Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Enter the secret world, face the 9 kings, the incarnation of the Dao

Latest URL: In the Secret Realm of Void Battlefield.

Madman Chu came here, the place was boundless and wide, with a vast expanse of land under his feet, and a starry sky above his head.

The mysterious Dao Guanghua spilled from the starry sky.

Take a closer look.

The starry sky is formed by the power of the Tao.

This made Madman Chu think of Tianyuan Temple.

There is also a starry sky like this, but this one has to be more expansive, and the power of Tao is more surging.

"Nine Kings, I have some expectations."

Madman Chu whispered.

He didn't pay attention to the single nine kings.

But the Nine Kings teamed up to summon the incarnation of the Dao. For many years, the Nine Kings have not demonstrated this ability.

It seems that I want to deal with myself as a killer.

But a pity.

They didn't know, they knew it a long time ago.

He explored this secret world and found many treasures.

But there were few things that really moved his heart.


Madman Chu saw a burst of light coming from a distance.

Walk in and take a look.

It is a colorful fruit tree.

There is also a crystal clear divine fruit condensed on the tree, flowing out a burst of incomparably mysterious power of the five elements.

"This is a divine fruit formed by absorbing the fragments of Hedao. If it is absorbed and refined, it can allow me to integrate the Five Elements Tao."

Madman Chu's way had already reached a perfect state.

Already stepped into the realm of multiple unions.

Over the years, in addition to his own way, he has also integrated the way of destruction and creation according to the characteristics of Chaos Qinglian.

And these two ways have reached their peak.

Now he has three ways in his body.

Compared with decades ago, the combat power cannot be said to be a qualitative leap.

But it has also improved a lot.

Madman Chu looked at the five-element divine fruit and took it off.

"Refining it after you go back."

A few days later.

In the depths of the secret world.

An extremely surging Dao breath swept out.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed.

I saw a beam of light rushing into the sky in the distance.

That piece of starry sky condensed by countless ways is turbulent.

The stars burst into pieces.

The power that turned into the purest Taoism was engulfed by that beam of light.

Madman Chu's eyes lit up.

With such a big movement, is there any treasure in this world?

His figure flashed and swept towards the beam of light.

And on the other side.

The nine kings who came to explore also noticed this power.

"This kind of breath is extraordinary!"

"Go for a view."

Sleepless, Xuan Yuanfeng and others were a little excited.

After entering this secret world, they have gained a lot of good things.

But they felt that all the good things collected before were far from the aura contained in the light beam.

This is definitely a great opportunity.

Several people did not dare to neglect.

One after another.


Deep in the secret world.

There is a huge lake.

Madman Chu came here, and when he saw the lake, he couldn't help but be shocked, with a hint of wonder in his eyes.

This lake is too good.

The water of the lake is shining with colorful light.

A closer look reveals that it is not water flowing inside, but fragments of Dao Ze, He Dao, etc. that are so rich that it is unimaginable.

"It's going to have to die how many powerful people at the level of harmony are able to create such a lake!"

Madman Chu exclaimed.

The two universes have fought fiercely in the void battlefield for many years. I am afraid that most of the dead Hedao fragments have been attracted here.

He looked at the lake with a hint of thought in his eyes.

If he can absorb all the Fragments of Hedao from this place, what level will his cultivation reach?

Thinking of this, he was a little excited.

at this time.

Several figures flew over not far away.

It is the nine kings.

When the nine people saw Madman Chu, their gazes condensed, and there was a solemn expression in their eyes, and the Dao in everyone's body had begun to move.

They were extremely jealous of the Mad Chu.

"Tianyuan Universe's greatest enemy, we finally officially met today." Wuxian said lightly, looking at Chu Madman.

"The name of the Nine Kings is often heard. I heard that you are inextricably fought with Xuantian Jiuxing." Chu Madman said indifferently.

Over the years, the nine stars of Xuantian who have fought the Nine Kings the most times have almost become the most dazzling new stars in the entire void battlefield under the unparalleled generals.

And in this kind of confrontation, their progress is also rapid.

"You are the one who created Jiuxing."


"That's right, let me see the strength of the founder of Jiuxing!"

Without saying a word, Wuxian shot instantly, Dao inside his body roared, and a knife appeared in his hand and cut it towards Madman Chu.

Knife light flies, blowing up lakes and roads, and then big waves.

Madman Chu's sword finger condensed.

Take a sword at will.


The blade was shattered, and the remaining sword energy blasted Wuxian out several hundred meters in an instant, causing his face to change slightly.

It's just a moment, and make a judgment.

"This is the Nine Kings? It's a lot worse than I thought."

Madman Chu said lightly.

There was a little sarcasm in his tone.

But Wuxian looked at him, eyes incomparably jealous.

Madman Chu's power was far beyond his imagination. He didn't keep his hands in the move just now, but was smashed by the opponent's hand with a sword.

The big gap is incredible.

The others were shocked when they saw Wu Mian being forced back with a sword, Luo Yunxiu said loudly, "Go together!"

Everyone shot together.

All kinds of immortal magical powers, like boundless turmoil swept out.

Sword energy, sword light, power of thunder...

The nine kings are all evil evildoers of the taboo level.

Their combat power is even higher than the cultivation base, facing the joint attack of the Nine Kings, even the Wushuang warlord will have to weigh it.

But Madman Chu stood still.

There is no intention to retire at all.

I saw the power of the Taoist flowing around him, and the immortal yuan agitated the sky.

The sword pointed at Tian Yining.

The boundless sword energy gathered at the fingertips, turned into circular ripples and spread out, and in an instant, all kinds of magical magical powers were all shattered.

It couldn't hurt Chu Madman at all.


"His combat power is so perverted!"

Wuxian's eyes condensed, "Play the cards!"

When the others heard the words, they released a strange wave, and mysterious runes vacated from them.

That is the Mark of the Nine Kings!

These nine imprints flowed and merged in the air and merged together.


The void exploded.

Hundreds of millions of immortals shot out from it, shining in all directions!

And the Nine Kings also turned into streamers, blending into that fairy radiance.


Dao Yin sang, blasted the sky and shook the earth.

The entire secret world fell into violent turmoil because of this power.

After Xianhui disperses.

What appeared in front of the Madman Chu was a giant with a golden body, wearing a gilt armor and engraved with mysterious Dao patterns!

The face of this giant is blank, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has no facial features.

There is only the endless power of Taoism circulating in it, and just a breath of breath is enough to make ordinary co-Tao frightening.

Madman Chu looked at the giant in front of him, and felt a huge pressure, not even from the colorful Tianlong.

In other words.

This giant is stronger and more difficult than the colorful Tianlong.

"Here is the ultimate power of the Nine Kings...the incarnation of Dao."

Madman Chu whispered.

There was no retreat, but there was a sense of war in his eyes.

"Then try to make your Dao incarnation stronger, or the power of my Qinglian treasure, even better!"


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