Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2008: : The incarnation of King Lan, can be cut under the king, 1 change above the king...

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The Destroyer Warrior stared at Chu Madman.

The killing intent was boiling.

With the Dragon Clan and the Celestial Clan standing on the same front with him, he now has a lot of confidence. Thinking about how fearful he was just now, it is simply detrimental to his face as a king, and the price is too low.

He is a king.

Are you afraid of a small road?

What a joke.

"Mad Chu, the general trend, today you will undoubtedly die!"

After the Destroyer Warrior finished speaking, he immediately shot.

The power of the law of Slaughter Avenue condensed into a great law hand, which instantly enveloped the Madman Chu, like a piece of heaven and earth.

In the face of this kind of offensive, under the king, there is almost no doubt that he will die!

"World Destroyer Warrior, dare you!"

The angry voice of the Goddess of Light spread throughout Hongmeng Great World.

But this can't stop the killing intent of the World Exterminating Warrior towards the Mad Man Chu.

The Demon King's eyes condensed, and he wanted to take a shot in the air, but suddenly a breath swept through most of the demon's territory, locking her down.

It is the Zulong King.

"Dragons, you are so courageous."

The Demon King squinted his eyes, revealing a cold expression.

Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

The vast hand of the law grabbed it and locked the madman of Chu.

Many people exclaimed.

"The fairy king!"

"The son!"

Everyone is worried and frightened.

Especially the monks in the Pangu universe are even more eager.

To them, Madman Chu is the savior of the Pangu universe, and their Optimus Prime, if possible, many of them are willing to die for Madman Chu, but now, they can only watch here.

This feeling of weakness and helplessness hung in everyone's heart.

At this moment, they are extremely eager to become stronger.

"Kunren Chu, just fall like that."

Guangming Zuo Tianwang murmured, compared to the rest of the worried congregation, he didn't want to see Madman Chu continue to grow like this.

This will make him very uncomfortable.

The feast between the other party and him has always been a thorn in his heart.


An icy smile appeared on the face of World Destroying Warrior.

He was full of confidence in killing Chu Madman.

If a king makes a move, if he still can't kill a great realm, then he can find a piece of tofu and hit it to death by himself.

Compared with everyone's worry and horror, the Madman Chu, who was locked by the hand of the law, had a calm look and did not panic at all.

Xiao Ai is quickly analyzing the hand of the law.

Analyze ways to resist.

However, the World Destroying Martial Master is in the realm of the emperor after all, even if the Madman Chu can survive in this palm, the next offensive will not be able to stop it.

But he had anticipated the king's move, and was not completely unprepared.

"This hole card should be used after hiding it for so long."

Madman Chu's eyes condensed.

Suddenly a streamer burst out of his body.


An earth-shattering breath spread in an instant, and the streamer hit the big hand of the law, actually smashing it abruptly.

The World Exterminating Warrior's face changed abruptly, and he looked at the streamer in amazement, "This kind of breath...couldn't it be..."

It's not just him.

All spectators couldn't help exclaiming when they saw the streamer.

It is extraordinary to be able to block the king's blow.

But more importantly, the breath revealed in this stream of light gave some monks from the last era a familiar feeling.

"This kind of nine heavens and ten earths, my domineering breath... absolutely nothing wrong, it's that guy!" Guangming Zuo Tian Wang swallowed.

The streamer bloomed in the void.

Then, the light converged, and a figure walked out slowly.


An overbearing might that seemed to be king over the world spread out, everyone looked at that figure, their pupils shrank, and couldn't help but be shocked.

That is a woman.

A graceful and exquisite woman, tall and tall, with skin like fat, collar like grub, teeth like rhinoceros, head and eyebrows, she is so beautiful.

But for such a beautiful woman, her expression was as indifferent as an iceberg of immortality, revealing a breath of suffocating majesty.

She is like a peerless empress, overlooking the world.

"Sure enough, it's her, King Lan!"

"What's the matter? How could King Lan fly out of Madman Chu?"

"I've heard that he has the Lan Wang inheritance, but is this inheritance the Lan Wang himself? This is impossible!"

Everyone looked at King Lan and was incomparably amazed.

King Lan, the king of the last Hongmeng era, is the most amazing monk in the last era, not one of them.

Regarding her deeds, it is still being recorded by the major forces.

With a talent that is outside the top 100 in the talent list, he will be crowned the king against the war!

One person stepped into the dragon clan and beat the black dragon king violently!

Fight three kings with your own power, kill one, and inflict two heavy losses!

Go deep into the forbidden ground and return unscathed!


In the void, King Formation looked at the sudden appearance of King Lan, his pupils shrank suddenly, "King Lan! She really came to Hongmeng Great World."

As one of the king sealers of the last era, he knows the horror of King Lan far better than others. Even when he sees the opponent, he is inexplicably frightened.

"No, this is not the deity of King Lan, but an incarnation!"

The king of the formation saw something and narrowed his eyes.

The rest of the forces have also seen it.

"It's just an incarnation, not the deity of King Lan."

"The breath of this avatar is extraordinary. Refining such an avatar, I'm afraid King Lan also took a lot of thought."

"This should be part of the Lan Wang inheritance acquired by the madman Chu."

"Unfortunately, the avatar is an avatar after all. Compared to a king-level figure, it is far behind. It is impossible for him to rely on this avatar to save his life."

King Lan is very powerful, yes.

But the World Destroying Martial Lord is not bad, and he is also a king.

Madman Chu wanted to use an incarnation of King Lan to deal with the opponent. This was unrealistic in everyone's eyes, and no one thought that the opponent could succeed.

"Mad Chu, you have a good card. If you are in the realm of the king, no one can help you, but I, the king!"

The World Exterminating Warrior realized that the King Lan in front of him was just an incarnation, and the power of the law of Slaughter Road flowed in his body, shaking the sky and the earth.

But Wang Lan's body also burst out with a strong breath.

The two powers collided.

The sky and the earth blasted cracks.

"King Lan, can you deal with it?"

Madman Chu looked at Wang Lan's incarnation and asked lightly.

If you can't deal with it, UU reading www., he has a post-admission!


King Lan chuckled and looked at the Destroyer Martial Master in front of him and said: "I said, under the king, this avatar can be cut..."

Can the king fail?

Everyone thought to themselves, and felt that this was also reasonable.

The Destroyer Warrior also showed a sneer.

But soon, his smile stiffened.

Because of the incarnation of King Lan in front of him, his power is constantly rising, like an endless improvement, extremely terrifying!

And King Lan continued: "Above the king... one for one!"


The aura of hundreds of thousands of miles in a radius, like Wanchuan returning to the sea, rushed towards King Lan frantically, and was sucked into the body by her with a peculiar practice!

Not only that.

The essence of plants and trees within hundreds of millions of miles, mountains, rivers, and earth have also been absorbed completely, all souls are gone, and there is no vitality!

Above the starry sky, a series of stars fell, and the grand star energy contained in it was also forcibly swallowed by King Lan to enhance the power of the incarnation.

Plunder the power of all souls and all things and bless oneself.

This kind of practice made everyone stunned.

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