Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Hunyuan 9 robbery, the test of the madman of Chu, you are willing to let go of your

"Ancestor Taiyuan... is dead."

Seeing this scene, the black-clothed girl looked a little dazed.

Your own worst enemy, just died like this? !

Was killed by the madman of Chu, understatement!

The rest of the people were also dull.

Cut Hunyuan under Hunyuan!

This is the first time they have seen this kind of thing.

"My boy, it's terrible."

"What the **** is this person? Why didn't he have any information before, as if he came out of thin air."

"Could it be the powerhouses of other universes?"

Someone thought of something.

There are rumors that among the heavens, there are some detached people who can travel through the universe and walk in the heavens with their own power.

But, how can this be done under a mixed element?

Everyone is puzzled.

At this time, Madman Chu had left with the flower of chaos.

"I must also become such a strong man!"

Looking at the back of Madman Chu leaving, the black-clothed girl Lan thought to herself.

In the crowd.

Someone stared at Lan with a different color in his eyes.


After Kuangren Chu killed the ancestor Taiyuan again, he took the Chaos Flower and left the Chaos. There were still a few days before Xiao Ai completely absorbed the knowledge of this universe. He planned to find a place to stay and leave when the time was up.

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. An unnamed old star.

Madman Chu sat cross-legged.

"Congratulations to the host for drawing the super **** level reward Hun Yuan Nine Tribulations!"


Super **** level rewards.

Madman Chu was slightly surprised.

With his current state, he can't use many of the rewards. The treasures he has drawn over the years are piled up like a mountain.

But there are very few that can be used.

This super **** level reward can rarely be drawn.

But it is often the most useful for him now.

He glanced at Hunyuan Jiujiao's body.

This is a Dao-level exercise, and it is specialized in physical training.

This technique requires a lot of resources to temper the physical body. Ordinary cultivators must survive the Hunyuan Tribulation if they want to break through the Hunyuan.

The Hunyuan Nine Tribulations Body is to use the Hunyuan Tribulation to achieve the Hunyuan Body.

But to be truly successful, you have to go through nine times of Hunyuan Tribulation.

This technique is very powerful. Once the nine calamities are over, it can easily kill the existence of the Nine Profound Realm of Hunyuan with the power of the flesh.

"It's not bad."

Madman Chu was quite satisfied.

Just when he was about to comprehend this Hunyuan Nine Tribulations Body, he suddenly noticed a wave of energy fluctuations in the distance.

Immortal consciousness moved.

However, a girl in black was besieged and killed.

"is her."

Madman Chu whispered.

That girl is the Lan he rescued before.

"Interesting, I have encountered it several times in a row, is this fate?"

Madman Chu smiled.

He cut out a sword gas in the air.

far away.

Lan is fighting against a group of monks.

Most of these people are not inferior to her in cultivation, and there are even several Da Luo-level existences. She is a golden immortal, and naturally falls into the disadvantage.

But by all means, she has resisted for a long time.

"No, I can't fall down here!"

"Although the ancestor of Taiyuan is dead, the Holy Land of Taiyuan is still there. They destroy my Yao people. If I don't destroy them, this hatred will not be counted!"

Lan was dripping with blood and looked at everyone in front of her with cold eyes.

Everyone can't help but feel chills.

The leader snorted coldly, "It is surprising that a golden immortal can persist until now. Is it really worthy of being a supreme soul body?"

"But unfortunately, your end is here!"

Seeing that he teamed up with everyone, he wanted to make a final blow to Lan.

at this time.

But seeing the distance, a sword light cut across the air.

Wherever he went, the void exploded and the stars shattered!

The cultivators who besieged Lan didn't even have time to react, and they were enveloped by sword energy on the spot, and were wiped out in an instant.

"This breath..."

Lan looked at Jian Qi with joy, "It's a benefactor!"

She looked around, but didn't see Madman Chu's figure. When she looked in the direction of Jian Qi, she saw a familiar figure in white clothes in the distance.

Dressed in white, his back turned to her.

As the breath flowed, the dust appeared ethereal.

Lan knew that that was his benefactor to save himself.

Her figure flickered and swept towards Madman Chu's direction.

Madman Chu also sensed the approach of the opponent, and his sword fingers condensed, setting up various restrictions around him to block the approach of the opponent.

After Lan arrived, he saw the restriction set by Madman Chu, and he was thinking, "The benefactor just rescued me, and now he has set a restriction to keep me away. Why? Does he not want to see me?"

"No, if the benefactor doesn't want to see me, he doesn't need to save me just now, let alone set a ban. He is testing me!"

Lan's eyes showed firmness and stepped into the ban.

in a blink.

I saw the world change.

She fell into an illusion, and in front of her was a mountain of swords made up of countless sharp blades, and on the top of the mountain, Madman Chu sat cross-legged.

Lan didn't hesitate, and walked towards the mountain of swords.

The sharp blade cut into the flesh, and the intense pain made her frown.

But none of these hindered her.

She was restricted in her cultivation, just like a mortal, climbing towards the top of the knife mountain, falling down halfway and then standing up again, the sharp edge of her body still remained unchanged.

After a while.

The girl was already dripping with blood.

But when she came to the top of the mountain.

Madman Chu was not seen in front of him, and the world changed again.

The mountain of swords disappeared.

Instead, there is a burning sea of ​​fire.

Madman Chu, standing on the other side of the sea of ​​fire, looked at her calmly.

"Knife mountains and flames, compared to the pain of genocide, what is it?"

Lan stepped into it without hesitation.

The flames burned, and her skin was scorched, shocking.

Madman Chu looked at Lan, who was devastated by the illusion, with a hint of interest in his eyes, "Let me see where you can go."


汜减bX W X .C o汜. "Master, this universe knowledge has been completely absorbed."

Xiao Ai prompted.

Madman Chu nodded, "Wait a moment, I found an interesting little guy, I might as well wait a few more days."

In the illusion.

Lan moved forward firmly in the blizzard.

The top of the mountain in the distance. UU Reading

It is still the white dress.

These days, she chased Madman Chu.

But every time I approached, it was replaced by a brand new illusion. Although it was an illusion, it was extremely real, and it was impossible to distinguish between the real and the illusion.

She has experienced dozens of illusions.

In addition to swordsmanship, Shura Purgatory.

There are also wealth, wine and wealth, and so on.

But no matter how many illusions she explored, Madman Chu was still out of reach.

"I won't give up, benefactor, I will definitely see you."

Lan whispered.

at this time.

All the illusions in front of her disappeared.

Instead, it was a cloud and mist, and in the mist, Chu Madman's voice came from afar, "Why do you want to see me?"

"I don't know, but the benefactor saved me twice. I think I should thank you personally, and the benefactor set up a fantasy to test me. I don't want the benefactor to look down on me, thinking that I am a person who gives up easily." Lan said.

"You are no more than a peach and plum, but the Taoist heart is tough, which is rare in the world. You and I have met several times and it is also fate. Would you like to be my disciple?"

"Lan is willing!"

Lan looked happy, and immediately knelt on the ground.

"Don’t be happy first, I think you have obsessions and are obsessed with hatred. If you want to be my disciple, you need to keep your Dao heart clear and not stained with dust. As long as you can let go of your obsessions, you can see me and worship me. As a teacher."

Madman Chu's voice came slowly.

Lan Jiao's body was shocked.

Let go of obsession?

What is her obsession?

Mi He Mi. It is hatred.

It is the hatred of the Yao nationality being destroyed!

Now Madman Chu wants her to let go!

"Tell me, would you like to let go of obsession?"

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