Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : To kill Dugukong, the undefeated anger of Dugu, the thought of creating power...

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Master Tongtian, one of the three clears of the Pangu universe.

He is respected in the Pangu universe, but after coming to the Great World of Hongmeng, he knows that his strength is not strong enough.

His elder brother Li Jun has been promoted to Dadao.

But now he is still only in the Seven Profound Realm of Hunyuan.

This made him a little anxious.

Only then did he enter the Great Dao Spirit Realm to seek the opportunity. Unexpectedly, before the opportunity was found, he first encountered a tricky person.

Tongtian looked at the black-clothed man in front of him, his eyes dignified.

Dugukong, the twenty-sixth on the Hunyuan list.

From the universe of swords.

Its cultivation base had already reached the realm of Hunyuan Nine Profound Realm.

The other party took a fancy to his own Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"If you want a sword formation, it depends on your ability."

Tongtian said indifferently.

Seeing his sword fingers condensed, Zhu Xian's Four Swords rose into the air again, surrounding him, with magnificent sword energy and incomparable strength.

Dugukong couldn't help but exclaimed, "Good sword formation."

He was born in the universe of swords.

Listening to the name, this is a universe closely related to swords, and there are countless swordsmanships in it. Sword-related training methods are a lot of them. There are naturally many things like sword formations.

But Du Gukong had a fancy to this Zhuxian Sword Array.

This array is very extraordinary and has great growth potential.

Even in the universe of swords, there are not many formations that can be compared with this Zhuxian sword formation, which is why he covets this formation.

"Holy Spirit Sword Art, Sword Nine!"

Dugukong held a long sword in his hand and cut out with one sword.

The vast sword aura shook the entire Zhuxian sword formation.

The Holy Spirit Sword Art, this is a supreme cultivation technique of the Sword Universe, even if it is placed in the cultivation technique of the Hongmeng level, it is not bad.

This technique can give full play to Kendo.

boom! !

The sword qi collided with the sword formation extremely, and Tongtian was shaken back again.

There is a big difference in cultivation base between him and Dugukong. Although with this Zhuxian Sword Formation, he can barely contend, but it is only barely enough.

"Hongmeng Great World, really is the origin of the heavens, any experience can meet such a strong person." Tongtian couldn't help feeling.

"Give you another chance and hand over the sword formations!"

Dugukong said coldly again.

at this time.

In the high altitude, a terror pressure fell from the sky.


I saw in the void, a group stepped out with their heads high behind them, and the fairy radiance on their body was flowing, like an immortal king descending into the mortal dust.

Seeing the people coming, Tongtian couldn't help but brighten up.

"It's Daoist Chu!"

The man who came was Chu Madman.

After he noticed the breath of the sky, he came to check it out.

"Friend Tongtian, don't come here unharmed."

Madman Chu looked at Tongtian and smiled faintly.

"Friend Daoist Chu, it's really time for you to come." When Tongtian saw Madman Chu coming, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that everything was in order.

But Dugukong looked at Madman Chu, his eyebrows frowned, his eyes dignified.

"Such a breath, really very human, who on earth are you?"

"Are you good at swords?"

Madman Chu said lightly after seeing the sword in Dugukong's hand.

"What about it."

"If you don't die with one sword, you can leave."

Madman Chu said lightly.

Immediately, between his fingers, a sword aura shot out.

It is an understatement, but Dugukong's pupils shrank abruptly. At this moment, I felt an unparalleled pressure!

"not good!"

"Holy Spirit Sword Art, Sword Thirteen!"

Dugukong's face changed drastically, as he raised his hand and slashed out the long sword.

But the moment when the sword touches the sword qi.

With a bang.

The long sword broke, and the sword energy directly passed through Du Gukong's body.

The world is dead.

Then, Du Gukong was divided into two on the spot, completely dead.

After seeing this scene, Tongtian couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This person who made him feel extremely troublesome, in the hands of Madman Chu, could not even go through a move and a half. It was extremely easy to kill with his fingers.

"My goodness, Fellow Daoist Chu, where is your current cultivation level?" Tongtian couldn't help but curiously asked.

"Ha, Hun Yuan Jiu Xuan."

"Hun Yuan Jiu Xuan? Are you sure?"

Tongtian was a little suspicious.

It's not that he has never seen a monk of Hunyuan Jiuxuan.

But he swears that the sword that Madman Chu had just made an understatement, no matter how many Hunyuan Nine Profounds came, it was no use.

This is the realm of Hunyuan?

Did not tease him.

"Could it be that this is the power of the Hunyuan that governs the three thousand realms!"

When Tongtian thought of something, his eyes lit up.

Madman Chu nodded slightly.

"I didn't expect you to be really successful, Fellow Daoist Chu."

Dominate three thousand ways.

This kind of thing is incredible.

Tongtian didn't expect that someone in this world could succeed.

If it were to dominate three thousand realms, it would not be incomprehensible that Madman Chu had this level of combat power.

Then, the Madman Chu walked with Tongtian and continued to travel within the spirit world of this great avenue, reminiscing about the past while collecting the source of the great avenue.


the other side.

In a void, a man with a sword is collecting the source of the avenue.

Suddenly, the man's figure trembled, and a cold killing intent appeared in his eyes, "Who is it that dare to kill my brother!!"

This person's name calls Dugu undefeated.

The seventh place on the Hunyuan list is also from the universe of swords, and is the elder brother of Dugukong. The two brothers are connected with each other and have mutual feelings.

At the moment Dugu died in the sky, Dugu was undefeated.

He flew into a rage, then calmed down, and immediately aroused Jian Xin to find the location of Dugukong according to the feeling in the dark.


Soon, Dugu came to Dugukong's place undefeated, and after seeing the opponent's corpse that was divided in two, his eyes were extremely red.


He carefully sensed the breath on the corpse.

"It's the sword aura...killing the person in Kong, is it a swordsman?! I remember the aura of this sword aura, I must take you away!"

Dugu Invincible has a cold tone.

The sword energy in the body ran, vented out, tearing the sky and the earth.

There are thousands of miles in a radius, and the sky is full of dust.


"Oh, Fellow Daoist Chu wants to create a power?"

After listening to Madman Chu's thoughts, Tong Tian couldn't help being surprised.


Madman Chu nodded, "Pangu Universe is among the heavens, and the overall strength is weak. If we don’t unite, I’m afraid we will be eaten away by people from other universes in the so I want to integrate. The power of the Pangu Universe in the Hongmeng Great World to cope with future changes."

He had this idea a long time ago.

And it's already being implemented.

Now when he met Tongtian, he said that the other party is one of the three clears, and in the existence of the immortal in the Pangu universe, he has extremely high prestige.

If he can join the forces he is about to create, it will definitely be able to attract other monks from the Pangu universe.

"Well, Fellow Daoist Chu has a very good idea. I support it. After I return, I will talk to the two elder brothers and visit you together at that time."

"Okay, then I am waiting for the three in Fengyu Ten Thousand Soldier City."

"The City of Ten Thousand Soldiers, that famous city of refining weapons?"

Tongtian's eyes lit up.

"Exactly, if the three of you want to refine any weapons at that time, tell me and keep them to the satisfaction of the three."

"Then I'm not welcome, my Zhuxian Four Swords just need to be upgraded. I hope that Fellow Chu will not feel sorry for the materials by then."

"Will not."

Madman Chu laughed and said, "For the materials, just ask Ou Yeruo to get it. Anyway, it's not his, so I don't feel distressed how to use it."

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