Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2005: : A deal with the Dark Lord, Hongmeng Great World, 3000...

Dark Lord, Light Lord...

Madman Chu fell into thinking.

no doubt.

The opponent is definitely a detached existence.

But Madman Chu didn't know exactly which level it was.

"The Lord of Destiny, since it is destined to meet you here, can I make a small request?"

The Dark Lord said.

"The rules of the Temple of Destiny, you should know that if you want to trade with Destiny, you must come up with something equivalent."


The Dark Lord nodded, and then, a drop of black blood came out between his brows, and his face became paler.

It seems that taking out this drop of blood is extremely costly to him.

"This is a drop of my blood. With this thing, the Lord of Destiny can merge the way of darkness, the way of cursing and other 36 avenues."

The madman of Chu trembled in his heart when he heard the words.

Thirty-six roads all at once?

Is there a mistake?

so smart?

In addition, isn’t it true that the realm of Hedao can only integrate nine ways at most? Why is the Dark Lord believing that he can merge these avenues?

"Say your request."

"I hope that the Lord of Destiny can enter the Great World of Hongmeng to find something to heal for me." said the Dark Demon Lord.

Hongmeng Great World is another unfamiliar name.

And the Dark Lord seemed to have seen the situation of the Madman Chu, and said with a faint smile: "The origin of the heavens, the beginning of the Harmony, the Great World of Harmony is the source of the universe of the heavens, contains infinite creations, and can heal, uh, the only things that can heal injuries. It can only be found in the Great World of Hongmeng."

The origin of the heavens, the beginning of Hongmeng...

Madman Chu was a little surprised.

All the heavens and the universe have a common source? !

It's really incredible.

"Hongmeng Great World, a cycle of billions of epochs, I have calculated that it is not far from the day when Hongmeng Great World restarts. I hope that the Lord of Destiny can enter it and find something to heal for me."

Madman Chu was thinking.

Then asked: "How to enter Hongmeng Great World?"

"Every universe has a door..."

Madman Chu's eyes flashed brightly.

He got it.

It turned out that the door was connected to the Great World of Hongmeng.

"A drop of blood is not enough."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing this, the Dark Demon Lord's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that Madman Chu would dare to bargain with him.

It is true that he is indeed afraid of the identity of the master of the fate of the Chu madman.

But he could also see that the opponent's current cultivation base was too low.

It's simply not qualified to become the real master of destiny.

Madman Chu's gaze was like a torch, looking at the Dark Demon Lord, while the other party was also looking at him, his dark eyes could not see the mood swings.

But he didn't turn his face immediately.

Instead, think for a while.

Then he took out a dark token, and he said lightly: "This thing is an order of the Dark King. If you hold this thing, if you encounter someone from the Dark Clan in the future, you can use this order to let them listen to you."

Madman Chu's eyes lit up and took the token.

he knows.

He was right.

The reason why the Dark Demon asked him for help instead of entering the Hongmeng Great World himself was obviously afraid.

Most likely, it was the light **** who injured him.

The opponent may also go to the Great World of Hongmeng, and the Dark Demon is seriously injured. Once he appears in the Great World of Hongmeng, there is a high probability that he will be found and killed by the opponent, so he asked him for help.

"You deal, destiny, it's time."

Madman Chu said lightly.

"The Lord of Destiny, bold and careful, is admirable."

The Dark Lord said.

Obviously, he also saw Madman Chu's temptation just now.

In fact, just as Madman Chu had expected, he did not dare to go to the Great World of Hongmeng easily, for fear of being discovered by the God of Light.

Madman Chu, as the master of destiny, although his current cultivation base is not high, his growth potential is unimaginable. It is definitely someone he has encountered and is most likely to help him find something to heal his wounds.

"Listen to what you need."

Then, the Dark Lord said a few things that were helpful to his injury, which Madman Chu secretly remembered in his heart.

Before leaving.

The Dark Lord stopped him and said, "Lord of Destiny, I have something to remind you. Before you have achieved Hun Yuan, you can merge as many Dao as you can, and it is best to reach three thousand."

Madman Chu's eyes condensed.

Fusion of three thousand ways?

Are you kidding me?

The limit of Hedao is nine kinds of Tao.

He was able to integrate a dozen of them now, which is beyond everyone's imagination, three thousand, even he himself hadn't thought about it.

"Three thousand Dao Dao, the more you merge when you combine Dao, the stronger your combat power after the achievement of Hunyuan, the greater your potential. If you merge 3,000 Dao Dao, you may have a chance to attack... the supreme ruler!"

The supreme ruler...

Boy, what does this mean?

realm? Repair base? title?

Madman Chu felt that a brand new door was slowly opening to him, and there was a faint feeling of blood surging.

Madman Chu ignored the Dark Demon and turned and left.

The Dark Lord looked at Madman Chu's leaving back, with a playful smile, "Three thousand Dadao, how much can you blend?"

Fusion of three thousand ways.

This is actually just a casual mention by him, the universe, has never heard of anyone who truly integrates three thousand ways.


Out of the Devil's Forbidden Land, Madman Chu felt that he had gained a lot.

It's the right time to explore the dark forbidden land again this time.

"Next, there is only one thing left."

Madman Chu whispered.

Look into the distance.

It is the direction of Tianyuan Universe.

He did not go to the Tianyuan Universe the first time, but returned to the imperial palace to refine the blood of the Dark Demon Lord.

Thirty-six ways were once again blended. Sacrifice as

Tianyuan universe.

Luo Xue, Tian Xingcai and others returned here.

Decades have passed since the battle of the void battlefield at this time.

But that battle is still fresh in everyone's memory.

Lingering like a nightmare.

Originally, they thought that if they returned to the Tianyuan universe and found the gods, they would still have a chance to make a comeback.

Unexpectedly, UU reading www.uukanshu. What they face is deeper despair!

Shentian is crazy.

He was completely crazy.

After knowing that Emperor Feng had also died in the hands of Madman Chu, Shentian knew that if he didn't take any measures, he would be unable to compete with the opponent. In order to restore his peak state, he accelerated the pace of extinction.


In the eyes of everyone, everything God and Heaven does is destroying the world.

In order to completely restore his power, he did not hesitate to swallow the vitality of the universe, and plunge the entire universe into despair.

What Madman Chu said on the battlefield was true.

They opened up territory on the battlefield of the void, fighting **** the front line, while the gods and the beacon emperor swallowed their clansmen and friends in the rear. Is there anything more ridiculous in this world than this? Bxwx.*Co汜

This makes them feel desperate.

More desperate than defeat!

Tianyuan Universe.

Above a huge ancient star.

Luo Xue, Tian Xingcai, Di Feitian and others gathered together.

They are discussing how to deal with the gods.

Today's Shentian, behaves almost madly, if they don't stop each other, the entire universe will be ruined.

But Shentian is Hunyuan. With them, how can you deal with it?

"Everyone, anyway, we must stand up. If even us **** kings cringe, then there is no hope in this universe." Mi He Mi

Luo Xue looked at the gods and said with firm eyes.

Everyone looked at each other.

Immediately someone gritted his teeth and responded with a loud voice, "Luo Xue said rightly, God is not dead, it is us who die. Instead of hiding and struggling to survive, it is better to let go for the future!"

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