Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : Killing God vs. Ares, falling into a disadvantage, die!

Zeguo's battle map is open!

Madman Chu gathered the killing aura of the entire void battlefield, and his aura surged wildly at this moment.

At this moment, his every move is full of boundless killing.

It's like a **** of death who shattered the heavens and annihilated all souls!

And Fenghuang is not bad.

As a Hunyuan, he has experienced countless wars, and the cultivation base honed between life and death is extremely terrifying.

If we say that Madman Chu is a killer at this moment.

Then, he is the God of War!

Kill God vs. Ares!

You come and I am on both sides, and each will not give way.

The powerful breath flowed out, shocking the nine heavens and ten earth!

"Baohuo endless calamity!"

The spear in Fenghuang's hand was raised high.

The fighting spirit ignited wildly, and the endless aura around him rushed frantically.

Stabbed with a shot.

The vast emptiness collapsed and shattered and turned into nothingness.

This shot was extremely terrifying.

Everyone was trembling when they saw it.

But Madman Chu still stood firm, his eyes condensed, and the moment his killing spirit soared, the Tyrant's Halberd in his hand blasted out!

"Creating the world!"

The boundless halberd light swept out with a terrifying killing intent.


Compared with Fenghuang, the power is not different.


Accompanied by a roar.

The impact of the two forces, the spreading energy shattered the continents, and tore the deepest void barrier.

Madman Chu, Emperor Feng, the two retreated.

The monks of the Pangu universe watched this battle attentively.

Everyone has expectations in their eyes.

Madman Chu created too many miracles in front of them.

So this time.

They hope that the other party can continue to create even greater miracles!

"Using the formation method to improve yourself, this formation is incomparable even if it is my Tianyuan Universe's most powerful seven-kill formation in the universe."

There was a touch of wonder in Fenghuang's eyes.

Madman Chu curled his lips.

That is natural.

This is a super **** level array.

It's a pity that there is not enough time. If he is given hundreds or even thousands of years to collect the air of killing on the battlefield.

The power of this formation will be even more terrifying.

When the time comes to deal with a Hunyuan, is it not easy to get it?

Time is too hasty.

He didn't expect Hun Yuan to recover so quickly.

"You have a lot of treasures on your body, whether it's Hunyuan Zhibao or this big formation, I want them all!"

The Emperor Feng yelled, and a blaze of black fire burned on his body.

These fires are as black as ink.

The surrounding light seemed to have been swallowed by it.

The boundless aura of the void rushed towards the Emperor Feng, which actually raised his aura again.

Madman Chu's eyes condensed, holding the Tyrant Halberd in his hand, the blood-red formations in the void with majestic murderous aura fell and injected into his body, causing his aura to continue to rise.

Fenghuang, the madman of Chu. Sacrifice as

The two breaths collided and shattered into nothingness in silence.

Pieces of floating continents approached them, but they were annihilated by the breath that escaped from them, leaving no residue. Diminish

This is the most terrifying scene.

Emperor Feng and the madman of Chu, as if incarnation of the source of destruction, are full of the majestic power of destroying the world.

"The violent **** beacon, destroy the world!"

Infinite divine light exuded in the eyes of Emperor Feng.

The next moment.

The dark flames on his body shrank and poured into his body, and the mighty world-killing power was condensed on the spear in his hand.

A shot pierced through the void easily, and the gun power tore through the deep void barriers and shattered countless stars in the universe.

Faced with a rapid shot.

Madman Chu saw a dark flame about to engulf himself, and he couldn't help feeling a little cold in his heart.

But he quickly suppressed the coldness, his eyes gradually cold, and he shook hands with the Tyrant Halberd before smashing the gun.

The spear hits.

The sound waves spread, smashing the void continent.

But this is just sound waves.

The energy shock after the sound wave spreads out like a tide.

In the blink of an eye, it swallowed the world.

Everyone only saw that the pitch-black beacon was burning, covering hundreds of millions of miles of void, as if it turned into a **** of beacon!

Everyone couldn't see what happened in the flames.

Even the immortal consciousness will be burned to nothingness as soon as it approaches.

Everyone is worried.



There was a loud noise like an explosion of stars.

A figure flew upside down from the flames, smashing the continents one after another like a meteor, that was... Madman Chu!

"The fairy king!"

"how so…"

Everyone in Pangu Universe exclaimed, extremely worried.

Gu Linglong bit her lip, looking at the crazy Chu man who was knocked into the air and stained with blood, very distressed.

Lan Yu, Chu Hong and others also had red eyes.

They want to rush forward.

Even if he is willing to die for the other party.

However, when the Hunyuan-level existences fight against each other, they can't even get close to the energy aura created by the collision of each other's breath.

"The fairy king..."

Li Tu, Lu Jun and others clenched their fists.

Eyes are red.

If the Madman Chu loses, Pangu universe will usher in destruction.

Everyone knows this.

One side of Tianyuan Universe.

God King Sikong and the others were equally shocked when they saw this scene.

At the same time, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Although Madman Chu has prepared a lot of hole cards, in front of Hun Yuan, no matter how hard he struggles, it is useless."

"Yes, we are determined to win."

Everyone's faces gradually showed joy.

However, the mood of the people in the Yuan Tianhui is extremely complicated.

Although Chu Madman deceived them.

But the other party was once their most beloved Heavenly Sword!

"Heaven Sword, I don't care who you are, but I hope you can live..." Luo Xue muttered as he looked at Madman Chu.

Tian Xingcai and others have the same idea in their hearts.

Although the position is different.

But they were worried about Tianjian in the same mood. UU Reading

"Mad Chu, you are vulnerable in front of Hun Yuan!"

Fenghuang stepped out from the boundless black fire.

The breath on the body is very domineering.

This is all the power he can exert at this stage.

The power of Hun Yuan surged, and the light was brilliant.

And Madman Chu slowly walked out of a broken continent. The blow just now was terrifying. He almost broke through the chaotic green lotus and shattered the Dao in his body, but even so, he still suffered a lot of damage to his body. Quickly recover under the action of the immortal body.

But the remaining Hunyuan power still affects him.

The immortal body can repair the physical body.

But it was unable to expel Fenghuang's Hunyuan power.

The power of immortality and the power of Hunyuan formed a weird stalemate on him, while recovering and destroying...

Madman Chu chuckles when he sees this.

"Hunyuan's combat power is indeed no trivial matter."

"You can still laugh? I want you to cry!"

Fenghuang snorted coldly.

He stepped forward and came to Chu Madman.

A shot stabbed out, and the opponent raised his halberd to block.


The huge force impacted Madman Chu's arm, causing the halberd in his hand to be involuntarily shaken out.

Without the weapon, Madman Chu fell into an absolute disadvantage.


With a single shot, Fenghuang was powerful enough to break the galaxy.

Many people exclaimed, heartbreaking.

"The fairy king!"

"Do not!"

The spear blasted and aimed at the top of Madman Chu's head. Mi He Mi


The huge energy spread out.

The scene that greeted the eyes was extremely shocking.

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