Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2002: : The will of the monks of the Pangu universe, the world-killing warlord has fallen?

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It is like a storm that will destroy the world, and a sword that will destroy the world.

The moment the two forces collided, the mystery of their power bloomed endlessly in the sky, and the power of their laws reflected the heavens.

The light of the sword and the storm are intertwined, forming a terrifying picture of world extinction.

Everyone looked at this picture, looked at the power of the law of intertwining and collision, only felt the buzzing of their heads, which was extremely frightening.

Some monks wanted to take the opportunity to comprehend the power in it, but with a slight thought, they were shocked by the meaning of extinction contained in it, and their brains were about to explode.

"What a terrifying breath, what a terrifying kingly meaning."

"This is a confrontation at the level of kings, let alone getting closer, even if you feel the power of the laws contained in it, you have to bear huge risks."

"Yeah, it's terrible."

Some people wanted to take the opportunity to understand the power of the king's law, but they returned without success, and couldn't help shaking their heads with emotion and wondering again and again.

Everyone is full of yearning for this power.

"Look, there..."

At this time, someone exclaimed.

I saw a figure standing proudly in the distance, closer to the place where the kings confronted than anyone, and was comprehending the power of the law.

That's Madman Chu.

"Even Dao Sovereign can't bear the Dao Heart impact brought by the power of the law of perception, and he can actually be in the enlightenment without being affected!"

"Hey, it goes without saying that this person is capable of reincarnation. His previous realm may also be a king, so he can naturally understand the rule of kings."

"Wait, if he was a king before, why would he still comprehend the laws of the king? It doesn't matter to him, right?"

Suddenly someone wondered.

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback.


You are all a king, and you must have a deep understanding of the great way. As long as you slowly polish your realm, it will be sooner or later to be promoted to the king.

Why do you want to comprehend the laws of other people's kings?

This is of no use to you.

In other words, is this guy capable of reincarnation?

Everyone was puzzled again.

"Perhaps he was not a king in his previous life."

Some people guessed.

In short, there are too many mysteries about the Madman Chu.

Everyone couldn't guess how they guessed.

Simply ignore it.

On the other side, the monks of the Pangu Universe looked at the power of the law boiling in the sky, gritting their teeth and comprehending.

To perceive the laws of the king, you have to bear the coercion of the king's will.

This is a great test for Dao Xin and spirit.

But after seeing Madman Chu fighting alone, the monks of Pangu universe couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency in their hearts.

They were unwilling to let Chu Kuangren alone shelter them from the wind and rain.

They want to advance and retreat together with each other.

The premise is that they can become stronger.

For this reason, they are unwilling to give up any opportunity to become stronger. The king fights, it is rare to see, and I don't know when the next opportunity will be.

Everyone is working hard to improve themselves.

"These people are really desperate."

Ou Yeruo noticed the situation of the monks in the Pangu universe.

He saw that Emperor Wa was full of cold sweat, but still gritted his teeth, comprehending the mystery of the law. He saw that Xuantian Jiuxing, although his realm was slightly lower, was trying to comprehend again and again. Willing to give up.

He saw that the three clearings were sitting together, the whole body was flowing, and the three clearing consciousnesses were connected, resisting the meaning of the king together, and enlightening the law together.

He saw that the monks in the Pangu universe, after failing again and again, tried again and again until they fainted...

"These people will be able to move the heavens by name one day in the future."

This idea suddenly came to Ou Yeruo's mind.

He himself was frightened by this thought.

The heavens are big, and the strong are like forests.

How could it be easy to move the heavens by fame.

But Ou Yeruo looked at everyone, but felt that they might do it.

High in the sky.

The storm of destroying the world, the blade of destroying the world.

The world-destroying scene caused by the impact of the two forces shines on the heavens.


The knife light was consumed by the storm.

The power of the law of the World Destroying Warrior is ultimately difficult to resist King Lan's ultimate move. The whole person is enveloped by the storm and bears the impact of power.

Upon seeing this, King Lan raised his hand and performed the Heaven-Swallowing technique again.

The power of Zhou Tian and the stars rushed towards her in all things. With the help of this power, she urged the power of this avatar to the extreme.

"Everlasting finger!"

King Lan's eyes condensed, and a sense of extreme supremacy broke out all over his body.

The whole person is like a female emperor who is king over the world, and she is unparalleled in style.

She held her five fingers in the void, and the violent haze formed by the power of thousands of laws rose to the sky, turning into a huge finger and fell down!

This finger shocked hundreds of millions of miles.

This finger fell on the World Destroying Martial Master, causing the power of the Dao Law in his body to burst frantically, turning it into countless law fragments.

Accompanied by a scream, the body of the World Exterminating Warrior shattered!

The blood of the king stains the sky red.

A machete fell from the air, and plunged into the ground, with wisps of killing aura surrounding it, making waves of mourning.

World Exterminating Warrior...fallen!

King Lan raised his hand and shook it in the void, only to see the power of the law that escaped after the shattered body of the World Destroying Martial Master was constantly condensing in her hand.

Finally turned into a light ball full of the power of the mysterious laws.

That is...the king's heart!

Many monks looked at the king's heart with fiery eyes.

You know, if you get a king's heart, although you can't say that you can become a king 100%, it is definitely much more likely than other people.

If you get the same attributes, it will be a great fortune.

"Master, the king's will in this king's heart has been completely obliterated by me. Although it is incomplete, it is also a treasure, and it is regarded as a filial piety to you." King Lan held the king's heart in front of the madman Chu.

Everyone looked at it and was amazed.

In the last epoch, that iron-blooded female tyrant would have been so respectful to people, which is really rare.

"Incomplete King's Heart? Has it been destroyed?"

Madman Chu asked curiously.

"Although there is such a reason, but the heart of the king seems to be incomplete and has been artificially cut out. UU Reading"

King Lan frowned.

"That's really weird."

An exterminating warlord is a king, who can cut off his king's heart.

Or in other words.

This was cut by the Destroyer Warrior himself?

Madman Chu seemed to have thought of something, "Interesting, it seems that there will be a chance to meet this World Destroying Martial Master in the future."

"Master, I am outside Hongmeng, and there are still important things to do. You will wait for me for some time, and when I finish my work, you will be by your side as soon as possible."

King Lan felt a little eager.

Although she had expected it, Madman Chu's ability really surprised her.

In a short period of time, he actually provokes the Dragon Clan, the Celestial Clan, and the World Exterminating Armed Forces with three king-level forces.

Especially the Dragons, and the Celestials are the Hongmeng race.

Originally, her avatar could be used many times, and she was thinking about how she could protect the Madman Chu for a period of time, but she didn't expect Madman Chu to use it to deal with a king, and its power has now been completely exhausted.

"Heh, do it with peace of mind if you have important things. As for me, you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, I am also your master."

Madman Chu smiled faintly.

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