Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2000: : Repulse Emperor Luo Tian, ​​the plan is broken

The latest website: Tianyuan Temple.

God King Sagong looked at the Madman Chu who suddenly appeared on the battlefield with a puzzled face. Why did he suddenly appear there? !

and many more.

If Heavenly Sword makes a move, can Emperor Luo Tian still be able to defeat the Eleventh Continent? Do you want to tell the truth about the Heavenly Sword? ?

No way.

If Heavenly Sword is really a traitor, wouldn't he blew himself up?

For a time, King Sagong fell into a dilemma.

He can only hope that Emperor Luo Tianxian will have a way to deal with the Heavenly Sword. No matter what, the opponent is also an unparalleled warrior.

On the eleventh continent.

Emperor Luo Tian was stunned when he looked at the Madman Chu who stood in front of him.

what happened?

Didn’t you say that I was able to capture the eleventh continent?

What the **** is this sky sword that appeared suddenly?

Emperor Luo Tian was extremely puzzled.

The emperor was also very surprised.

But the others were a little excited when they saw the appearance of Madman Chu.

"It's Heavenly Sword! He shot!"

"Can he defeat Wushuang generals?!"

Although Madman Chu is not popular among the top ranks of Tianyuan Universe, in the eyes of these soldiers at the bottom, his prestige is still very high.

The name of the Heavenly Sword is not a vain name.

But some people are not optimistic.

"No way, even the ancestor has been defeated, even if the strength of the sky sword is strong, is it still the opponent of the ancestor?"

"So it is."

But in any case, Tianjian is a strong aid.

Everyone has high hopes for it.

And Emperor Luo Tian looked at Madman Chu with cold eyes, "Is it the famous Heavenly Sword? Then let me come to you for a while!"


He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When he reappeared, he had already reached the sky above Madman Chu, and he slashed down the big sword fiercely, which contained at least four Dao auras.

The madman Chu's eyes condensed slightly.

No way out of the sheath!

With a clang, the sword's edge collided with the sword's edge!

The bursting Dao Ze's power spread, and the void shattered one after another.

"You are not qualified enough to use a sword in front of the sky!"

Kuangren Chu had no way of deflection in his hands, and his sword aura shot out, engulfing the power of the incomparably surging Dao!

This Dao has reached the level of Consummation!

This is one of his progress over the past few decades.

In addition to this, he also refined the dead wood of Yin and Yang from the Colorful Heavenly Dragon, and successfully mastered the way of Yin and Yang.

Now he is also a strong man of multiple harmony.

"Sure enough, it's not trivial."

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian who was repulsed was a bit solemn.

But he did not shy away.

This eleventh continent, he must win.

I saw the Dao in his body roared, and Dao Ze's power surged out one after another, converging into a huge sword shadow in the void.

This sword is composed of several Dao combinations.

Especially at the point of the sword, there was an extremely terrifying aura of killing, which was obviously the aura of a terrifying way of killing.

"Xiandi kills the world!"

Emperor Luo Tian gave a low growl.

The great sword was suddenly cut down!

A terrifying blow with the way of killing as the main attack, and the other three ways as the auxiliary, fell from the sky and locked the madman of Chu.

This blow, even the emperor had to deal with it solemnly.

"The Witness of the Sky, the Heavenly Sword Outside the Sky!"

Madman Chu held Wudao in his hand and cut out with a sword.

As if the sword shadow above everything else leaped out.

Accompanied by the roar of horror, the two swords and shadows converged, and then each shook back, but Madman Chu only shook back two steps.

However, Immortal Emperor Luo Tian was blown out abruptly.

The whole person smashed dozens of peaks one after another.

Sit down!

Everyone was stunned to see this scene.

Even the Emperor Luo Tianxian, who was not an opponent, was actually crushed and beaten by the madman of Chu, and the opponent's strength was so strong!

God King Sagong in the temple twitched.

What a heavenly sword.

"It seems that his injury from the battle with the Underworld is healed, and even the Warriors are not his opponents, they are too strong."


Immortal Emperor Luo Tian, ​​who was blown away, was extremely depressed.

Damn it.

what's going on?

This is not the same as planned!

Is it intended to give me a miserable victory?

Emperor Luo Tian seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly realized.

"Yes, it must be so. If it makes me too easy to win, it will definitely arouse the suspicion of Chu Kuangren and others."

"God King Sikong, Zhou Xiang is actually considered."

Emperor Luo Tian thought to himself.

He thought he knew everything, no more scruples, his figure flashed and flew towards Chu Kuangren.

The golden sword in his hand was cut down fiercely.

However, Madman Chu was smashed away with a sword.

The two sides fought endlessly.

From the ground to the sky.

Every corner of this continent has become a battlefield for their fierce battles, and wherever they go, they are all destroyed, which is extremely terrifying.

The power of the unparalleled generals is vividly displayed.

And the other side.

Di Feitian and the others also fought with other strong men in Xian Ting.

Several hours later.

"Xiandi Star Slash!"

Emperor Luo Tianxian once again used his ultimate move.

Several kinds of Dao were condensed in the big sword in his hand, and the dazzling starlight suddenly burst out from the body of that sword.

Slashed out with a sword, a sword aura like a galaxy swept across.

The power of this sword is even more terrifying than just now.

Madman Chu stood still.

"The witness of the sky, against chaos, Yin and Yang!"

The power of a large amount of Yin and Yang Dao is surging out, and this force is then integrated with the way of self-improvement and invincibility that the madman of Chu mastered.

The superposition of the two forces makes the void distorted and shattered, and the power of yin and yang subverts the world, which is a brand new witness of the sky!


This sword directly smashed the sword shadow of Emperor Luo Tian, ​​leaving most of his body broken. Although he was repaired by his own way, the Tao in his body was still violently turbulent.

From the outside, he was dripping with blood.

Very miserable.

Madman Chu raised his hand and attacked again.

Still mercilessly.

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian's face became extremely gloomy with a brush.

It's over!

I've been acting up to this point, so I won't let me conquer this continent after all, this Heavenly Sword has been played too much!

Emperor Luo Tian hurriedly dealt with the attack of the Heavenly Sword.

With the continuous consumption of the power of Tao.

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian gradually felt a icy chill in his heart, that was the killing intent from the madman Chu!

This killing intent is extremely real!

this moment.

He suddenly understood.

Tianjian is not acting, he really wants to kill himself!

How could this be?

This is not the same as planned.

Has the plan changed? Why i don't know?

Fight for a while.

Emperor Luo Tian was hit hard again.

He has a very strong hunch that if he continues to fight like this, he is likely to die here.

"Must leave!"

Emperor Luo Tian gritted his teeth.

The sound of Dao in the body roared, and the power of Dao burst out.

Turned into a torrent of colors swept and spread.

Madman Chu was forced to retreat.

"go away!"

Emperor Luo Tian gave an order.

Xian Ting's army retreated from the Eleventh Continent one after another.

"we won!"

"Haha, the sky sword is really extraordinary!"

Di Feitian and the others were extremely excited. UU Reading www. uukā

The madman Chu's eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Even the emperor is not an opponent.

But the Heavenly Sword was able to repel the Immortal Emperor Luo Tian unscathed.

this moment.

The image of Madman Chu in their minds is infinitely elevated.

When the Emperor Tian saw this scene, his heart was very uncomfortable, and he was not an opponent of Emperor Luo Tian.

It was only for planning that I planned to give up here.

But the Heavenly Sword, why did it suddenly appear?

This is totally an unplanned variable!

Directly disrupt all their layouts.

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