Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : The strong are mostly obsessive, accept disciples, and after accepting disciples...

"You are willing to let go of obsession."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Hearing what he said, Lan fell into silence.

The faces of Yao people appeared in her mind one by one.

She slowly stood up and said loudly, "No!"

"Why not?"

"Unwilling or unwilling. I don't want to let go of obsessions. If even I forget them, then the Yao people will really disappear."

"If you don't let go of the obsession in your heart, the fate of you and me will end here, and this obsession will one day swallow you."

"The kindness of the benefactor, Lan will repay me if I have a chance in the future, but if I want to let go of my obsession and live for myself, I can't do it! As for what this obsession will make me look like in the future, I have no regrets or regrets. ."

Lan slowly said.

"Because of a group of dead people, do you know what opportunities you missed. If you worship me as a teacher, you will achieve at least Hunyuan in the future, and it will not be impossible for you to be detached in the future and travel in the universe."

"I understand, but this obsession is impossible for me to let go."


Madman Chu gave a chuckle.

His laughter grew louder and louder, resounding across the starry sky.

The whole universe seemed to be shaken.

Many powerhouses noticed this fluctuation and couldn't help feeling palpitations.

"This guy, what's going crazy?"

"This mysterious strong man, have you encountered any happy events?"

Although everyone was curious, they did not dare to snoop easily.

For fear of annoying this guy.

But there are still brave guys who cautiously urge the immortal consciousness to come to the realm where Madman Chu is located, wanting to find out.


at this time.

He heard a soft snort.

Madman Chu's eyes condensed, immortal consciousness gushing out, his soul realm has already reached the chaos realm, the immortal consciousness is also very tyrannical.

In just an instant, the prying fairy consciousness was defeated.

Vaguely, I heard a soft snort.

The person who snooped seemed to have been injured.

The rest of the people exchanged knowledge.

"That direction is from the people of Taiyuan Holy Land."

"It's another Hunyuan in Taiyuan Holy Land. Tsk, they are really unwilling to give up. They have all been cut off, and they dare to make a move."


"Taiyuan Holy Land..."

An icy color flashed across Madman Chu's eyes.

But then he seemed to think of something. Instead of making a move, he looked at Lan and smiled with satisfaction: "Very well, you have passed my test."

Lan still had some doubts.

Is this passed?

Didn’t you say that if you don’t let go of your obsessions, you will die?

"Everyone says that obsessiveness hurts people, but if there is no obsession in my heart, how can I stick to this long path of cultivation?"

Decrease bxwx.Co. "Want to be rich in the world is obsession, want to be strong is obsession, want to live long is also obsession, even want to have no desires, it is also a kind of obsession, who can set foot on the peak in this world, who does not have it in his heart? What about obsession?"

Madman Chu said slowly.

His real purpose is not to let Lan let go of obsession.

It is a test of how strong the other's obsession is.

The other party did not disappoint him.

Perseverance is profound, love and righteousness are important.

Don't give up the obsession that persists to this day because of his bewitching.

This is really sticking to the heart.

"Benefactor, what do you mean..."

Lan looked happy.

The clouds in front of her disappeared completely.

The celestial splendor flowed around, and a figure in white clothes slowly walked out, with a graceful posture and charming demeanor, just like a peerless fairy walking out of a painting.

"You can be my disciple."

Madman Chu looked at Lan and said lightly.

"Meet Master!"

Without a word, Lan knelt on the ground, kowtow solemnly.

"Get up."

Madman Chu waved his sleeve, Lan couldn't help standing up, not only that, a green lotus creation force injected into her body.

She was injured and recovered quickly.

That illusion.

It's true.

Even to some extent, it has already reflected on the physical body.

"I remember there is another person beside you, where is he now?"

Madman Chu asked.

He remembered that there was another person named Qingzun beside Lan.

The strength is not bad, close to Hunyuan.

"Uncle, he fell asleep."

Lan said sadly.

It turned out that after being rescued by the madman of Chu last time, Lan and Qingzun were chased by people from Taiyuan Holy Land. In order to protect Lan, Qingzun used some secret method to kill the chasing soldiers, but he also injured himself. Heavy and fell into deep sleep.

"So that's it..."

Madman Chu nodded slightly.


He looked at Lan, his sword's fingers condensed, and a bit of aura flashed between his fingers.

Inspiration points to Lan.

Suddenly, countless information flooded into her mind.

This included various cultivation methods, and even the Dao-level cultivation technique that the madman of Chu had just obtained, the Hunyuan Nine Tribulations Body was among them.

After passing on the practice method, the madman of Chu took out another Qiankun ring.

In the precepts, there are a lot of resources for practice.

It is all his accumulation of lottery over the years.

This is only part of it.

"Lan, there are other important things for the teacher, so I won't stay in this universe for a long time. As for your enemy, Taiyuan Holy Land, as a little test left by your teacher, it depends on you. It's fortune in itself."

Madman Chu gave Qiankun Ring to Lan, and said slowly.

The next moment.

His figure flashed and disappeared.

Lan was still digesting a large amount of information in her mind, and blinked at the Qiankun Ring in her hand. What, what is this? ?

I just worshipped a great master.

But in a blink of an eye, the master left himself and left?

Sacrifice such as sacrifice such as. A few days later.

Lan has digested various practices.

Among them, there are many mysterious practices that made her very surprised.

Especially Hunyuan Nine Tribulations Body, UU reading amazed her even more.

She swears that even the most brilliant practice of the Yao people can't match it.

"This kind of exercise can be taught to me by the master casually. What realm is the master?"

Lan was amazed.

Then, she opened the Universe Ring left by the Madman Chu.

Suddenly, Baoguang shined.

Countless treasures filled the entire universe ring.

Immortal crystal, immortal medicine, synthesizer, original treasure...

Among them, there are a lot of things, even if she is in the Hedao Realm, she can use it, she couldn't help but swallowed her saliva.

Oh my God, these treasures can't be taken out by the Yao people at the peak of the past.

Do not.

In the entire universe, it is estimated that no force has so many treasures.

The treasures in this Universe Ring, just taking a few pieces out, are enough to set off a **** storm in this universe.

Madman Chu clearly gave her a treasure trove!

Her admiration and gratitude for the Mad Chu was raised to a new level.

"Meeting Master is definitely the biggest opportunity of my life!"

"With the practice method given by the master, coupled with these resources, I am confident that I will be promoted to Hedao within a thousand years!"

"Taiyuan Holy Land, wait for me!"

There was a firm look in Lan's eyes.

She knew that with Chu Madman's ability, it would be easy to destroy a Taiyuan Holy Land. The reason why he didn't do this was to sharpen herself and make her grow better.

Mi He Mi. She must not let Master down.

Moreover, she really wants to avenge the Yao nationality by herself!

Lan turned and left.

A generation of female superiors, began her journey.

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