Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Destruction for no reason, endless creation, creation of the universe

"Master, Madman Chu seems to be at a disadvantage."

Sky Shadow said as he watched the battle reflected in the void.

Since returning from the Sword Spirit clan, Tianying has faintly guessed the connection between Tianjian and Chu Madman.

Now seeing Madman Chu fall into a disadvantage, it is inevitable to be a little worried.

But Madman Chu smiled faintly: "No need to worry."

Others don't know.

Is he still not clear about his abilities?

In the Void Secret Realm.

The avatar of the Great Dao that the Nine Kings turned out was dominant, and a magnificent voice came out as he watched the madman Chu being blown into the air.

"In front of me, Madman Chu, you are powerless to resist!"

The Nine Kings were also amazed by the power of the incarnation of the Dao.

They feel.

This may not be the limit. Due to the limitation of their own cultivation base, they are far from exerting all the power of the incarnation of this Dao.

But this is amazing enough.


at this time.

There was a chuckle.

Amidst the endless smoke and dust, a figure stepped out with its head held high, and the celestial splendor flowing around its body was dazzling.

It is Chu Madman.

After being blasted out by the incarnation of Dao Dao, he was unscathed!

Not only that.

His breath continued to strengthen.

The body surface emits golden light.

The Qi of the Nine Realms of Emperor Dao's true dragon rose into the sky, each exceeding one million feet, and the terrifying aura filled this world.

With the blessing of Jiulong, the madman of Chu's strength suddenly increased.

Chi You's magic lines were also displayed following the secret method of fighting.

However, in addition to the emperor's true dragon, the increase in the other two secret arts that can provide him is very small.

But it also has a role.

After performing the three secret methods, the Madman Chu had a flash of celestial glory on his body, and the Three Treasures of the Immortal King were also worn on his body.

"Come, let me see what else you can do!"

Madman Chu smiled.

Hearing his words, Daohua's powerful Dao Ze power vented out of his body, seeming to be irritated.

"Enemy Dao Dao, you are looking for death!"

The incarnation of Dao Dao pressed down with a palm, and there was a burst of colorful fairy radiance in the palm, which was accompanied by the flickering of thunder and sword aura.

The power of this palm is extremely terrifying.

Kendo, the way of thunder, the way of yin and yang and the five elements...

All kinds of roads are superimposed, and under the power of the road, it is shaking the sky and falling!

"Good job!"

Madman Chu laughed.

He soared into the air, the green lotus destructive power flowing around him.

A green lotus blooms slowly.

The power of this blow was even more terrifying than before.

"A green lotus crushes forever!"

Before the collision, Madman Chu was blasted out.

But this time.

汜豜汜. However, he does not retreat and cannot avoid, and he is evenly matched with the incarnation of Dao!

The next moment.

Madman Chu came to the sky above the incarnation of the avenue, and the halberd in his hand was like opening the sky and the earth, and he slammed it down, "A halberd opened the sky!"


Jiguang slammed on the incarnation of Dadao fiercely.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. It made a huge roar, and the road incarnation was blasted back, and a crack appeared in the place hit by the halberd light.


The incarnation of Dao blasted out again with a palm.

Madman Chu swept the Tyrant Halberd out of his hand and blocked a blow.

Then, a halberd fell.

You come to me on both sides.

The power of all kinds of Taoism blooms, and the power is extremely terrifying.

The people on the entire Void Battlefield looked at the battle reflected in the void, and they couldn't help being dumbfounded and shocked.

"The avenue destroys the gods, and all souls die!"

at this time.

Daohua's body made a roaring sound.

The nine types of Dao belonging to the Nine Kings erupted together, supplemented by the power of the Great Dao, fused together, billions of feet of divine light, soaring into the sky.

Divine light is intertwined and turned into a huge sharp blade!

Seems to sever all spirits, sever the world!

This blow was extremely terrifying.

This is the strongest blow this Dao Incarnation can perform at this stage, even if Hun Yuan faces this blow, he must take defensive measures.

Madman Chu didn't back down after seeing this sharp blade.

Standing in the air dressed in white.

Holding the Tyrant Halberd.

There was a sense of magnificence all over his body, and that seemingly thin back, at this moment, gave people a sense of incomparably stalwart.

"Even if you can destroy these spirits, you can't destroy me!"

"Because of me, there is only one thing forever, and one person is crazy forever!"

The power of Dao in Madman Chu's body surged wildly.

This time.

Not only his own way, the way of creation, and the way of destruction also flowed out, converging all over him.

"Chaos has green lotus, palm creation and destruction!"

"Qinglian third style... Create a world of magic!"

Madman Chu screamed loudly.

The long halberd in his hand merged with the power of the three principles of Taoism, and the power of Qinglian was urged to the extreme, and it was cut out with a halberd and turned into an endless divine light!

There is no reason for destruction, endless creation!

Destroy the world, but also endlessly!

The two contradictory forces, at this moment, are incomparably ingeniously fused, as if they are one whole, bursting out of shocking power!


The third form of Qinglian Jue and the ultimate impact of the incarnation of the Dao.

The space of the entire secret world burst frantically.

The spectators outside only saw an incomparably splendid divine light, which was so dazzling that they subconsciously covered their eyes.

Even if you did not directly participate in the war.

Even if separated by a secret world.

But they can still feel the terrifying breath.

That is far superior to them.

A breath of breath.

Are enough to kill thousands of them.

"What a strong impact!"

"Who actually won?"

Everyone was very curious.

Immortal consciousness is circulating, spying on the void secret world, but the terrifying energy fluctuations are isolating people who intend to spy on this battle.

After the dazzling light dissipated.

Everyone only saw that in the secret world, two figures faced each other in the air, one in white clothes like snow, UU reading holding a pitch black divine halberd.

And the other person is tall, as if he could see through the sky.

But at this moment, his extremely tall figure is now covered with cracks, and the gilt armor is in tatters.

Dao’s incarnation was almost blown up!

"how so?!"

In the Tianyuan Temple, King Sikong was shocked.

Even the incarnation of Dadao is not an opponent of Madman Chu? !

How tyrannical this person is!

Shentian also sighed helplessly, "It's really hard to figure out the odd number, even the incarnation of this great road can't suppress him."

The powerhouses of Tianyuan Universe were shocked and couldn't believe it.

But everyone in the Pangu universe was extremely excited.

"The fairy king is really invincible!"

"Everlasting only appears once, is it a joke to be mad forever?"

Everyone laughed extremely happily.

Whether it is Xuantian Jiuxing.

Still an unparalleled fighter, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Madman Chu did not let them down.

He is still strong and reassuring.

"You want to defeat the prince, the nine kings, you are still far away!"

Lan Yu smiled faintly, extremely proud.

"My friend's methods are still amazing."

Yu Zhiduan sat on a white lotus with a smile on his face.

"That must be true, that's my brother."

Mi He Mi. Chu Hong lifted his chin slightly, triumphantly, watching the crowd cheering for the Madman Chu, with a glorious look.

As Xuantian Jiuxing, they are closer to the Madman Chu, and they know the methods of Madman Chu better than others.

Therefore, they weren't too surprised to see Kuangren Chu win the incarnation of Dadao, they were just happy.

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