just entering the room now.

"I'm leaving first."

"Respectfully send to the lord."


Within the Ninth Continent of Tianyuan.

Sky Shadow was closing his eyes and resting outside the room where Madman Chu was.

It has been three years since he came back here.

But there was no trace of the Heavenly Sword.

He also waited for three years.

at this time.

A wave of fluctuations spread out in the room, and it was Madman Chu who had returned from the Temple of Destiny, which made Tianying's expression happy.

"Master, can you enter?"


Tian Ying entered the room, and didn't ask how the other party appeared in the room unconsciously.

Without saying anything, he knelt in front of Madman Chu with a thump

"Master, please punish me."

汜豜汜. "Huh? What's wrong with you?"

Madman Chu was stunned.

"The devil slanders the master. Although UU reading www.uukā has no alternative, but the behavior has offended the master's majesty, and the devil is guilty."

He recounted what he had done in the sword spirit clan.

"Heavenly Sword is just the one who sells first? Oh, you are quite elegant." Chu Madman chuckled lightly, and didn't blame it.

How could he care about this little matter.

But Tianying seemed to be still brooding.

Madman Chu saw this and changed the subject, "What happened to what I asked you to do with the Shenji Clan?"

"It's done." Tianying took out a jade slip, "All the records about the Demon Dark Forbidden Earth are here."

"Things are going well."

"Things within the magic points."

A few days later.

Madman Chu withdrew his mind from the jade slip.

The divine machine clan is worthy of the divine machine clan, and they have collected more information about the Demon Dark Forbidden Earth than in other places.

Even the Shenji clan once deduced the Demon Dark Forbidden Land.

But it is a pity that it is said that the deduction brought a huge blow to the Shenji clan, and the three God Kings died as a result.

According to the last words left by the gods before they died, they said that they saw a deep darkness during the deduction.

In the dark, there is a coffin.

And in the coffin, there was a person lying, and darkness escaped from his body. He seemed to be the source of disaster and the master of darkness.

Just opened his eyes.

Mi He Mi. The three deduced kings were beaten to death one after another.

Except besides.

It also recorded the existence of Hunyuan in Tianyuan Universe, that is, Fengmo, who had been killed by Madman Chu, had also been to Demon's Forbidden Land.

But after returning, he was in retreat for millions of years.

From then on, he kept secret from the devil's forbidden soil.

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