Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2007: : Extreme of the flesh, Judgment of Light, Killing Yan Xu

Yan Xu was stunned.

   I was actually slapped by a newcomer who had just arrived?

   Is there a mistake?


  Why did the newcomer take a palm of him forcibly, but there was nothing at all, how did the other party do it?

   Road protects the body?

its not right.

   I didn't feel the breath of Dao Ze.

   And the other party hasn't fully adapted to the rules of Hongmeng Great World, it is impossible to burst out such a strong Taoist power.

   What is going on?

   Yanxu clutched his swollen cheeks, and said with blood full of blood: "He is a heresy, give me all of them, kill him!!"

   He was furious, but when he opened his mouth, his teeth couldn't help falling out one by one, which looked very funny.

   But he is the senior pastor of the church, and the church monk in Qianyang City didn't dare to disobey his order, and he was immediately sent with him.

   "There is a good show to watch."

   "Let's stay away, don't be affected."

   "Hey, this young man seems to have just entered the Great World of Hongmeng, and the Taoist aura on him has not yet fully integrated with the rules of this place."

   "I'm afraid I will suffer a loss now."

   There was a lot of discussion.

   And the madman Chu looked at the cultivators who rushed up, taking a step without evading, and the aura on his body swept out.

   is not a rule.

   is the purest physical blood!

   The crimson blood, like a long river of blood, spewed out of his limbs, hundreds of skeletons, and thousands of pores, sweeping across all directions!

   One by one, the church monks who rushed up were thrown out by this force, lying on the ground wailing.

   The madman of Chu urged his flesh and blood, and slapped the void.

   It's just that if it were in the Pangu universe, his energy and blood would be enough to break through the void, but here, he couldn't even shake the void.

   It can be seen how strong the space barrier of Hongmeng Great World is.

   But this does not affect his combat power.

   "Physical blood?!"

   "I'm going, this is a cultivator, and this level of vitality, is it the ultimate physical body that can be compared to Hunyuan in the legend?!"

   "What a domineering qi and blood."

   Everyone was terrified.

   The extreme of the physical body is rumored in many universes.

   "How is it possible? How can you be the extreme of the flesh?"

   Yanxu's face changed.

   He misjudged!

   It is true that the madman of Chu arrived for the first time, and his path would indeed be suppressed by the rules of Hongmeng Great World, and he would not be able to exert his full strength before adapting.

   But the body is different.

   The physical body is not subject to this restriction.

   "No wonder he was able to be hit by me without any damage."

   "Damn it!"

   Seeing that the church monks in Qianyang City were totally unable to deal with Madman Chu, Yan Xu could only make his own moves, and between raising his hands, a large amount of Taoism came out.

   A vast and bright breath enveloped the scene.

   "Try the magic of my Bright Church!"

   Yanxu said loudly.

   The roads converge, turning into a spear in his palm and shooting out.


   The white spear like lightning was wrapped in an extremely shocking and sharp aura, and the earth was torn apart by a huge hole.

   Upon seeing this, the madman Chu gave a soft snort and punched out.

   He does not retreat and does not evade, forcibly shakes the light magic.


  The white spear shattered.

   Chu Madman's fists are still as white as white jade.

   He stepped out one step, his blood gushing like wolves.

   The whole person is like a **** of war walking out of a sea of ​​blood!


   Seeing that his attack had no effect, Yan Xu was a little shocked.

   But then, his Guangming Dao surging with power, transformed into white spears in the air, and shot at the Madman Chu one after another.

   "I don't believe it, I can't kill you!!"

   bang, bang, bang...

   The spear hit the Madman Chu's body one after another.

   A large amount of light aura escaped, shattering the earth, billowing smoke and dust, light and crimson qi and blood were intertwined and collided.


   Yanxu's power is urged to the extreme, a meal of crazy output.

   After a while.

   He just stopped to catch his breath.

   The ground in front of him was already in a mess. Large pits appeared on the ground, billowing in smoke, and swept all over the place.

   A large amount of bright aura floated in the air, reflecting everywhere.

   Such an attack, even a Hunyuan may not be able to withstand it.

   Everyone looked at the billowing smoke and dust attentively...

"do you died?"

   "With this level of attack, you will have to be seriously injured if you don't die?"


   just now.

   A da da footstep suddenly sounded.

   Everyone only saw a figure slowly walked out in the smoke and dust in the sky, dressed in white, slender and dust-free, and blood flowing, not fading, wrapped tightly around him like a set of blood armor.

   Those attacks were blocked by this armor one after another.

   couldn't hurt him at all.

  The armor on the madman Chu disappeared, and he walked towards Yan Xu step by step.

   punched out.


   Qi and blood surged, and slammed Yan Xu fiercely. Even if the opponent urged him to resist, he was still blown away by the punch.

   once again hit the light barrier.


   Yanxu vomited blood, his face full of horror.

   "This, how is this possible?!"

   "No, I won't lose. I am a senior pastor of the Illuminati Church. With the blessing of the goddess, how can I lose to you?"

   Yanxu said loudly.

   Immediately afterwards, I saw him squeeze the mysterious technique.

   There was a strong wave of energy in the direction of the church in the distance, and a huge phantom of the goddess of light appeared in the sky.

   Yan Xu rose into the sky, "Here, accept the judgment of the light!"

   The surrounding light barriers spread out and turned into pure light power, continuously injected into his body, causing his aura to grow.

   The madman of Chu looked at the church in the distance.

   saw the statue of the goddess, thinking in his eyes.


   Is that the goddess of light?

   He thought of the Dark Demon. He heard from the other party that the other party was hit hard by the Light God, the Goddess of Light.

   I don’t know if this goddess of light is in the great world of Hongmeng?

   If the other party personally takes action against him, then he can't stop it.

Thoughts flashed through the minds of Chu As for Xu, he dared to be distracted when he saw him, and was furious. The power of Guang Dao was urged to the extreme, turning into a huge white golden sword. .

   "Sword of Judgment!"

   Boom! !

   The big sword cut down, mighty.

   The entire Thousand Sun City was shaking, and Madman Chu's eyes flashed in the face of this blow, and his physical energy and blood flowed to the extreme.

   "Let me try, how powerful this physical body is."

   Qi and blood surged, making the sound of a tsunami.

   Every bone in his body burst out with celestial splendor.

   punch out!

   A crimson qi, blood and divine light burst out.

   One red and one gold.

   The two forces collided fiercely in the air, and the sky and the earth roared endlessly.

   I saw the golden sword of judgment rupture inch by inch in front of Madman Chu's blood, and Xu's pupils shrank, and the whole person was trembling.

"Do not!!"

   Along with a horrible howl, Yan Xu was hit by a violent fist, and a **** mist burst out of his whole body, falling from the air like a rag.

   The breath gradually dissipated.

   When everyone saw this, the scalp became numb.

   "This kind of qi and blood power is absolutely comparable to Hun Yuan!"

   "The extreme of the flesh is really extraordinary."

   Everyone sighed with emotion.


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