Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : The incarnation of the road of fierce battle, a battle that reflects the void

Inside the Tianyuan Temple.

Shentian suddenly opened his eyes.

He raised his hand and waved, a light screen suddenly appeared.

And in the light screen is the incarnation of the Tianyuan Universe Dao born from the fusion of the madman of Chu and the power of the Nine Kings!

The two sides are facing each other, and a world-shattering battle is about to take place.

"Finally, let me see who is the better one between you!" Shentian murmured.

And in another place in Tianyuan Universe.

A man sitting in the Scarlet Palace also noticed what happened in the void battlefield, with a sneer on his face.

"What a great road incarnation!"

"I want to see, how can Madman Chu stand it!"

This person is the Emperor Feng, one of the two Hunyuan of Tianyuan.

In the void battlefield.

At the moment when the incarnation of Dao appeared, the strong from all sides felt a little bit and looked towards the secret world.

"What a powerful force, who is this?"

"Similar to the Nine Kings, is the Nine Kings?!"

Even those ancient gods and kings are extremely accidental.

The fact that the Nine Kings can summon the incarnation of the Dao, the Tianyuan Temple and the Nine Kings himself are very tightly hidden, not many people know.

No one knew that the Nine Kings still had this kind of killer move.

God King Sagong smiled faintly: "The incarnation of Dao, hiding the hole cards for so long, let me wait to see your power."


"So powerful, can the fairy king handle it?"

"I didn't expect the Nine Kings to have such a killer move, **** it, this is probably a trap set by Tianyuan Universe!"

"Who would have thought that these nine kings have this ability?"

Pangu universe here.汜减BX wX .C*o汜

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Immortal Emperor Luo Tian was expecting it secretly, "Good fellow, Tianyuan Universe still has this hand hidden, but it's really... great!"

"The best thing is to kill Madman Chu in the secret world."


In the secret world.

The moment the incarnation of Dao appeared, the boundless pressure rolled towards the Madman Chu, like a continuous tide.

Madman Chu stood in the air, but he didn't care at all.

In his hand, a halberd appeared.

That is the Tyrant!

Facing the avatar of the Great Dao that the Nine Kings jointly displayed, he directly used this half-step Chaos Supreme Treasure, without care.


A cold voice came from the incarnation of Dao.

It seems difficult not to be a man, and like a woman but not to be a woman.

It's a bit like the voices of the nine kings and nine people merged together.

The killing started.

The incarnation of Dadao directly pressed down towards the Madman Chu with a palm.

There is no gorgeous magic magic power.

Some are the purest power!

In the palm of his palm, the infinite fairy glory circulated, and the majestic coercion locked the Madman Chu, and even the heaven and earth he was in directly controlled.

Madman Chu couldn't avoid this palm!

And he didn't want to hide.

"Qing Lian Art, a halberd opens the sky!"

The power in the Chu Kuangren's body spurted out, turning into a terrifying halberd light, blasting out with the power of the Tyrant's Halberd.

Accompanied by a loud roar.

The moment when the halberd light collided with the giant palm.

The world shook suddenly!

The entire secret world was almost exploded.

It's not just the secret world.

The entire void battlefield has seen this amazing battle.

I saw the Xianhui that reflected most of the void battlefield, and saw the giant palm and halberd light that contained monstrous power...

"It's Madman Chu!"

"He is fighting a giant?!"

"The giant's body seems to have the breath of the Nine Kings. Could it be that the power of the Nine Kings is fused?!"

Everyone exclaimed, looking at the incarnation of the great road, everyone felt a heavy pressure in their hearts.

That is the power above them.

They all live under the framework of the avenue.

Naturally, I am afraid of the power of this great path.

The monks of Pangu Universe were better, after all, they were the incarnation of Tianyuan Universe Dao, not from Pangu Universe.

But still feel great pressure.

Almost everyone is worried about the Mad Man Chu.

"The fairy king, you must win!"

Xuantian Jiuxing, Li Tu, Hongyang, Yuetu and others are praying.

Inside the imperial palace.

Gu Linglong had also seen the unprecedented battle reflected in the void. Although worried, her eyes were firm.

She believed that Madman Chu would win.


The halberd light was broken.

Madman Chu withdrew hundreds of feet and smashed the peaks.

"Chu madman, this is the incarnation of the Great Dao, you are sure to lose!"

A voice came from Dadao's incarnation again.

When he raised his hand, the power of the sky was condensed at the fingertips and turned into a sword gas, and the meaning of boundless ice and snow spread out.

Cut it down with one sword, and the world is frozen!

Even time and space seem to be frozen.

Madman Chu knew this trick.

It's Luo Xue's Snow Pone World.

But compared to Luo Xue's performance, I don't know how many times it is stronger!

Madman Chu didn't dare to be careless.

Replace the sword with the halberd in his hand, and a halberd blasted out.

Zhu Xian Jian Jue displayed.

Everywhere the halberd light reflected the vision of God and Buddha falling like rain. Xiru Xiru

Two forces bombarded.

The surrounding void was shattered one after another.

But this is not over yet.

Dao Incarnation once again displayed its power, another sword aura, but this time, it contained endless resentment!

This is Ling Fei's trick!

Sword resentment is overwhelming!

Dadao Incarnation punched out again, and the power of infinite thunder broke out.

This is the trick of the Nine Kings Thunder God Heaven.

Sword resentment, thunder.

Madman Chu didn't retreat, the power of the Dao on the Tyrant Halberd in his hand exploded, fusing his own Dao, and swept out.

The thunder shattered and the sword grievance dissipated!

But he hadn't waited for Madman Chu to breathe.

Above the sky.

Six dragon-shaped powers descend from the sky!

It is Tiannvyou's six gods Tianlong Talisman!

This rune, wrapped in extreme pressure, shrouded Madman Chu's body, and the incarnation of Dao Dao pointed at him again.

The sky full of stars condenses in one finger.

This is the way of the stars. UU reading www.

It's the trick of Tianxingcai!

Madman Chu gave a low cry, the destruction of the green lotus flowing in his body.

A huge green lotus blooms slowly with him as the center.

"A green lotus crushes forever!"

The second style of Qinglian Jue broke out.

The power of Qinglian came out, shattering the six dragons around it, and the star's strength that came from the sky was also disintegrated by the power of Qinglian's destruction.

The huge green lotus slowly rolled towards the incarnation of the road.

The void collapsed silently.

All spirits died in the silence.

This is the purest and most powerful force of destruction!

It is the power that existed since the beginning of the universe!

Facing this blow, Dao Incarnation gently raised both hands, and colorful streamers poured out, but it was Dragon Crystal's trick.

The seven-color brilliance circulates and turns into a huge dragon shadow.

It's like a colorful dragon.

All directions are shattered by the impact of power.

Madman Chu flew out, and the incarnation of Dao just took a step back, which made everyone who observed the battle startled.

"What a terrifying road incarnation."

"Really powerful!"

Inside the Tianyuan Temple.

King Sagong smiled with satisfaction, "We are determined to win!"

Shentian is also extremely satisfied with the power of this Dao incarnation, "If the cultivation of the Nine Kings goes further and achieves multiple combined Dao levels, I'm afraid that the Dao incarnations that they jointly display will make me feel jealous."

The only thing worth noting now is...

Madman Chu, is this your limit in the end?

Shentian narrowed his eyes slightly, a little curious.

It stands to reason that to be able to fight with the Dao incarnation to such an extent, this should be the limit of the realm of He Dao. Mi He Mi

But he always felt that Madman Chu was not easy.

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