Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2003: : The lake of the avenue, the mountain of the avenue, who dares to hurt me Pangu unive

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Dadao Spirit World.

The nine long rivers of cloud and energy have been implemented from beginning to end.

And everyone is looking for the source of the avenue in this long river of clouds. Madman Chu and Tongtian have collected dozens of the source of the avenue.

"I don't know what is the end of these nine clouds."

Tongtian thought a little curiously.

"Just keep going."

Madman Chu also had some expectations.

Not just them, almost all the monks who came to this great spiritual world are looking forward to what will be at the end of this long river of clouds.

Time goes by.

Madman Chu, it took a few months to reach the sky, deepening.

In the end, what appeared in front of them was an incomparably vast lake composed of countless clouds, and in this lake, there were countless mysterious Dao gatherings, among which the golden light of the source of the Dao faintly flickered.

Just a rough sweep.

There are hundreds of thousands of sources of avenues in this lake.

And this is just outside the lake.

The deeper you go into it, the more sources of avenues inside.

This is a lake of avenues!

"This is the place where the nine long rivers of clouds gather, and it really is amazing." Madman Chu couldn't help but be surprised.

Hongmeng good fortune, mysterious and extraordinary.

"Oh my God, the source of so many avenues."

"This is the real treasure!"

"Don't fight with me, the source of these avenues is mine."

Except for Madman Chu and Tongtian, some people rushed here one after another.

When they saw the countless sources of the great road, they suddenly became a little crazy, and they rushed up, fighting and even fighting.

The blood stained this lake of avenue.

Madman Chu noticed that after the blood of the crowd fell into the lake of the avenue, it was attracted by a certain force and swept towards the center of the lake.

"It seems that there is another good fortune in the center of the lake of avenue."

Madman Chu thought to himself.

He glanced at Tongtian, and did not participate in the fight among the people, his figure flashed, turned into a stream of light, and marched towards the center of the lake.


Avenue of Lake Center.

I saw here, there are towering mountains.

These mountains, floating on the lake of the avenue.

Not only that, there are gleams of golden light on the mountain, and there are countless sources of avenues hidden inside. This is a mountain of avenues. Compared with the source of avenues on the periphery of the lake, these mountains do not know how much shocking people are.

All the monks who came here were dumbfounded.

But immediately, there was ecstasy.

"If you move one of these Dao Mountains, it will be enough for us to easily advance to the Dao Realm." A monk swallowed and said.

"Yes, everyone, don't grab it, there are so many sources of avenues here."

Some people were afraid that everyone would fight, and said quickly.

Everyone began to collect Daoshan in this place.

At the beginning, everyone was kind and friendly.

There are many sources of Taoism, and anyone can grab a handful.

But gradually, everyone discovered that the quality of these mountains is different, and some mountains contain more sources of great power and better quality.

Wouldn’t it be a waste of time to mine the inferior Daoshan by yourself?

And good things will be taken away by others?

Thinking of this, everyone's mind began to change.

"How about swapping your Daoshan with me?"

"Go away, find someone else to change it."

"It doesn't save face, do you know who I am?"

"Who cares who you are?"

"court death!"

In order to occupy a better Daoshan, everyone no longer maintained the superficial harmony, they fought one after another, and a big melee broke out.

"Huh, a bunch of stupid guys."

Zu Long Chengtao snorted coldly.

I saw a golden light flashing across his eyes, and there were mysterious runes flowing in the dragon eyes, and he began to scan the roads and mountains present.

"Compared to the source of the great avenue, the most precious thing in this spiritual world is the heart of the great avenue. It must be hidden in this certain mountain! And my dragon eye can see all things in the world and let me find it. come out!"

In addition to Zulong Chengtao.

The other evil evildoers with extraordinary origins also took actions one after another.

For them, although the source of the great avenue can also allow them to break through the great realm, how can it compare with the heart of the great avenue that can make people sublimate to the extreme?

"The heart of the avenue, I'm going to make it."

The **** hidden thought secretly.

He is also searching for the heart of the Dao with a secret method, while the others are still fighting hard to mine the Dao Mountain of better quality.

In the crowd.

There is a man and a woman, and they are trying to avoid other monks.

If there are monks from the Pangu universe here, they will definitely be able to recognize these two people, they are the two emperors of the Xiangu era, the emperor Wa and Fuxi.

"Brother, let's mine this mountain."

Emperor Wa came to a Taoist mountain.

Compared with other mountains, the appearance of this mountain looks much worse.

So not many people come to compete for this mountain.

This is also the reason why the emperor Wa chose it. In this way, some unnecessary fights can be avoided. She and her brother Fuxi, the cultivation base is not high in this Hongmeng world, and there is no backing. You need to be careful when you act.

Except besides.

The emperor Wa felt that he and this mountain seemed to have some kind of connection.

The way of good fortune in the body is resonating with it.

"Everything depends on you."

Fuxi nodded slightly.

He took out a sword and began to split the mountain to take the source of the Tao inside.

And as the mining continues to deepen.

The emperor Wa felt that his inexplicable induction became stronger.

Hum! !

At this time, a wave of mysterious fluctuations spread.

I saw a great spiritual energy bursting out of the Daoshan where the two emperors were mining, a purple brilliance flowed, and a colored crystal flew out.

The crystal was crystal clear, and waves of the Way of Good Fortune spread out in it, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

"This is... The Greatest Treasure of Hongmeng!!"

"In that inconspicuous Taoist mountain, there is actually a treasure of Hongmeng hidden! Is there any mistake, these two people are so lucky?"

When everyone looked at Emperor Wa and Fuxi, they couldn't help but feel jealous.

These people are fighting to death.

But the two emperors casually mined an inconspicuous mountain and unearthed a great treasure. Why did they feel so embarrassed?

"Sister, take the treasure and go quickly."

Fuxi noticed something was wrong with everyone present at a glance.

He asked the emperor Wa to take the treasure and leave as soon as possible.

The emperor Wa was also unambiguous. He put away the colored crystal, and his figure was about to leave in a flash, but he found that Fuxi did not follow.

The other party actually wanted to break the queen for her.

"Brother, no!"

Wa Huang's face changed.

Fuxi's cultivation is not as good as hers, how can he face so many masters?

"Hurry up."

Fuxi gave a soft drink.

Then, stepping out one step, a huge gossip map with him as the center stretched out ~ ~ instantly enveloped this world.

The gossip picture appeared, and some monks suddenly felt that they were restricted.

It was difficult to move for a while.

"How good is it."

Everyone was slightly surprised.

At this time, a terrifying aura of mixed origin erupted from a man, which condensed into the phantom of a giant golden beast in the void.

"It's Bigu from the orcs clan!"

Some people recognize the origin of the other party and can't help but be amazed.

Bigu, fifth on the Hunyuan list.

Originated from the orcs family, it is the oldest behemoth among the orcs!

"You two, neither of you can leave!"

Bigu snorted coldly, and the golden beast phantom condensed behind him punched down, violently smashing Fuxi's gossip map directly.

Fuxi was locked by Fist Jin, and it was inevitable to avoid it!


The emperor Wa exclaimed.

At this moment, a sword aura suddenly flew out in the distance, and with a bang, it tore apart the phantom of the golden beast behind Bigu, and flew him out abruptly, smashing several of them. Daoshan.

"Who dares to hurt me from the Pangu universe?!"

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