Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 1009: : Cynical sarcasm, the emperor fights fake matches, how could he appear in...

The latest website: Tianyuan Ninth Continent.

The madman of Heavenly Sword Chu is out.

Over the years, he has been in retreat and has not directly participated in the war between the two universes.

And after the customs.

He received a call from King Sagong and started a meeting.

At the meeting.

"Oh, isn't this a heavenly sword that is so famous that even the Six-Eyed King can kill? It's been a long time."

God King Yuan Teng saw the Madman Chu and said yin and yang weirdly.

Not only him.

Some of the other **** kings showed dissatisfaction more or less after seeing the Chu Kuangren, especially those ancient **** kings.

They have a good relationship with Liuyan, and they are comrades-in-arms.

"We are working **** the front line, but you are better, enjoying all kinds of resources in the back, do you live comfortably?"

Another **** king said.

Luo Yunxiu, one of the nine kings.

The other party is already qualified to participate in high-level meetings.

"Heaven Sword, how good you were before, I don't know, but on the battlefield, everything has to be spoken with merit, and your performance is disappointing." Hunyuan disciple Wu Xian said indifferently.

There was a deep disappointment in his eyes.

"Don't say that, maybe the injury from the first battle with Hades is not healed? Why bother to make it difficult for others."

The Dark Night God King chuckled beside him.

He also knew the false information released by Madman Chu.

Madman Chu was really curious.

How many people did this Anzhi inquiry, a piece of false information, sell to?

At the meeting.

Many people saw Tianjian and ridiculed him.

It is said that he is a rice worm.

Occupy resources, but do not participate in the battle.

However, Luo Xue, Ling Fei, Long Jingjing and other members of the Yuan Tian Hui stood behind him, and accompanied him to silently endure all the rumors.

Seeing this scene, God King Sikong felt helpless.

This day sword.

Although he doesn't make a move, he has a lot of power in his hands.

If he is really a rape, that would be too much trouble.

"Have you said enough?"

Madman Chu said indifferently: "Heaven sits in the Ninth Continent, this place is as solid as a golden soup, no one can break it, is this not enough?"

"Hmph, if it weren't for us to protect the front line, you, the Ninth Continent, would have long been broken how many times."

Yuan Teng snorted coldly.

"Enough, don't make any noise."

King Sagong came forward to make a round.

Then started this meeting, the meeting mainly made a summary of the gains and battle losses over the years.

Then some awards will be given to everyone.

Those who were able to participate in this meeting had more or less military exploits, the only exception was the Heavenly Sword.

He hasn't been out of the Ninth Continent in decades.

Seeing this, everyone was even more dissatisfied with each other.

"No matter how strong the combat power is, it's just a rice bug."

"Oh, what a pity."

"What a pity? He killed Liuyan. It's best if he didn't have the slightest combat exploits. There will be an excuse to kill him in the future. If he wants to have combat exploits and prestige, then he will have to be weighed."

Everyone secretly communicated.

After the meeting.

King Sagong left the emperor alone.

"The Emperor, I want to let your eleventh continent fall!"


Hearing this, the Emperor was stunned.

The King Sagong told the Pangu universe to have their people, and simply said that the emperor was the veteran of the Tianyuan universe.

The emperor family was born because of him.

King Sikong was very relieved of him.

"That's it."

The emperor suddenly realized.

"This matter is very important, you must not disclose it."



The eleventh continent of Tianyuan.

All the soldiers are sitting in town, they are well equipped, and they know at a glance that they are the masters of tigers and wolves who have experienced many battles.

at this time.

There was a roar from high in the sky.

I saw a large number of troops coming.

The head of the man wore a battle armor, held a big sword in his hand, and had a golden crown on his head. There was a supreme breath on his body.

It was Emperor Luo Tian and his Xian Ting army.

"Enemy attack!"

"Hmph, I really don't know how to live or die. This is where my emperor family sits. You dare to come here to harass?!"


Everyone sneered.

In their opinion, there is an unparalleled warlord, Emperor Emperor, who sits in person here, as solid as gold, it is impossible to be broken.

Emperor Luo Tianxian and others came here in vain.


Emperor Luo Tianxian ordered the Xianting army to attack.

The two sides immediately fought together.

The terrifying force immediately plunged the entire continent into turmoil.

at this time.

In the void, a powerful imperial aura burst out!

The Emperor has appeared!

"Dare to offend my eleventh continent and look for death!"

The emperor snorted coldly, his blond hair flying, his eyes like electricity, like a majestic lion, his aura was extremely domineering.

He soared into the sky and attacked towards Emperor Luo Tianxian.

Although he knew that he was going to fall today, but this battle was going to be fought, otherwise it would seem a bit false.


Emperor Luo Tian gave a cold cry.

Several dao in his body roared together, and the big sword in his hand was cut towards the Emperor, tearing the void into two halves.

The emperor struggled to block, and made a somewhat strenuous look.

"So strong!"

"The Emperor, today, I am going to make a decision on your continent!"

Emperor Luo Tianxian said vigorously.

The two fought fiercely together.

The force that erupted from each collision directly shattered mountains and rivers, the sky was torn apart, and the energy storm swept out and destroyed everything.

This battle is very fierce.

It is a rare peak battle in the void battlefield!

Everyone was palpitating.


at this time.

The emperor was shot down from the sky and hit the ground.

When everyone saw this scene, they took a breath.


Even the emperor is not an opponent? !

"Xiandi Luo Tian, ​​he really deserves his reputation!"

The Emperor Tianhuang said palely.

Inside the Tianyuan Temple.

King Sikong was watching the battle in front of a light curtain.

He smiled with satisfaction, "The Emperor's play is well performed."

at this time.

The emperor yelled, "All the troops retreat!"

The play is almost done.

Time to leave.

"No, I won't retire until I die!"

A person rushed out and said loudly.

It is Emperor Feitian.

He is also on this continent.

"This eleventh continent is very important to the Tianyuan Universe. If the Pangu Universe is taken away, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"I'll wait, I won't retreat!"

Di Feitian said loudly, his eyes red.

Everyone was infected by his emotions and responded one after another.

"Yes, don't retreat!"

"The big deal is death!"

The Emperor was stunned.

What the **** is this guy.

Go back!

But about the rape, he couldn't disclose it, and said loudly: "Everyone, it's important to save your life first, and leave first. From now on, we will find a way to get back this eleventh continent."

He persuaded a lot.

But some people still don't retreat.

"Ancestor, you leave first, and I will break it for you."

Di Feitian said solemnly.

In the temple, God King Sikong frowned when he saw this scene, "When did the emperor Feitian become so righteous?"

"Hmph, I will fulfill you!"

Emperor Luo Tian coldly snorted.

In order to make a big deal, he must take it here!

Anything that gets in the way, UU reading will die.

The emperor should have been involved in the plan, so he was deliberately defeated by him. As for the emperor flying, it should be just a stunned boy. It doesn't matter if you kill it.

He raised his hand and cut out with a sword.

Terrorist Dao's power locks the opponent.

But at this time, another sword shadow cut through the clouds!


The two sword shadows collided and each broke.

"In front of the sky, who allows you to be rampant!"

An indifferent voice sounded.

Inside the Tianyuan Temple, God King Sagong stood up quickly, his face was astonished, "Why did he appear there?!"


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