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Chapter 2007: :1. A battle at the Hunyuan level to achieve success.

Fenghuang shot.

After pointing out, the power of Hun Yuan burst out!

Compared with the power of every demon mixed element that the madman of Chu had seen in the past, Fenghuang's power did not know how many times stronger.

And this is the level that Hunyuan's power really should have!

Madman Chu looked indifferent when he saw this, but the fourteen ways in his body had already roared, and all his power exploded in an instant!

Double swords are sheathed.

It was replaced by the Devil's Halberd.

Half-step the power of Chaos Treasure, burst out!

A halberd cut out, and the light of the Tao gushed out.

With the power of the green lotus, it turned into a huge green lotus.


Under the impact of power, Madman Chu flew out and smashed into a continent, only to see that the continent instantly dented and burst!

This scene.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. It shocked everyone.

You know, the performance of Madman Chu just now was very strong.

Cut four unparalleled fighters in a row.

The horror of its strength far surpasses everyone.

But now, he was bombarded by Fenghuang!

Hunyuan combat power, really terrifying!


汜减B xwx.co汜. The King Sagong thought.

The power of Hun Yuan is so terrifying, how is Madman Chu an opponent?

"The fairy king, can the fairy king win?"

"I do not know."

"Hun Yuan is so terrible, you can't win it..."

Many monks in the Pangu universe were also shaken in their hearts.

And high in the sky.

With nine star maps floating, Xuantian Jiuxing looked at the broken continent in the distance, and everyone's face was very determined.

They have not given up hope.

They believe.

Madman Chu is here, so hope is still there!

In the broken continent, smoke and dust billowed, and in that smoke and dust, a figure slowly walked out, dressed in white, and fairy radiance lingered.

It is Chu Madman.

After Hunyuan's blow, he was safe and sound.

"Hun Yuan, is that the only thing?"

Madman Chu chuckled lightly.

Hearing his words, Fenghuang's eyebrows frowned slightly.

He pointed out again.

The power this time was even stronger than before.

The madman of Chu does not retreat.

In his body, a treasure suddenly floated out.

That is, Time and Space Baojian.

The chaotic treasure, the moment the time and space treasure mirror appeared, the surrounding time and space was actually frozen, and Hun Yuan was also frozen for a moment with his finger.

At this moment, the Madman Chu stepped out and came to the front of Emperor Feng, where the halberd in his hand merged with the power of the Chaos Qinglian to cut out.

Fourteen ways, plus the power of Qinglian!

This blow was terrifying.

However, Emperor Feng was affected by Time and Space Baojian, as if standing still.

But just when the halberd was about to hit him, a cold snort sounded, and the power of the mixed element gushed out of Fenghuang's body.


Jiguang was easily shattered.

"With the Chaos Supreme Treasure, is this your trump card? But a pity, with the Chaos Supreme Treasure, without sufficient strength to urge you, you still can't help you!" Fenghuang said lightly.

He has broken free from the influence of Time and Space Baojian.

Not only that.

He surrounds the power of Hunyuan around his body, and with the current cultivation base of the Madman Chu, he can no longer use the time and space treasures to influence the other party.

"Hun Yuan is really tricky."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

Seeing the Emperor Feng raised his hand and punched out, the boundless murderous aura made Madman Chu feel that there were thousands of troops rushing in front of him.


Madman Chu swung the Tyrant's Halberd and suddenly stopped.

The powerful force shook his arm numb, and the fourteen tracts in his body roared and received a violent impact.

When the Emperor Feng saw this, Hun Yuan's power urged it again and turned into a huge jet-black long knife, tearing the world apart.

A blue light flashed on Madman Chu's body.

Pieces of petals spread out around the body, and the chaotic green lotus appeared!

The Chaos Qi machine circulated on it, blocking the blow for the Madman Chu, which made Fenghuang's eyebrows frown.

"Another Chaos Treasure? You have a lot of treasures."

There was a fiery color in his eyes.

Chaos treasure is extremely rare.

As a Hunyuan, Fenghuang didn't have the treasure of Chaos.

Now, as long as he kills Madman Chu, this Hunyuan Supreme Treasure is his. Thinking of this, he can't help but feel enthusiastic.

"I won't play with you anymore, I will kill you with one move!"

Fenghuang said.

I saw him take out a spear.

Above the tip of the gun, there was flames circulating, revealing a breath of terror.

And Fenghuang's aura is also rising steadily, intending to push his power to the extreme, to eliminate the anomaly of Madman Chu in one fell swoop.

"Shentian, why didn't you come?"

Madman Chu suddenly asked.

"He is still recovering."

The Emperor Feng said lightly, and then sneered, "I alone can kill you, so why should he take action?"


Madman Chu shook his head, with a trace of regret in his eyes.

Then he said again: "You just said that the new era you want to create does not allow an anomaly like me to exist, right?"


"You are wrong. It's not that you don't allow me to exist, but I can't tolerate what you call the new era!"

Madman Chu gave a long whistle.

In an instant.

The mighty Dao's breath spread out.

The boundless killing energy rose from all corners of the void battlefield, and there were blood-red lines intertwined and circulated in the void.

Everyone shuddered as they looked at the blood-colored lines.

"This, what is this?!"

"My goodness…"

Everyone swallowed their saliva, looking at the blood-colored lines, there was a huge fear in their hearts that gushed out uncontrollably.

Even the Emperor Feng frowned.

"This is... the formation?!"

"The formation covering the entire void battlefield!"

In the heart of Fenghuang, there was a faint anxiety.

God King Sikong and the others were also shocked. They knew that this was absolutely inseparable from Madman Chu.

"How many hole cards does this guy have prepared?!"

The confrontation with Madman Chu made him terrified. UU reading

The person in front of him does not seem to see the limit.

The blood-colored lines, like the roots of leaves, covered the entire void battlefield, and from these lines, blood-colored brilliance spewed out, wrapped in endless and endless killing and cutting air, and emerged from the madman of Chu.

at this moment.

Madman Chu’s aura was rising crazily, and behind him, there appeared mountains of dry bones, rivers of blood...

"Zeguo Jiangshan entered the war, Shengmin He Jile Qiaosu."

"With Lord Lord's words, you will be able to complete all your achievements!"

Madman Chu's voice echoed in the sky.

this moment.

The slaying evil spirits gathered by the billions of dead bones behind him are all condensed on him, and the endless killing is only to perfect him!

He is that general!

"Fenghuang, are you ready to teach me the power of the Zeguo war formation?!" Chu Kuangren held the Tyrant's Halberd in his hand and drank indifferently.


The Emperor Feng was not to be outdone.

He was holding a pitch-black spear, and the smell of flames permeated.

Just like the emperor walking out of the battlefield.

Between the two staring at each other, the figure has disappeared.

The next moment.

The sound of gold iron bombardment came from the void.

The gun and the halberd have already hit one another.

Mi He Mi. Millions of miles of the void were covered by the violent turbulence of energy, shattered and collapsed in an instant, forming a huge hole!

Everyone only saw that in the hole, there were two figures colliding frantically, and the air currents caused by each collision were terrifying, and it was even enough to easily destroy a galaxy.

"This, this is definitely a Hunyuan level match!"

The top powerhouses were incomparably surprised.

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