Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2006: : Bright enchantment, pressing harder step by step, give you a face, right?

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"The position I am now in is the bright domain. This place is not too prominent among the many big domains of the Hongmeng Great World."

"And the most powerful force here is precisely the Church of Illumination that wanted to woo me to join before. The Church of Illumination is one of the top forces in the Hongmeng Great World. It is said that it is backed by the detached."

"This church in Mingyu is just a branch church."

"I encountered this kind of trouble when I first came, and I was not lucky."

Madman Chu thought to himself.


He sensed a familiar breath quickly approaching Qianyang City.

From a distance, it was Yan Xu who haunted him not long ago.

"Is this specifically for me?"

Madman Chu thought to himself.

In other words, after Xu came to Qianyang City, he came directly to a conversation here, and directly took out a token to show his identity.

When the people in the church saw this token, they were immediately shocked.

"I have seen Pastor Yan."

In the Bright Church, there are also hierarchical status divisions.

From ordinary congregation to senior congregation, junior pastor, intermediate pastor, senior pastor, big pastor, and then to bishop...

The principal of Qianyang City Branch is just an ordinary junior pastor.

But Yan Xu is a senior pastor.

There is a big gap between the two sides.

"Open the light barrier and block Qianyang City."

Yan Xu said nothing, he was straightforward.

Hear this.

The priest of Qianyang City nodded, and immediately let people open the barrier.

I saw in the church, a white goddess statue suddenly burst out of divine light, and the majestic Guangming Dao breath poured out from the statue.

The Guangming Church believes in the God of Guangming.

Also known as the Goddess of Light.

A statue of a goddess is placed in every church of the Bright Church.

And this statue is also extremely extraordinary. With the blessing of a large amount of faith, it can burst out with powerful light power and accomplish many things.


A white beam of light soared into the sky, and a large amount of Dao Ze power spread and turned into a huge enchantment, covering the entire Qianyang City completely.

"what happened?!"

"This power is a barrier laid down by the power of light."

"Why do you do this?"

Many monks in Qianyang City were very puzzled.

But the Illuminati Church is so powerful that everyone dared not speak.

Madman Chu's eyes flashed after seeing this enchantment.

"Oh, could it be set for me?"

the other side.

Several monks in black robes gathered together, and their expressions changed slightly as they looked at the light barrier that enveloped the entire Qianyang City.

"Why did the church suddenly set a barrier?"

"Did you find us?"

"Our actions are so secretive, how could we be discovered."

"Let everyone be careful."

These monks are extremely solemn.

It seems that I am afraid of being discovered by people in the church.

In the church, Yan Xu looked at the enchantment of light and smiled slightly, "The enchantment has risen, no one can leave without the permission of the church, now there is only one left to find you, newcomers who have just arrived..."

Yan Xu's fairy knowledge spread out like a tide.

This immortal consciousness is so huge that it is very close to the Hunyuan level.

Strength is what he depends on to become a senior pastor.

"found it."


Yan Xu opened his eyes and locked the breath of Madman Chu.

And Qianyang City, inside a restaurant.

Madman Chu was drinking, his hand toasting his glass paused slightly, and then he showed an indifferent smile, "Come on."


A figure walked up to the restaurant, it was Yan Xu.

"Haha, brother, I have had a hard time looking for you."

Yan Xu laughed and sat down in front of Madman Chu. He pointed to the light barrier outside and said, "Do you know what this is?"


"Yes, this is called the enchantment of light, it is formed by the power of the goddess, even if it is Hunyuan, don't want to break it easily, and this is just one billionth of the goddess's ability, as long as you are willing Joining my church, if you can be favored by the goddess in the future, detachment is not a dream..."

Yan Xu kept talking to the Madman Chu.

The effort is to draw him a cake.

It looks like it's engaged in MLM.

Madman Chu sat on the spot, unmoved, and said lightly: "I am not interested in your goddess, please leave."

"Oh, brother, are you really unwilling to join?"


"That's a shame."

Yan Xu shook his head.

Then he said: "By the way, I think you used a Chaos Supreme Treasure before, this thing is very mysterious, can you let me see you again?"

"My things are not something that anyone can see if they want to."

"Little brother, you are boring, I just want to see it, and I didn't say not to return it to you."

As Yan Xu spoke, he performed a magic trick at the same time.


Outside the restaurant.

One by one, monks wearing white robes surrounded the restaurant.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help retreating.

"It's from the Bright Church, what are they doing here?"

"It seems that who provokes them."

"Tsk, who is so bold?"

In the crowd.

Several monks in black clothes glanced at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It doesn't seem to be for us."

"Then keep going."

Inside the restaurant.

The madman Chu saw Yan Xu's small movements clearly, and his expression was indifferent and said: "I'll give you a piece of advice, don't mess around."

"Little brother is worrying too much. My Bright Church always persuades people with virtue. Even if you don't enter the church, we won't harm you, but..."

Yan Xu laughed first, then the conversation turned, his eyes became cold, "My church recently lost a treasure, and that treasure is very similar to the Chaos Treasure in your hand. Could you please take it out and let me identify it? , To distinguish the authenticity?"

"What if I say no?"

"Then, I have to take some compulsory measures." Yan Xu stretched out his hand and grabbed the Madman Chu. In his palm, there was a very powerful Taoist power that seemed to make Madman Chu lose his combat effectiveness.

In his opinion, Madman Chu has just arrived, and he has not yet fully adapted to the rules of the Hongmeng Great World. If he wants to deal with him, isn't it easy to catch him?

Originally, I wanted to trick the other party into the church, and slowly lured him into asking the other party to surrender the treasure, but now, I can only resort to tough measures.


This palm fell on the shoulders of Madman Chu.

I saw the opponent's body swayed slightly.

Yan Xu's face changed slightly.

This kind of shock... is a bit wrong.

Before he could react, Madman Chu in front of him put down the wine glass in his hand, and his eyes burst with fierce light.

Madman Chu raised his hand and slapped it out. Yan Xu only felt a sharp pain in his cheek, and his body flew out!

There was a big hole in the restaurant.

Yan Xu flew out without knowing how many miles, and smashed directly on the light barrier. This scene made the church monks who were ready to go bewildered.

And in the restaurant.

Madman Chu slowly walked out, looking at Yan Xu who was taken away, and said in a cold tone: "I've gotten an inch, I'll give you a face, right?!"

Although he is a newcomer, he doesn't want to be too swagger.

But not afraid of things.

The other party pressed hard, if he backed down again, then he was not a madman of Chu, dare to provoke him, whether you are light or dark, everything will be finished.

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