Start Ten Consecutive Draws and Then Invincible

Chapter 2004: : Pangu Zong, can only put down 1/10, full of confidence

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Within the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers.

The madman of Chu summoned all the people in the Pangu universe and gathered in the cave.

The crowd gathered together.

Looking at Madman Chu, everyone's eyes glowed.

"I have seen the fairy king."

"I have seen Fellow Dao Chu."

Everyone salutes to show respect.

Madman Chu also accepted the ceremony calmly. He looked at the crowd and said, "Calling everyone here, I think everyone knows what happened."

"Hongmeng big world, the situation is changeable, the waves are treacherous, and the Pangu universe is not strong among the heavens, it can even be said to be weak."

No one refuted Chu Madman's words.

They all saw the previous battle.

They couldn't deal with an absolute sword.

Not to mention, above Absolute Sword, there are still some extremely powerful Dao Sovereigns, half-step kings, and even kings who master the laws.

"Although we are weak, I believe that our potential is not weaker than anyone. If the Pangu universe wants to rise to the heavens, the Hongmeng universe is the key. It doesn't matter whether we are weak now, but the future is the key."

"In order to fight for a future, we must unite as one, so I want to create a force to deal with future variables."

When Madman Chu finished speaking, everyone bowed and saluted.

"Everything but listen to the immortal king's orders."

Madman Chu was secretly satisfied.

It seems that his prestige in the Pangu universe is still quite high.

"Friend Chu Dao, I don't know what the name of this force we created should be called?" At this time, Li Jun asked aloud.


He hasn't thought about this yet.

"Think about it together?"

"Since this was proposed by the Immortal King, this name was naturally taken by the Immortal King." Someone said, and everyone agreed.

Madman Chu nodded, "Well, then I will think about it."

On the side, Lan Yu's heart trembled.

Let the son be named?


She vaguely remembered that the son was a nameless person.

Both his own name and Chu Hong were given by the young master. He had blue eyes and wings, so he was called Lan Yu.

One is Divine Phoenix, whose whole body is red, originally called Xiao Hong, but fortunately, several elders of Xuan Tianzong stopped him, and changed his name to Chu Hong.

Thinking of Madman Chu's naming ability, Lan Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

I can only hope that the son can make some progress over the years.

Madman Chu closed his eyes, thinking hard.

Everyone is looking forward to it.


Madman Chu suddenly opened his eyes, "Let's call it Pan Gu Zong."


It comes from the Pangu universe, so is it called Panguzong?

Although there is nothing wrong.

But everyone felt a little weird.

We were looking forward to it. We thought what a resounding name we could have, but unexpectedly, it was so... ordinary.

On the contrary, Lan Yu beside him breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not a name such as Dali Sect, Potian Pavilion, and Heaven-defying Holy Land.

She coughed twice, "Pangu Sect, I think it's good, I'm all from the Pangu universe, Pangu Sect, the words are simple and concise, don't forget the fundamentals."

Madman Chu glanced at Lan Yu appreciatively.

"He who knows me, Lan Yu also."

"The son is absurd."

In fact, Lan Yu was just taking a stand, but he didn't think so much.

When the rest of them heard Lan Yu's explanation, they all felt astonished.

"so it is."

"Don't forget the fundamentals and keep the original intention. This is the reason why the immortal king took the name of Panguzong. The immortal king has never forgotten the sentient beings of the Pangu universe."

"What's more, Pangu God, who created the world and created all living beings, the immortal king takes this name, and it also means to commemorate Pangu God."

Everyone whispered to each other, and they all recognized the name of Panguzong.

I think this name is very good.

"I will wait to see the Sect Master."

Lan Yu was the first to kneel before Madman Chu.

When the others saw this, they followed suit.

"Meet the Sect Master!"

"Meet the Sect Master!"

Kuangren Chu heard that sect master, and couldn't help but miss the time when he was the sect master of Xuantian Sect.

During that time, he was busy and fulfilling.

It's a pity that Elder Ruyan is not here.

Otherwise, I can let her help take care of the affairs of the sect.

Far in the fairy world of Pangu universe.

Within the sky empire, the elder Ruyan who was approving official documents suddenly sneezed and frowned, "No, I'm already in harmony, so I still have a cold? Or is there anyone talking about me? "

Then, she looked at the mountain of official documents in front of her, and continued to examine it without tears, "It must be the damned king who has been too tired recently. I must resign after you come back. I want to go out and play!"


Ten Thousand Soldiers City.

After confirming the name of Panguzong in the cave.

The next step is to discuss the development of Pangu Sect. As a newly established sect, although there is no shortage of people, it is more important than people to develop resources. And this point, the Chu Madman has long been prepared.

I saw him between raising his hands.

One after another magnificent roads and mountains leaped out.

In this mountain, there are a large number of Tao sources, and the powerful energy fluctuations instantly fill the entire cave sky, and everyone is extremely shocked when they see it.

"This, this is the source of the avenue! There are so many sources of the avenue!"

"This is the key treasure to break through the Great Dao Realm, and it is an extremely important resource even for the characters in the Great Dao Realm."

"Compared with the crystal of Hunyuan, the source of this great avenue is not so precious."

As the number of Taoist mountains increases, the shock of everyone continues to deepen. When the sky above the cave is filled with hundreds of Taoist mountains, everyone is numb, and these Taoist mountains are enough for everyone present to cultivate to the realm of the Tao!

Kuangren Chu sighed helplessly, "It's a pity, this cave sky is not strong, so I can only put down one-tenth of Daoshan first."

Everyone looked at Madman Chu.

What did they hear just now?

Is this only one-tenth of Daoshan? ?

Is there a mistake!

The source of the avenue, they have not seen it a few times in Hongmeng Great World for so many years, not to mention the mountains of the hundreds of avenues!

And now Madman Chu tells them that this is only one-tenth?

Tongtian, Emperor Wa, and Fuxi are okay.

After all, they have been to Dadao Spirit World and have seen these things.

Seeing everyone's shocked expressions, they looked at each other and all felt the same way. They were also so shocked when they saw Madman Chu move all Daoshan.

"It's not just Daoshan, but there is a whole lake of avenues there." Tongtian couldn't help but said with emotion.

Everyone was even more confused.

What has Chu Kuangren experienced?

Some of them came to the Hongmeng Great World earlier than the mad people of Chu to explore, but most of them may not have as good a combined gain as a Taoist mountain.

How long has it been since Madman Chu came to Hongmeng Great World?

Just collected so many resources and gained the support of several kings.

They admired each other more and more.

"I will open up caves in other places in Ten Thousand Soldiers City and store these Daoshan Mountains. Then you can all enter into practice."

"In addition, the City of Ten Thousand Soldiers is a city of casting tools. As long as you have enough materials, you can find someone to help you refine new magic weapons."

Madman Chu said slowly.

The more people listened, the brighter the light in their eyes.

The resources are there.

We have weapons.

The king’s support is also available.

They are full of confidence in the development of Pangu Zong.

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