Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2001: : Madman Chu is a powerful reincarnation? King Lan fights the world warlord

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Over the city of Ten Thousand Soldiers, the incarnation of King Lan appeared.

Strongly inhale the power of all souls and all things, blessing the might of the incarnation, and the horror of its power, approaching the emperor, making the pupils of the world-killing warlord shrank fiercely.

"How is this power possible?!"

An incarnation, unexpectedly can burst out the king-level combat power.

So, how powerful is the deity of King Lan? !

The Destroyer Warrior was stunned.

"This is King Lan's technique of swallowing the sky!"

The existence of the last era recognized the method used by King Lan.

The technique of swallowing the sky was created by King Lan.

Can swallow aura on a large scale, thereby enhancing your own strength.

"I remember in the last era, King Lan's sky swallowing technique can only swallow aura, but now, even the essence of vegetation, mountains and rivers, and the sun and moon of the galaxy can be swallowed. How can it be so powerful?!"

"It must be the perfection of King Lan. Compared to the last era, she is even more terrifying. The incarnation plus the sky swallowing technique can burst out the power of the king. It is unimaginable how terrifying the strength of her body should be."

"The technique of swallowing the sky...this is probably the ultimate technique!"

Many strong people are amazed.

Looking at the beautiful shadow standing in the sky and disdaining the world, there was a sense of awe and admiration in his eyes unconsciously.

Within the demons.

The Demon King looked at King Lan and couldn’t help but yawned, “I didn’t expect that I had slept for so long, and there was such an interesting character in the last era. What a pity, if I was still in the last era, I must take this People pulled into my demons and made her become my best subordinate."

The Devil King lived a long time.

There are very few people who can make her interested.

Most of the time, even the emperor is not worthy of her eyes. Only the madman Chu and Wang Lan are such amazing and stunning existences that are worthy of her attention.

Within the dragon clan.

A black dragon soared into the sky, looking at the direction of Wanbing City in the distance, his eyes were extremely cold, and the violent and furious Longwei continued to spread out.

He is the Black Dragon King.

The king-level existence of the dragon clan.

"King Lan, King Lan, you have appeared again!"

"This kind of breath... **** it, an incarnation of King Lan is so strong that I am hopeless for revenge forever?!"

The Black Dragon King was extremely angry and unwilling.

In the last epoch, the black dragon tribe had an eye-opening existence that offended King Lan, let her set foot in the territory of the black dragon, and trample him, the black dragon king, under her feet.

This is the life shame of the Black Dragon King.

He has been holding grudges in his heart, practicing painstakingly, and wanting revenge.

But now, an incarnation of King Lan can have the strength of a king, and his deity is even more unfathomable. How can he get revenge? !


"If you want to kill my master, then I can only make you fall."

Over the city of Ten Thousand Soldiers, King Lan looked at the Destroyer Martial Master and said.

And what she said shocked everyone even more.

Master of King Lan?

what's the situation?

King Lan still has a master, and the exterminator still wants to kill him?

Wait, isn't it the madman Chu who killed Shijiwu? !

Madman Chu, is Master Lan Wang?

Everyone was stunned, feeling that their heads couldn't turn around a bit, and in the void, the thoughts of powerful existence fell on Madman Chu.

Want to spy on each other.

But it was cut off by an inexplicable force.

It is a barrier to the soul. The madman Chu's soul barrier can not only defend against soul attacks, but also prevent someone from prying eyes.

"Hey, this person is indeed weird."

"But no matter how you say it, it's just a great realm. How could it be the master of King Lan? What's the secret in this?"

"Wait, I understand."

Someone's eyes lit up, "He must be the reincarnation of some top detached existence, and his previous life must be Master Lan Wang."

"Yes, it's possible."

Everyone seemed to understand everything.

In this way, everything can be explained, because the other party is reincarnated with great power, so this incredible thing can be done.

Will be called Master Lan Wangzun.

When everyone thought of this, they were extremely jealous of the Madman Chu.

"Master Lan Wang, his ability must be extraordinary. It seems that you should be careful when you encounter this person in the future."

"Moreover, King Lan respects this master very much, and even refines a powerful avatar to guard him."

"The goddess of light, the king of devil, the king of Lan, plus her own powerful reincarnation status... I thought it was a small Pangu universe monk, there is no backing, but I did not expect that this background is terrifying!"

Everyone automatically made up for the monstrous background of Madman Chu. Even the monks of the Pangu universe thought about it carefully, and they felt that Madman Chu's background was extremely terrifying.

The other party probably just happened to be reincarnated into the Pangu universe.

at this time.

The battle between King Lan and the Destroyer Warrior has already begun.

King Lan raised his hand and pointed out towards the opponent, the majestic power of Dao law turned into a galaxy, swept out!

"Devil World Devil, Absolutely Slash!"

The World Exterminating Warrior didn't dare to be careless, he roared, and the scimitar was unsheathed from his waist, and a blade of light condensed by the law of the Great Dao burst out of the air.

The galaxy, the sword light hit, the world was shaken.

Madman Chu felt the mighty power of the king, and felt his body trembling as if he were being held down by the ancient sacred mountains.

But he did not retreat, watching from the side with fiery eyes.

This is a king-level battle.

He wants to watch, maybe he can get some insights from it.

The biggest difference between the king and the great realm is that the monarch realm has a deeper control over the great road, which has evolved into the power of the law of the great road.

The law of the Great Dao has an absolute suppression on the power of the Great Dao.

Just like a king and a courtier.

This is the origin of the name of the King Realm.

Madman Chu watched the rules of King Lan and World Destroying Martial Master violently collide, and that terrifying power continuously crushed the void.

Its destructive power does not seem too scary.

Compared to the damage caused by Dao Zhizun, it seems that it is not much stronger.

However, the power fluctuations revealed in it are many times stronger than the Great Dao Supreme, just a single thread can kill the ordinary Great Dao Supreme.

This is a higher level of power.

There is a fundamental difference.

"The Devil of World Destroying, Ten Thousand Martial Supreme!"

The extinction warlord let out a long cry. UU reading

I saw that the scimitar in his hand bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and the power of the brilliant Taoism flowed out, evolving thousands of cultivation methods.

Immediately afterwards, the artistic conception of these practices merged into one.

Turned into a brilliant and dazzling peerless knife light!

In the blade light, the power of the law is extremely surging, shaking the sky and the earth!

This move is the strongest one of the World Exterminating Warrior, and its level has reached the level of the Hongmeng practice method, even if it is not weak at the Hongmeng level.

The madman of Chu also possesses several Hongmeng practices.

In terms of level, it may be comparable.

But in terms of power, what the two sides have shown are not the same.

"Sure enough, only the king can fully exert the Hongmeng practice." Madman Chu thought to himself, and then looked at King Lan.

He wanted to see how the other party could block this move.

"Big Thousand Crazy Lan!"

I saw that between King Lan raised his hand, the power exploded to the extreme, and the power of thousands of laws converged, forming an endless storm of shocking sky.

This storm tore the void.

Countless vanity fragments are like mirrors, reflecting the vast world.

The storm swept, as if to destroy the world!

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