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Chapter 2004: : Exploring the dark forbidden land again, the Lord is merciful, the Dark Lord

Madman Chu is in retreat.

He is trying to break through the realm of soul chaos.

Originally, he was only a line away from the chaos realm, and he used darkness to absorb a large number of the souls of the monks of the Tianyuan universe.

Under the blessing of this force.

His finally crossed that barrier.

The realm of soul, stepped into the realm of chaos.

In the chaos realm, his soul has no fixed form, like a cloud of unopened chaos, very mysterious.

And just when his soul entered the chaos realm, he realized a brand new way...the way of the soul!

The souls of other monks breaking through the chaos realm will not trigger the way of the soul, but Madman Chu is not the same, his attainments in souls are very high, and the two universes combined are rarely compared.

After the soul breaks through the chaos.

It took him some time to fuse the way of the soul.

The whole process is like a natural fit.

Except besides.

The substantial increase in soul power has also improved his perception of Dao's efficiency a lot, and the technique of deduction has also been greatly improved.

The most obvious of these is the great destiny technique.

This practice is very mysterious.

After practicing to a certain level, not only can people enter the river of destiny and observe the destiny of all souls, but they can also use the way of destiny to transform them into various attacks to strike against the enemies in this world.

He now has only one light of destiny.

In the past, he killed the Six-Eyed God King by virtue of this method.汜减bxwx.cO汜

Now that his soul realm has been improved, he has a deeper understanding of this great destiny art.

In addition to the light of destiny, he has mastered another skill.

Calling the gate of destiny, this skill is not bad, and the expected power is also terrible, but it will take some time to master it thoroughly.

"This may be one of my hole cards."

Madman Chu whispered.


He entered the Temple of Destiny, and it took him nearly ten years to master the gate of Destiny, and he was able to display it.

this day.

In the void battlefield.

Madman Chu walked out of the imperial palace with his head up.

In the void.

The star chart emerges.

Lan Yu and others came to him.

"My son, you have finally left the customs." Lan Yu said with joy. Sacrifice as Sacrifice as

"The breath of a good friend has taken it to the next level."

Yuzhi glanced at Madman Chu and smiled faintly.

"Heh, I can't talk about a higher level."

Madman Chu laughed.

Then he looked into the distance in a direction.

Demon Dark Forbidden Land...

Before leaving the Void Battlefield, he still wanted to take advantage of the effect of the Zeguo Battle Chart's Great Formation, and wanted to check it out there.

Thinking of this, he confessed and went there alone.

Coming here again, it is still that desolate scene, the jet black mist swirls, revealing a strange and unknown breath.

Madman Chu's mind moved slightly.

Can you use the Great Destiny Technique to deduce here?

The Divine Machine Clan of Tianyuan Universe had done this before, but they all suffered a huge backlash, and all the Divine Kings died away.

But he is different.

His fate is strange and weird.

There is even the existence of the Temple of Destiny, and it should be fine.

Thinking of this, he immediately began to deduction.

After a while.

His mind came into a deep darkness, but it was somewhat similar to his own emptiness.

Could it be that this is the same as the existence of nihilism?

Just when Chu Kuangren was surprised and suspicious.

I saw a pair of eyes suddenly opened in the boundless darkness.

"Dare to spy on my fate, presumptuous!"

There was a cold shout.

Immediately afterwards, an incomparably deep breath of darkness rolled out.

at this time.

The madman Chu exploded with celestial splendor.

An even more bizarre and domineering life style erupted, but in an instant, that dark aura collapsed on the spot.

"this is…"

The owner of the voice seemed a little shocked.

And then.

Behind the Madman Chu, a phantom of a towering temple shone out, and an aura that seemed to suppress the heavens permeated.

The temple shook, and billions of gods shone.

This dark world of fate seems to collapse.

in the dark.

A shocked expression appeared on the face of a man dressed in black.

"This is... the Temple of Destiny!"

"How can it be?"

The man in black was extremely shocked, he knew the existence of the Temple of Destiny, but because of this, he was even more shocked.

"Hallmaster is merciful!"

The man in black said loudly.

The madman of Chu moved slightly in his heart when he heard the words.

The Destiny Temple behind him seemed to sense his thoughts, and the unknown space was once again hidden and disappeared.

This temple seemed to feel that he was in danger before showing up for protection.

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

The way of fate is truly mysterious.

And this supreme palace, which represents the way of destiny, is also unpredictable.

The next moment.

Madman Chu's consciousness broke away from the long river of fate and returned to the Demon Dark Forbidden Land again. In front of him, the boundless black mist had retreated to both sides, forming a huge passage.

"Oh, is this inviting me in?"

Madman Chu thought for a while and walked in.

The deduction just now came to no avail.

Then go directly to meet the owner of this place.

Demon in the depths of the forbidden soil.

No one has ever set foot here.

But today, the Madman Chu, dressed in white, stepped forward with his head high, and only saw a coffin in his eyes.

This coffin is completely dark, cast with unknown materials, and carved with various mysterious and gorgeous patterns.

In the coffin, a man in black slowly stood up.

His aura was very strange, and the black mist around him unexpectedly rose and fell as he breathed, which made Madman Chu's heart speechless.

This Demon Dark Forbidden Land, which made him frightened, was actually formed by the breath of the man in front of him? !

What a terrifying existence this must be. UU reading

Madman Chu was shocked.

But his face didn't show any signs, and he was still calm.

"Under the Dark Lord, I have seen the Lord of Destiny."

The black man dark demon bowed and said.

The attitude is actually somewhat respectful.

This made Madman Chu quite surprised. He seemed to be very jealous of the person in front of him. It was obvious that the opponent's power was far above him.

"You know me?"

"Those who can drive the Temple of Destiny, in the universe of the heavens, except for the Lord of Destiny, will not be the second person."

The Dark Lord said lightly.

"Smart guy."

Madman Chu dealt with each other.

At the same time, let Xiao Ai analyze the other party, but the result that can be obtained is unresolvable. The person in front of him has surpassed Xiao Ai's analytical ability!

This is the first time Madman Chu has encountered this situation.

In an unknown corner.

Xiao Ai, who has no fixed form, is annoyed.

too weak.

It is too weak.

Now she can't keep up with the growth of Madman Chu.

Madman Chu had already encountered an existence that he couldn't resolve, and existences like this one would have two.

If this goes on, he will definitely become a useless ability in the future, and he will be left in a corner by Madman Chu.

Xiao Ai does not allow this to happen.

I am very eager to improve myself.

But what to do?

Madman Chu didn't know Xiao Ai's entanglement. Now he looked at the dark demon in front of him and asked again: "Why are you here."

"Many years ago, I fought against the **** of light, and was seriously injured. I live here, sleep and heal my wounds here," said the dark demon. Mi He Mi

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