Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1008: : Proposal of Emperor Luo Tian, ​​a way to test the traitor

The latest website: on an anxious battlefield.

An exquisite girl with rabbit ears raised her hand to urge the terrifying Dao Ze, and the cold air flow swept out and froze the surroundings.

This is Moon Rabbit defending against the enemy.

As an unparalleled general, her strength is extremely amazing.

Ordinary Hedao is not her opponent at all.

At this time, she was also an unparalleled warrior of Tianyuan Universe. This was a big man wearing a glass-colored armor.

This person is the **** of Titans.

"Haha, Moon Rabbit, I haven't seen you for many years, how come you still look like this, you are not afraid of making people laugh."

The Titan God Lord laughed.

Moon Rabbit was itchy with anger, and with a wave of his jade arm, the more surging Dao power continued to emerge, blasting towards the **** of Titan.

The two were fighting fiercely.

Nobody can do nothing.

At this time, two forces broke out, blasting towards Yuetu from the left and right, and they turned out to be two multi-heavy **** kings.

It's Yuan Teng, and Dark Night.

"Haha, Moon Rabbit, the continent where you are sitting today, my Titan clan took it!" The Titan God Lord laughed.

But at this moment.

A sword shadow rushed out from a distance.

The power of sword shadow is extremely terrifying.

Wherever he went, the void collapsed and shattered every inch.

Upon seeing this, the Titan God Lord changed his face slightly, urging several paths of Consummation in his body, layered on top of each other, turning into a colorful light.

There was a boom.

The sword shadow shattered, but the Titan King was also blasted back hundreds of feet.

He looked at a short distance with a frightened expression on his face.

I saw a figure walking slowly.

It was a madman of Chu. He was surrounded by celestial splendor, and his powerful aura made the Titan Gods amazed.

"Leave first."

The Titan God has almost no hesitation.

In this void battlefield, there are a lot of strong men, and the warriors of Wushuang are fighting against each other, but if there is a real way to severely damage a warrior of Wushuang, apart from Madman Chu, I am afraid that there will be no second one.

So in Tianyuan Universe, the warriors almost have a consensus.

If you encounter a madman in Chu, you can give up the task and retire first!

Looking at the distant Titan God Monarch and others, Madman Chu didn't chase him down, he had the ability to severely injure Wushuang generals.

But it is not so simple to kill.

Even if he is stronger now than decades ago.

He came to Yuetu and urged Qinglian's power of creation, and the endless flow of creation power quickly restored the opponent's power.


Moon Rabbit returned to its peak.


Moon Rabbit marveled at the power of Qinglian's power of creation.

Madman Chu nodded slightly, and then raised his hand to release billions of celestial splendor, each ray of splendid splendor contained a powerful force of creation.

The monks of the Pangu universe quickly recovered.

"Thanks to the fairy king!"

Everyone looked at Madman Chu with gratitude and admiration in their eyes.

Decades of battles have already allowed Mad Chu to establish an incomparably stalwart image in their minds.

It is precisely because of the leadership of the Mad Man of Chu that Pangu Universe can contend with Tianyuan Universe when the overall combat power is at a disadvantage.

"Yuetu, the aftermath is up to you."

Madman Chu said.

Tianyuan Universe’s offense is getting more and more fierce, and it’s not like the offense like this one or two.

In order to target Tianyuan Universe's strong attack, Madman Chu once again let everyone enter the deep brain space and start a meeting.

Three days later.

The new troop deployment has been finalized in the hearts of the Chu Madman.

He did not speak directly at the meeting.

Planning to leave is arranged one by one.

This can ensure that the information will not be easily leaked, and everyone has already taken offense and didn't say much.

"Xian Wang, how are you thinking about my previous proposal?" At this time, Immortal Emperor Luo Tian asked.

The proposal he was talking about was still a proposal made decades ago to allow Xianting to directly control dozens of continents.

Over the years, Immortal Luo Tian didn't know how many times he had mentioned it at the meeting, but every time he was rejected by Madman Chu.

"I said, Xian Ting doesn't have that ability."

"How can I know if I don't try?"

"Are you questioning my guess?"

Madman Chu said coldly.

But Emperor Luo Tian refused to give up, "Xian Wang, my proposal can save Pangu universe a lot of combat power, why not use it?"

The two argued.


Madman Chu seemed to have thought of something, and said lightly: "It is not impossible to make me agree to your proposal, but Xian Ting must show sufficient combat power. As long as you can defeat the eleventh continent of Tianyuan, let alone one. I will let you pass ten proposals."

On the eleventh continent of Tianyuan, this is a hard bone.

There is an unparalleled warlord sitting there.

It's hard to be beaten.

Emperor Luo Tian pondered for a while, then coldly snorted: "If this is the case, then it's a deal!"

"Naturally." Madman Chu said lightly, this was his way to test whether Emperor Luo Tian was an internal traitor.

The Eleventh Continent is controlled by the Emperor Wushuang, the emperor, and its strength is not much weaker than that of the Colorful Heavenly Dragon.

If Emperor Luo Tian was able to attack, it would be possible to prove that he was indeed a traitor.

In the deep brain space, everyone left one by one.

Madman Chu showed a playful smile, "Xiandi Luo Tian, ​​I look forward to your performance."


the other side.

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian came to a secret room after leaving the deep brain space, and then set a lot of restrictions, very cautious.

Then he took out a bead.

Xianyuan urged.

The beads bloomed and a figure appeared.

However, God King Sagong!

"Xiandi Luo Tian, ​​it's been a long time."

Sagong God King said lightly.

And Immortal Luo Tian didn’t talk nonsense, he and Chu Madman’s bet, “I want to lay down the eleventh continent, so that my men and horses can occupy a large area of ​​defense in the Pangu universe and have greater power. I can provide you with greater convenience."

After hearing this, King Sagong fell into deep thought.

"The Eleventh Continent, this is a very important place. If you capture it, it will have a lot of loss to us..." God King Sagong considered for a while, and then said: "But, I agree."

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian is their internal response in the Pangu universe.

The greater the right of this internal response, the more helpful it is to them.

An eleventh continent.

It's not that I can't afford it.

Reluctant to bear children, can't catch wolves.

"Very well, you won't regret this decision today."

Emperor Luo Tian smiled.

There was a strong ambition in his eyes.

When the last cosmic war began, he had been in contact with Tianyuan Universe, and the other party promised him that as long as it invaded Pangu Universe, it would not only promise him a sense of breaking through Hunyuan.

Even half of the Pangu universe was given to him.

This is a match with He knows very well.

But he had to do it.

The strength of the line of gods and demons made him feel an extremely huge threat. With the line of gods and demons, Xian Ting would be unstable.

The appearance of Madman Chu illustrates this point even more.

Drive the fairy garden out of the fairy world.

This is the first time since the creation of Xian Ting!

"Madman Chu...After the end of this war, you and the gods and demons will no longer exist together!!"

"My fairy garden will stand on top of the two universes!"

Emperor Luo Tian ended the communication with the God King Sikong, and took the master of Xian Ting, marching towards the eleventh continent of Tianyuan.


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