Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1004: : 6 eyes start to act, encounter within the track of destiny

"The coffin, the master of darkness, the source of disaster?"

"Even Hun Yuan is secretive."

"Heh, I'm really more and more curious about this Devil's Forbidden Land..." Madman Chu's mouth was slightly raised, his eyes filled with curiosity.

The size of this universe is truly extraordinary.

In the past, he thought Hunyuan was the pinnacle of the universe, and he could explore any place in the universe.

Now it seems that I am a little naive in thinking.

Whether it is this Demon Dark Forbidden Earth, Tianyuan Universe, Pangu Universe has the purple giant gate, it is difficult for Hunyuan to snoop.

These places may hide the secrets of detachment.

Even the Cosmos Avenue cannot be governed.

"After winning this war, I must find the answers to these questions!" Madman Chu thought to himself.


The sixth continent of Tianyuan.

Inside a palace.

Liuyan had all prepared well, ready to deduct the destiny trajectory of the Heavenly Sword, not only that, he also recruited the Colorful Heavenly Dragon to protect the law.

"Colorful Tianlong, I have seven lights all over my body. I must not let people overturn them. If all the seven lights are off, then immediately burn my body." Six eyes solemnly said to Qi Cai Tianlong.

"Okay, I understand."

Colorful Tianlong nodded.

Then, six eyes took a deep breath and sat in the middle of the circle surrounded by seven lights. With a thought, the seven lights came on. Sacrifice as

These seven lamps are extremely unusual, they were made by Six Eyes who spent several years looking for materials to deduce the Heavenly Sword.

"Burn your life with fire, and your destiny now!"

Six-eyed hands pinch the mysterious technique.

Countless runes shined in the air.

The lights and flames reflected the runes, and the celestial splendor flowed, in the dark, arousing a lot of destiny energy.

far away.

Within the Pangu universe.

Several experts who are good at the way of destiny looked at the direction of Tianyuan Universe at the same time, with solemn expressions in their eyes.

"It's six eyes!"

"He has started to act. What is he going to do this time?"

"Whatever he wants to do, stop him!"

These powerhouses also inspire destiny.

However, before they had waited for them to perform the method of fate, they seemed to see the fiery flames of the seven groups.

The terrifying fire waves burst out.

These powerful men of the way of destiny were knocked to the ground one after another.

"That's... life fire!"

"Six eyes actually ignited the fire of life, what did he want to deduct, dare to take such a big risk?!"

The fire of life is the flame condensed by one's own destiny.

Igniting the fire of life and deducing destiny is an extremely powerful but also extremely dangerous method among the monks of destiny. If the fire of life is extinguished, regardless of whether you are in harmony with the Dao or the Hunyuan, you will die and fall completely.

Liuyan is the strongest destiny monk they have ever seen.

Even he had to ignite the fire of life to deduct it, it can be seen that it is definitely a kind of shocking secret, which makes the monks of destiny very curious.

"Wait, the goal of the Six-Eyes deduction is not my Pangu universe, it seems to be a place within them."

A monk of destiny felt the fate of the fire, and couldn't help but wonder.

Are there more important things now than the two great universe wars?

Tianyuan Ninth Continent.

Madman Chu seemed to sense something and smiled on his face.

"Oh, it's finally here."


Every creature has its own destiny trajectory.

Following these destiny trajectories, wise monks of destiny can see the past and the future of living beings, with good fortune and bad luck.

And six eyes as a race blessed by the avenue of destiny.

The way he deduced the trajectory of destiny is different from most monks of destiny. Others observe the trajectory of destiny.

And he entered directly into it.

In the long and complicated river of fate, countless trajectories of fate converge here, some parallel, some cross, and some are mixed together, intricately like a ball of yarn.

Liuyan found the path of fate represented by the sky sword.

Unlike other destiny trajectories, this destiny trajectory is thick and long, as if it traverses the entire river of destiny.

Other trajectories of fate have lengths and shortcomings.

And this one seems infinite.

Not only that, other trajectories can be spied and observed more or less, but this one is nothing.

"Such a peculiar trajectory of fate, I have only seen it in my life."

Six-eyed consciousness came to the long river of fate, watching the destiny trajectory of the sky sword, with a deep curiosity in his eyes.

For the first time he saw this path of fate.

The reason why Sagong King promised to spy on Chu Madman's fate again was because of Tianyuan Universe's sake and distinguishing whether the other party was a traitor or not, a large part of the reason was his curiosity.

"Get in and take a look."

The consciousness of Six Eyes sneaked into the trajectory of Chu Madman's destiny.

But what I saw was still nothingness.

He wandered in this piece of nothingness, surrounded by seven groups of life fire, but even this life fire could not illuminate the darkness of this nothingness.

"It's really weird."

Liuyan keeps going deep into this destiny trajectory.

Can suddenly.

His heart throbbed.

An inexplicable great terror attacked my heart.

The life fire of the seven regiments around the six eyes directly extinguished the three regiments.

His face changed.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes sharply.

In those eyes, there are three pupils on the left and right!

There are six in total.

At this time, the six pupils burst into brilliance, and an incomparably powerful force of destiny spread out.

The four remaining life fires, like candles in the wind, were immediately stabilized, but this was only temporary.

Six eyes can clearly feel that the great horror is constantly increasing, as if it is endless, without limits!

Liuyan was a little scared.

But when he thought of the back hand he had prepared, he had a little confidence in his heart, "I want to see, what is this great horror hidden in the trajectory of the destiny of the Heavenly Sword!"

"Perhaps, UU reading, I found out the puzzles, my way of destiny will be one step closer, to the extreme, to achieve Hunyuan!"

Thinking of this, Liuyan became more determined to explore.

I saw that the six pupils in his eyes burst out with brighter brilliance, and the stronger power of destiny swept out, stabilizing the fire.

Step forward.


The fire of the two regiments dissipated again.

That great horror was even more terrifying than Six Eyes thought.

He looked at the remaining two groups of life fire, the courage that had been so hard to pluck up just now fell again.

"Great Destiny!"

Six-eyed hands pinch the mysterious technique.

The exercises inherited by the six-eyed clan were used, and a group of mysterious divine light flowed out, enveloping him and the fire of life.


At this time, a soft laugh sounded.

This laughter made the six pupils of Six Eyes almost shrunk into six needle points, and he couldn't help but shout: "Who?!"

But in the voice, there was a panic that he hadn't noticed.

Over the years.

He relied on the great destiny technique and the power of the six-eyed race to go in and out of the trajectory of fate countless times, but he has never encountered the situation today.汜汜B*xwx.cO 汜

Besides him, are there anyone else in this path of fate? !

This is impossible!

"You come here to spy on the sky, and dare to ask who the sky is?"

The indifferent voice sounded.

In the darkness of nothingness, there was an immortal light suddenly appearing! Mi He Mi

A figure in white clothes is coming with the mighty power!

"It's you, Heavenly Sword!"

Six eyes exclaimed and couldn't believe it.

Can the Heavenly Sword freely enter and exit its own destiny? !

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